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OpenTSDB at Xiaomi
来自小米的 Junhong Xu 首先介绍了时序数据和 OPenTSDB,然后详细介绍了 OpenTSDB 内部的实现以及底层的存储模型,最后是他们在实践中一些比较重要的配置项以及注意的问题。第二部分详细介绍了 OpenTSDB 迁移到 Kubernetes 的实践,包括需求、整个的流程和结构,每个组件的作用和配置,他们还在此基础上把它服务化,提供一个管理系统供用户申请、使用和管理。
相比之前的物理机搭建流程,新流程的效率从几个小时缩减到几分钟。最后是一些内部使用OpenTSDB 的案例。
1 .
2 .OpenTSDB at Xiaomi Junhong Xu Software engineer@Xiaomi
3 .Agenda 1. OpenTSDB 2. OpenTSDB on Kubernetes 3. Use Cases
4 .Trend from DB-Engine
5 .Time Series Data 1. Usually arrive in chronological order 2. Almost immutable, new data is new record 3. Usually no peak, no trough 4. Data similarity
6 .What is OpenTSDB? 1. Stateless 2. Scalable: build on HBase 3. High performance 4. High level of granularity 5. Supported by Grafana Compatible with HBase 2.x since OpenTSDB 2.3.1
7 .OpenTSDB Overview 钟老板 机器环境下有安openjdk 11吗
8 .OpenTSDB Internal
9 .OpenTSDB API Path
10 .OpenTSDB UID Table in HBase
11 .OpenTSDB Row Key in HBase row key = metric(uid) + base timestamp + tag(uid)
12 .OpenTSDB Compaction
13 .OpenTSDB Configuration config name default description tsd.core.auto_create_metrics False Whether or not a data point with a new metric will assign a UID to the metric tsd.core.tag.allow_specialchars !~/ An optional list of ASCII characters allowed in metric names, tag names and tag keys above those already allowed by TSDB. Spaces are allowed. tsd.http.request.enable_chunked False Whether or not to enable incoming chunk support for the HTTP RPC tsd.http.request.max_chunk 4096 The maximum request body size to support for incoming HTTP requests when chunking is enabled. tsd.query.timeout 0 How long, in milliseconds, before canceling a running query.
14 .OpenTSDB Configuration config name default description tsd.storage.enable_compaction True Whether or not to enable compactions tsd.storage.fix_duplicates False Whether or not to accept the last written value when parsing data points with duplicate timestamps tsd.storage.hbase.data_table tsdb Name of the HBase table where data points are stored tsd.storage.hbase.scanner.maxNumRows 128 The maximum number of rows to fetch from HBase per call to the scanner's nextRows() method. tsd.storage.hbase.uid_table tsdb-uid Name of the HBase table where UID information is stored tsd.storage.hbase.zk_basedir /hbase Path under which the znode for the -ROOT- region is located
15 .OpenTSDB Configuration config name default description tsd.storage.hbase.zk_quorum localhost A comma-separated list of ZooKeeper hosts to connect to, with or without port specifiers. tsd.storage.max_tags 8 The maximum number of tags allowed per data point. tsd.storage.salt.buckets 20 The number of salt buckets used to distribute load across regions. tsd.storage.uid.width.metric 3 The width, in bytes, of metric UIDs. tsd.storage.uid.width.tagk 3 The width, in bytes, of tag name UIDs. tsd.storage.uid.width.tagv 3 The width, in bytes, of tag value UIDs. tsd.query.enable_fuzzy_filter True Whether or not to enable the FuzzyRowFilter for HBase when making queries using the explicitTags flag.
16 .OpenTSDB Kerberos Conf
17 .OpenTSDB on Kubernetes
18 . What we concern when maintaining OpenTSDB? 1. Deployment 2. Config management 3. Auto-scaling 4. Fault tolerance 5. Multi-tenancy
19 . What we concern when maintaining OpenTSDB? 1. Deployment 2. Config management 3. Auto-scaling 4. Fault tolerance-tenancy 5. Multi-tenancy
20 . Kubernetes 1. Automating deployment 2. Automating scaling 3. Automating management 4. Containerized applications So OpenTSDB benefits from Kubernetes!
21 . Why OpenTSDB is fit for Kubernetes? f f 1. Stateless 2. High Performance 3. Latency-insensitive
22 .How to build OpenTSDB on Kubernetes?
23 .ConfigMap: Decouple Conf from Image attribute name description apiVersion v1 kind ConfigMap data metadata metadata metadata.name name metadata.namespace default is ‘default’
24 .Secret:Secure Conf attribute name description apiVersion v1 kind Secret metadata metadata metadaba.name name metadata.namespace default is ‘default’ data
25 . Deployment • Pod attribute name description spec.template.metadata.labels Pod label • Quota spec.template.spec.containers[].args Container start args • Replica Set spec.template.spec.containers[].command Container start command spec.template.spec.containers[].image Image address spec.template.spec.containers[].imagePullPolicy Always spec.template.spec.containers[].resources.limits.cpu Cpu limit … …
26 . Service 1. Entry for a set of pods attribute name required description 2. Load balancer version Y v1 kind Y Service 3. Service discovery metadata Y metadata metadaba.name Y name metadata.namespace Y default is ‘default’ spec Y spec.selector[] Y Label Selector spec.type Y ClusterIP as default spec.clusterIP Service virtual IP spec.ports[] Service exposed ports spec.ports[].targetPort backend port
27 . Ingress 1. Entry from the internet attribute name description 2. Logical, no entity apiVersion extensions/v1beta1 3. HTTP/HTTPS only kind Ingress metadata metadata metadaba.name name metadata.namespace default is ‘default’ metadata.annotations spec spec.rules[] spec.rules[].host url access from internet spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend.serviceName Service name spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend.servicePort service port
28 . Ingress 1. Entry from the internet attribute name description 2. Logical, no entity apiVersion extensions/v1beta1 3. HTTP/HTTPS only kind Ingress metadata metadata metadaba.name name metadata.namespace default is ‘default’ metadata.annotations Now we have a cluster! So? spec spec.rules[] spec.rules[].host url access from internet spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend.serviceName Service name spec.rules[].http.paths[].backend.servicePort service port
29 .OpenTSDB as a Service