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Why Two Sigma Contributes to Open Source
1 . www.twosigma.com Why Two Sigma Contributes to Open Source Julia Meinwald Two Sigma Investments October 11, 2018
2 .Disclaimer This document is being distributed for informational and educational purposes only and is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities or other instruments. The information contained herein is not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for, investment advice. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of Two Sigma Investments, LP or any of its affiliates (collectively, “Two Sigma”). Such views reflect the assumptions of the author(s) of the document and are subject to change without notice. The document may employ data derived from third-party sources. No representation is made by Two Sigma as to the accuracy of such information and the use of such information in no way implies an endorsement of the source of such information or its validity. The copyrights and/or trademarks in some of the images, logos or other material used herein may be owned by entities other than Two Sigma. If so, such copyrights and/or trademarks are most likely owned by the entity that created the material and are used purely for identification and comment as fair use under international copyright and/or trademark laws. Use of such image, copyright or trademark does not imply any association with such organization (or endorsement of such organization) by Two Sigma, nor vice versa.
3 .About Me
4 .Oh, hello! October 11, 2018
5 .How I got here October 11, 2018
6 .Can we really do that? October 11, 2018
7 .What do the next 20 minutes hold? • Why is OSS scary? • Why is OSS worth it? • Lessons learned • How Two Sigma is trying to help October 11 , 2018
8 .Two Sigma and Open Source: A Brief History Preliminary OSS Formal OSS approval IP Steering Committee process launched Phillip Cloud Afshin Darian meetings formed joins TS joins TS Open Source Legal entity Committee Established Jeff Reback TSOS established joins TS 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Collaboration Waiter open Major commits to Marbles open Beaker open Satellite open Cook open Flint open BeakerX With Jupyter sourced Apache Spark sourced sourced sourced sourced sourced pivot team October 11, 2018
9 .Why Contribute?
10 .Why Contribute? Risk Reward October 11, 2018
11 .Why Contribute? #1: Leveraging other people’s work #2: Shaping the ecosystem #3: Avoiding isolation #4: Being cool #5: Building your legacy #6: Making the world a better place October 11, 2018
12 .#1 - Leveraging Other People’s Work I’m standing on the shoulders of giants! Cool October 11, 2018
13 .#2 - Shape the Products/Ecosystem October 11, 2018
14 .#3 - Avoid Isolation October 11, 2018
15 .#4 - Be Cool October 11, 2018
16 .#5 - Build Your Legacy October 11, 2018
17 .#6 - Make the World Better October 11, 2018
18 .Lessons Learned
19 .Lessons Learned: Beaker Notebook October 11, 2018
20 .Lessons Learned: Beaker Notebook vs. Project Jupyter Wow, you’re Thanx popular October 11, 2018
21 .Lessons Learned: Beaker BeakerX October 11, 2018
23 .Lessons Learned: Building Community is Hard Sure! Can I come hang? October 11, 2018
24 .Lessons Learned: The Urge to Merge October 11, 2018
25 .Lessons Learned: Satellite Satellite October 11, 2018
26 .Lessons Learned: Spark October 11, 2018
27 .Lessons Learned: Flint Flint October 11, 2018
28 .OSS, I need you!
29 .A Day Without Open Source October 11, 2018