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Data Migration with Spark to Hive
1 .Data Migration with Spark Vineet Kumar #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit
2 .Why Data Migration? • Business requirement - Migrate Historical data into data lake for analysis - This may require some light transformation. • Data Science - This data can provide better business insight. More data -> better models -> better predictions • Enterprise Data Lake - There may be thousands of datafiles sitting in multiple source systems. • EDW - Data from EDW for archival purpose into the lake. • Standards - Store data in with some standards- For example: partition strategy, storage formats- Parquet, Avro etc.
3 .1000s of files - Text Files - XML - JSON Data Lake RDMBS - EDW - Data Archive #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit 3
4 .Migration Issues • Schema for text files - header missing or first line as a header. • Data in files is neither consistent an nor in target standard format. – Example – timestamp, Hive standard format is yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss • Over the time file structure(s) might have changed: some new columns added or removed. • There could be thousands of files with different structure- Separate ETL mapping/code for each file ??? • Target table can be partitioned or non-partitioned. • Source data size can from few megabytes to terabytes, or from a few columns to thousands of columns. • Partitioned column can be one of the existing columns or custom column based on the value passed as an argument. – partitionBy=partitionField, partitionValue=<<Value>> – Example : partitionBy=‘ingestion_date’ partitionValue=‘20190401’
5 . Data Migration Approach val sparksession = SparkSession Create Spark/Hive context .builder() .enableHiveSupport() .getOrCreate() Text Files (mydata.csv) val df = sparksession.read.format("com.databricks.spark.csv") .option("delimiter",”,") .load(“mydata.csv”) Hive Write XML Files val df = sparksession.read.format("com.databricks.spark.xml") .load(“mydata.xml”) <<transformation logic >> df.write.mode(“APPEND”). JDBC call insertInto(HivetableName) RDBMS
6 .Wait… Schema ? #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit 6
7 .XML, JSON or RDBMS sources • Schema present in the source. • Spark can automatically infer schema from the source. scala> df.columns res02: Array[String] = Array(id, name, address) Text Files – how to get schema? • File header is not present in file. • Can Infer schema, but what about column names? • Data from last couple of years and the file format has been evolved. scala> df.columns res01: Array[String] = Array(_c0, _c1, _c2)
8 .Schema for Text files • Option 1 : File header exists in first line • Option 2: File header from external file – JSON • Option 3: Create empty table corresponds to csv file structure • Option 4: define schema - StructType or Case Class
9 . Schema for CSV files : Option 3 • Create empty table corresponds to text file structure – Example – Text file : file1.csv 1|John|100 street1,NY|10/20/1974 – Create Hive structure corresponds to the file : file1_structure create table file1_raw(id:string, name:string, address:string, dob:timestamp) – Map Dataframe columns with the structure from previous step val hiveSchema = sparksession.sql("select * from file1_raw where 1=0") val dfColumns = hiveSchema.schema.fieldNames.toList // You should check if column count is same before mapping it val textFileWithSchemaDF = df.toDF(dfColumns: _*)
10 .Before - Column Names : scala> df.show() +---+-----+--------------+----------+ |_c0| _c1| _c2| _c3| +---+-----+--------------+----------+ | 1| John|100 street1,NY|10/20/1975| | 2|Chris|Main Street,KY|10/20/1975| | 3|Marry|park Avenue,TN|10/20/1975| +---+-----+--------------+----------+ After : scala> df2.show() +---+-----+--------------+----------+ |id| name| address| dob| +---+-----+--------------+----------+ | 1| John|100 street1,NY|10/20/1975| | 2|Chris|Main Street,KY|10/20/1975| | 3|Marry|park Avenue,TN|10/20/1975| +---+-----+--------------+----------+
11 .Dates/timestamp ? • Historical files - Date format can change over time. Files from year 2004: 1|John|100 street1,NY|10/20/1974 Date format changed 2|Chris|Main Street,KY|10/01/1975 3|Marry|park Avenue,TN|11/10/1972 … … Files from year 2018 onwards: 1|John|100 street1,NY|1975-10-02 2|Chris|Main Street,KY|2010-11-20|Louisville New columns added 3|Marry|park Avenue,TN|2018-04-01 10:20:01.001 Files have different formats: File1- dd/mm/yyyy File2 – mm/dd/yyyy File3 – yyyy/mm/dd:hh24:mi:ss Same file but different date format ….
