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Neo4j Morpheus: Interweaving Table and Graph Data with SQL and Cypher in Apache
1 .WIFI SSID:SparkAISummit | Password: UnifiedAnalytics
2 .Morpheus
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7 .https://db-engines.com/en/ranking_categories
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10 .Node ● Represents an entity within the graph ● Can have labels Relationship ● Connects a start node with an end node ● Has one type Property ● Describes a node/relationship: e.g. name, age, weight etc ● Key-value pair: String key; typed value (string, number, bool, list, ...)
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12 .Property graph view of data mirrors conceptual view ○ Entities and relationships, with attributes ○ Nodes and relationships, with properties Graph queries are concise and visual (ASCII Art) MATCH (c:Customer)-[:BOUGHT]-(p:Product) RETURN c.id, p.id Network algorithms run over graphs → Graphs enhance data engineering and science
13 . Tables Graphs PostgreSQL, Transactional Oracle, Neo4j SQLServer Data Integration & Analytics Spark SQL Morpheus
14 .Spark is an immutable data processing engine ○ Spark graphs are compositions of tables (DFs) ○ Spark graphs can be transformed and combined ○ Functions (including queries) over multiple graphs ○ Cypher query plans mapped to Catalyst Neo4j is a native transactional CRUD database ○ Neo4j graphs use a native graph data representation ○ Neo4j has optimized in-process MT graph algos ○ Morpheus helps move data in and out of Neo4j
15 .Graphs and tables are both useful data models ○ Finding paths and subgraphs, and transforming graphs ○ Viewing, aggregating and ordering values The Morpheus project parallels Spark SQL ○ PropertyGraph type (composed of DataFrames) ○ Catalog of graph data sources, named graphs, views, ○ Cypher query language A CypherSession adds graphs to a SparkSession
16 .● Data integration ○ Integrate (non-)graphy data from multiple, heterogeneous data sources into one or more property graphs ● Distributed Cypher execution ○ OLAP-style graph analytics ● Data science ○ Integration with other Spark libraries ○ Feature extraction using Neo4j Graph Algorithms
17 . Pathfinding Centrality / Community & Search Importance Detection Finds optimal paths Determines the Detects group or evaluates route importance of distinct clustering or partition availability and quality nodes in the network options Estimates the likelihood of nodes forming a Evaluates how future relationship alike nodes are Link Prediction Similarity
18 . Hive, DF, JDBC TABLES PROPERTY GRAPH SUB- composing Morpheus DataFrames GRAPH SOURCES FS snapshot
19 . DataFrame Driving Table Property Property Property Graph Cypher Graph Result Cypher Graph Result QUERY QUERY Cypher DataFrame QUERY Table Result
20 .Property Property Graph GRAPH Graph ALGOS ANALYSIS DataFrame DataFrame toolsets
21 . SUBGRAPH Property Graph Morpheus STORE FS snapshot
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23 .Cypher 9 is the latest full version of openCypher ○ Implemented in Neo4j 3.5 ○ Includes date/time types and functions ○ Implemented in whole/part by six other vendors ○ Several other partial and research implementations ○ Cypher for Gremlin is another openCypher project
24 .Cypher is a full CRUD language ← OLTP database ○ RETURNs only tabular results: not composable ○ Results can include graph elements (paths, relationships, nodes) or property values Morpheus implements most of read-only Cypher ○ No MERGE or DELETE ○ Spark immutable data + transformations
25 .Cypher 10 proposes Multiple Graph features ○ Multiple Graph CIP: https://git.io/fjmrx Allows for Cypher Query composition ○ Similar to chaining transformations on DataFrames Support Graph Catalog for managing Graphs ○ Analogous to Spark SQL catalog Query support for Graph Construction
26 . Input: a property graph Output: a table FROM GRAPH socialNetwork MATCH ({name: 'Dan'})-[:FRIEND*2]->(foaf) RETURN toUpper(foaf.name) AS name ORDER BY name DESC Language features available in Morpheus
27 . Input: a property graph Output: a property graph FROM GRAPH socialNetwork MATCH (p:Person)-[:FRIEND*2]->(foaf) WHERE NOT (p)-[:FRIEND]->(foaf) CONSTRUCT CREATE (p)-[:POSSIBLE_FRIEND]->(foaf) RETURN GRAPH Language features available in Morpheus
28 . Input: property graphs Output: a property graph FROM GRAPH socialNetwork MATCH (p:Person) FROM GRAPH products MATCH (c:Customer) WHERE p.email = c.email CONSTRUCT ON socialNetwork, products CREATE (p)-[:IS]->(c) RETURN GRAPH Language features available in Morpheus
29 . Input: property graphs Output: a property graph CATALOG CREATE VIEW youngFriends($inGraph){ FROM GRAPH $inGraph MATCH (p1:Person)-[r]->(p2:Person) WHERE p1.age < 25 AND p2.age < 25 CONSTRUCT CREATE (p1)-[COPY OF r]->(p2) RETURN GRAPH } Language features available in Morpheus