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基于 Pulsar 和 Flink 进行批流一体的弹性数据处理-Flink Forward Asia
1 .基于 Pulsar 和 Flink 进行批流一体的弹性数据处理 Elastic data processing with Apache Pulsar and Apache Flink 申毅杰 Senior Software Engineer at StreamNative
2 . 01 批流融合的处理需求 Motivation on Elastic Stream and Batch Processing Contents 02 Apache Pulsar 简介 目录 Why Apache Pulsar 03 Pulsar Flink 连接器 Pulsar Flink connector 04 未来发展 Future Directions
3 .批流融合的弹性处理需求 Motivation on Elastic Stream and Batch Processing 01
4 . 对批流融合的弹性数据处理需求 Motivation on Elastic Stream and Batch Processing 无处不在的流数据 快速发掘数据价值 计算引擎批流融合的趋势 Batch and interactive analysis, Sensors, logs from mobile app, IoT Unified / similar API for batch/interactive and stream processing, machine Organizations got better at capturing data stream processing learning, graph processing
5 . 批流融合处理的挑战 Challenges for Traditional MQs or Log Storage Systems • 云原生架构的兼容性 Compatible with cloud native architecture • 多租户管理 Multi-tenant management • 扩展性 Scalability • 数据存储组织的复杂度 Complexity in a multi-system architecture • 多系统存储维护开销 Maintenance as well as provisioning • 数据可见性问题 Visibility of data
6 .Apache Pulsar 简介 Why Apache Pulsar 02
7 .云原生的架构 Pulsar -- Cloud Native Architecture 无状态服务层 Stateless serving 数据持久层 Durable storage 7
8 . 基于分片的数据存储 Pulsar -- Segment-based Storage • Managed Ledger • Topic 的存储抽象 Storage layer for a single topic • Ledger • 单写者,追加写 Single writer, append-only • 被复制到多个 bookie 节点上 Replicated to multiple bookies
9 . 无限、廉价的数据存储 Pulsar -- Infinite Data Storage • 使用廉价存储,持久化无限数据 Reduce storage cost • 按照分片粒度将数据卸载到廉价存储中 Offloading segment to tiered storage one-by-one
10 . 有结构的数据 Pulsar – Structured Data • 内置的 Schema 注册 Built-in schema registry • 在服务器端的消息结构共识 Consensus of data at server-side • Topic 级别的消息结构 Data schema on a per-topic basis • 直接产生、消费有结构的数据 Send and receive typed message directly • Pulsar 进行消息验证 Validation • 支持消息版本的演化 Multi-version
11 . Pulsar Flink 连接器 Pulsar Flink Connector 03
12 . 连接器API Flink Pulsar Connector -- API •Read •Write val props = new Properties() val prop = new Properties() props.setProperty("service.url", ...) prop.setProperty("service.url", ...) props.setProperty("admin.url", ...) prop.setProperty("admin.url", ...) props.setProperty("partitionDiscoveryInterval prop.setProperty("flushOnCheckpoint", "true") Millis", "5000") prop.setProperty("failOnWrite", "true") props.setProperty("startingOffsets", "earliest") props.setProperty("topic", "test-sink-topic") props.setProperty("topic", "test-source-topic") stream.addSink(new FlinkPulsarSink[Row](prop, val source = new FlinkPulsarSource(props) DummyTopicKeyExtractor)) val dataStream = env.addSource(source) tEnv .connect(new Pulsar().properties(props)) .inAppendMode() .registerTableSource("pulsar-test-table")
13 . 持久化、可重放的数据源 Durable and ordered source • 故障无法避免 Failures are inevitable for engines • Task 从 checkpoint 中恢复 Tasks recover from checkpoint • Exactly-once • 基于 topic 内消息有序的特性 Based on message order in topic • 通过 Seek & read 实现 Implement based on seek and read • 通过额外的订阅避免消息被删除 Messages ”keep-alive” by subscription • 在得到 checkpoint 完成通知时移动订阅游标 Move sub cursor on commit
14 . 结构化数据存取 Processing typed records • 将 Pulsar topic 看作是一张有结构的表 Regard Pulsar as structured storage • 在任务调度期获取表 Schema 定义 Fetching schema as the first step • 将 Pulsar message (反)序列化成Row SerDe your messages into Row • 支持 avro/json/protobuf 的消息转换 Avro schema and avro/json/protobuf Message • 消息元数据转化为表的内部列 Message metadata as metadata fields • __key, __publishTime, __eventTime, __messageId, __topic
15 . Topic 和 Partition 发现 Topic/Partition discovery • 流处理作业是长时间运行的 Streaming jobs are long running • 在作业执行期间,topic 可能被添加或删除 Topics & partitions may be added on removed during a job • 阶段性检查 topic 状态 Periodically check topic for status • 每个 task 内部一个用于监控的线程 With a monitoring thread in each task
16 .未来方向 Future Directions 04
17 . 分析友好的数据组织、访问 Analytical-friendly data organizations and access method • 谓词下推 + 粗粒度索引 • 列形式组织 Segment • 更灵活的数据消费模式 Filter push down & coarse-grained index Organize segment data in columnar format More flexible data consumption mode • Segment 级别的 max、min • 针对分析型负载 Max/min at segment level Target at analytical workloads • Broker 收集,写入 • 节约磁盘带宽 Generated by brokers Save disk-bandwidth / network IO Segment 的元数据 • 节约 CPU 时间 Save CPU time Indices are generated during broker put
18 .Pulsar 社区 Pulsar Community
19 .Pulsar 社区 Pulsar Community