12 .Timestamp columns • Target Hive Table: id: int, name string, Timestamp Column – Can be at any dob timestamp, location in target table. Find these first address string, move_in_date timestamp, rent_due_date timestamp PARTITION COLUMNS… for (i <- 0 to (hiveSchemaArray.length - 1)) { hiveschemaArray.toString.contains("Timestamp") }
13 .Transformation for Timestamp data • Hive timestamp format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss • Create UDF to return valid date format. Input can be in any formats val getHiveDateFormatUDF=udf(getValidDateFormat) 10/12/2019 getHiveDateFormatUDF 2019-10-12 00:00:00
14 .UDF Logic for Date transformation import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException) val inputFormats=Array(“MM/dd/yyyy”, ”yyyyMMdd”, …….) This can build from a file as an argument val validHiveFormat= DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”) val inputDate=“10/12/2019” Parameter to a function for (format <- inputFormats) { try { val dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(format) val newDate= LocalDateTime.parse(inputDate, dateFormat) newDate.format(validHiveFormat) } catch e : DateTimeParseException =>null }
15 .Date transformation – Hive format • Find columns with timestamp data type and apply udf on those columns for (i <- 0 to (hiveSchemaArray.length - 1)) { if (hiveschemaArray(i).toString.contains("Timestamp")) { val field=schemaArray(i).toString.replace("StructField(","").split(",")(0) val tempfield = field + "_tmp" val tempdf = df.withColumn(tempfield,getHiveDateFormatUDF(col(field))) .drop(field).withColumnRenamed(tempfied, field) val newdf = tempdf }
16 .Before applying UDF : scala> df2.show() +---+-----+--------------+----------+ |id| name| address| dob| +---+-----+--------------+----------+ | 1| John|100 street1,NY|10/20/1975| | 2|Chris|Main Street,KY|10/20/1975| | 3|Marry|park Avenue,TN|10/20/1975| +---+-----+--------------+----------+ After applying date UDF : scala> newDF.show() +---+-----+--------------+----------+ |id| name| address| dob| +---+-----+--------------+----------+ | 1| John|100 street1,NY|1975-10-20 00:00:00| | 2|Chris|Main Street,KY|1975-10-20 00:00:00| | 3|Marry|park Avenue,TN|1975-10-20 00:00:00| +---+-----+--------------+----------+
17 .Column/Data Element Position File format Hive structure Id :int Id :int Name: string Address: string Address: string Name: string Dob: string Dob: timestamp • Spark Dataframe(df) format from text file: name at position 2, address at position 3 id| name| address| dob -------------------------------- 1|John|100 street1,NY|10/20/1974 df.write.mode(“APPEND”).insertInto(HivetableName) Or val query = ”INSERT OVERWRITE INTO hivetable SELECT * FROM textFileDF“ Sparksession.sql(query) • Hive table format : address at position 2 • name switched to address, and address to name id| address| name| dob ---------------------------------------------------------- 1,John, 100 stree1 NY, Null
18 .Column/Data Element Position • Relational world INSERT INTO hivetable(id,name,address) SELECT id,name,address from <<textFiledataFrame>> • Read target hive table structure and column position. //Get the Hive columns with position from target table val hiveTableColumns= sparksession.sql("select * from hivetable where 1=0").columns val columns = hiveTableColumns.map(x=> col(x)) // select columns source data frame and insert into target table. dfnew.select(columns:_*).write.mode(“APPEND”).insertInto(tableName)
19 .Partitioned Table. • Target Hive tables can be partitioned or non-partitioned. newDF.select(columns:_*).write.mode(“APPEND”).insertInto(tableName) • Partitioned by daily, monthly or hourly. • Partitioned with different columns. Example: Hivetable1 – Frequency daily – partition column – load_date Hivetable2 – Frequency monthly – partition column – load_month • Add partitioned column as last column before inserting into hive newDF2 = newDF.withColumn(“load_date", lit(current_timestamp()))
20 .Partitioned Table. • Partition column is one of the existing field from the file. val hiveTableColumns= sparksession.sql("select * from hivetable where1=0").columns val columns = hiveTableColumns.map(x=> col(x)) newDF.select(columns:_*).write.mode(“APPEND”).insertInto(tableName) • Partition is based on custom field and value passed as an argument from the command line. spark2-submit arguments : partionBy=“field1”, partitionValue=“1100” • Add Partition column as a last column in Dataframe newDF2 = newDF.withColumn(partitionBy.trim().toLowerCase(), lit(partitionValue)) • Final step: before inserting into hive table newDF2.select(columns:_*).write.mode(“APPEND”).insertInto(tableName)
21 .Performance: Cluster Resources • Migration runs in it’s own Yarn Pool • Large (Files Size >10GB, or with 1000+ Columns) # repartition size = min(fileSize(MB)/256,50) # executors # Executor-cores # executor-size • Medium(File Size : 1 – 10GB, or with < 1000 Columns) # repartition size = min(fileSize(MB)/256,20) # executors # executor-cores # executor-size • Small # executors # Executor-cores # executor-size
22 .Data Pipeline Dataframe Apply schema on Dataframe from Hive table corresponds to text file Read datafile Perform transformation- timestamp conversion etc Parquet table Add partitioned column to Dataframe Write to Hive table #UnifiedAnalytics #SparkAISummit 22