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Streaming Analytics for Financial Enterprises
Streaming Analytics (or Fast Data processing) is becoming an increasingly popular subject in the financial sector. There are two main reasons for this development. First, more and more data has to be analyze in real-time to prevent fraud; all transactions that are being processed by banks have to pass and ever-growing number of tests to make sure that the money is coming from and going to legitimate sources. Second, customers want to have friction-less mobile experiences while managing their money, such as immediate notifications and personal advise based on their online behavior and other users’ actions.
A typical streaming analytics solution follows a ‘pipes and filters’ pattern that consists of three main steps: detecting patterns on raw event data (Complex Event Processing), evaluating the outcomes with the aid of business rules and machine learning algorithms, and deciding on the next action. At the core of this architecture is the execution of predictive models that operate on enormous amounts of never-ending data streams.
In this talk, I’ll present an architecture for streaming analytics solutions that covers many use cases that follow this pattern: actionable insights, fraud detection, log parsing, traffic analysis, factory data, the IoT, and others. I’ll go through a few architecture challenges that will arise when dealing with streaming data, such as latency issues, event time vs server time, and exactly-once processing. The solution is build on the KISSS stack: Kafka, Ignite, and Spark Structured Streaming. The solution is open source and available on GitHub.
1 . STREAMING ANALYTICS FOR FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES Bas Geerdink | October 16, 2019 | Spark + AI Summit
2 . WHO AM I? { "name": "Bas Geerdink", "role": "Technology Lead", "background": ["Artificial Intelligence", "Informatics"], "mixins": ["Software engineering", "Architecture", "Management", "Innovation"], "twitter": "@bgeerdink", "linked_in": "bgeerdink" }
3 . AGENDA 1. Fast Data in Finance 2. Architecture and Technology 3. Deep dive: Event Time, Windows, and Watermarks Model scoring 4. Wrap-up
4 .BIG DATA Volume Variety Velocity
5 . FAST DATA USE CASES Sector Data source Pattern Noti cation Finance Payment data Fraud detection Block money transfer Finance Clicks and page Trend analysis Actionable insights visits Insurance Page visits Customer is stuck in a web Chat window form Healthcare Patient data Heart failure Alert doctor Traf c Cars passing Traf c jam Update route info Internet of Machine logs System failure Alert to sys admin Things
6 . FAST DATA PATTERN The common pattern in all these scenarios: 1. Detect pattern by combining data (CEP) 2. Determine relevancy (ML) 3. Produce follow-up action
8 . THE SOFTWARE STACK Data stream storage: Kafka Persisting cache, rules, models, and con g: Cassandra or Ignite Stream processing: Spark Structured Streaming Model scoring: PMML and Openscoring.io
12 . SPARK-KAFKA INTEGRATION A Fast Data application is a running job that processes events in a data store (Kafka) Jobs can be deployed as ever-running pieces of software in a big data cluster (Spark)
13 . SPARK-KAFKA INTEGRATION A Fast Data application is a running job that processes events in a data store (Kafka) Jobs can be deployed as ever-running pieces of software in a big data cluster (Spark) The basic pattern of a job is: Connect to the stream and consume events Group and gather events (windowing) Perform analysis (aggregation) on each window Write the result to another stream (sink)
14 . PARALLELISM To get high throughput, we have to process the events in parallel Parallelism can be con gured on cluster level (YARN) and on job level (number of worker threads) val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[8]") .setAppName("FraudNumberOfTransactions") ./bin/spark-submit --name "LowMoneyAlert" --master local[4] --conf "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true" --conf "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=2" styx.jar
15 . HELLO SPEED! // connect to Spark val spark = SparkSession .builder .config(conf) .getOrCreate() // for using DataFrames import spark.sqlContext.implicits._ // get the data from Kafka: subscribe to topic val df = spark .readStream .format("kafka") .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092") .option("subscribe", "transactions") .option("startingOffsets", "latest") .load()
16 . EVENT TIME Events occur at certain time ... and are processed later
17 . EVENT TIME Events occur at certain time ⇛ event time ... and are processed later ⇛ processing time
18 . EVENT TIME Events occur at certain time ⇛ event time ... and are processed later ⇛ processing time
20 . WINDOWS In processing in nite streams, we usually look at a time window A windows can be considered as a bucket of time
21 . WINDOWS In processing in nite streams, we usually look at a time window A windows can be considered as a bucket of time There are different types of windows: Sliding window Tumbling window Session window
23 . WINDOW CONSIDERATIONS Size: large windows lead to big state and long calculations Number: many windows (e.g. sliding, session) lead to more calculations Evaluation: do all calculations within one window, or keep a cache across multiple windows (e.g. when comparing windows, like in trend analysis) Timing: events for a window can appear early or late
24 . WINDOWS Example: sliding window of 1 day, evaluated every 15 minutes over the eld 'customer_id'. The event time is stored in the eld 'transaction_time' // aggregate, produces a sql.DataFrame val windowedTransactions = transactionStream .groupBy( window($"transaction_time", "1 day", "15 minutes"), $"customer_id") .agg(count("t_id") as "count", $"customer_id", $"window.end")
25 . WATERMARKS Watermarks are timestamps that trigger the computation of the window They are generated at a time that allows a bit of slack for late events
26 . WATERMARKS Watermarks are timestamps that trigger the computation of the window They are generated at a time that allows a bit of slack for late events Any event that reaches the processor later than the watermark, but with an event time that should belong to the former window, is ignored
27 . EVENT TIME AND WATERMARKS Example: sliding window of 60 seconds, evaluated every 30 seconds. The watermark is set at 1 second, giving all events some time to arrive. val windowedTransactions = transactionStream .withWatermark("created_at", "1 second") .groupBy( window($"transaction_time", "60 seconds", "30 seconds"), $"customer_id") .agg(...) // e.g. count/sum/...
28 .FAULT-TOLERANCE AND CHECKPOINTING Data is in one of three stages: Unprocessed In transit Processed
29 .FAULT-TOLERANCE AND CHECKPOINTING Data is in one of three stages: Unprocessed ⇛ Kafka consumers provide offsets that guarantee no data loss for unprocessed data In transit ⇛ data can be preserved in a checkpoint, to reload and replay it after a crash Processed ⇛ Kafka provides an acknowledgement once data is written