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Spark SQL优化实践
1 .Intel Spark SQL Optimizations and The Future Jiajia Li (jiajia.li@intel.com )
2 .Agenda • Challenges in Spark SQL High Performance • Adaptive Execution • Spark Light 2
3 .Shuffle Partition Challenge • Partition Num Too Small:Spill, GC, OOM • Partition Num Too Large:Scheduling overhead. More IO requests. Too many small output files • Partition Num P = spark.sql.shuffle.partition (200 by default) • The same Shuffle Partition number doesn’t fit for each query • The same Shuffle Partition number doesn’t fit for all Stages 3
4 .BroadcastJoin vs. SortMergeJoin • spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold is 10 MB by default • For complex queries, a Join may takes intermediate results as inputs. At planning phase, Spark SQL doesn’t know the exact size and plans it to SortMergeJoin. 4
5 .Data Skew in Join • Data in some partitions are extremely larger than other partitions. • Data skew is a common source of slowness for Shuffle Joins. • Ways to Handle Skewed Join with limitation: • Increase shuffle partition number => Rows share the same key? • Increase BroadcastJoin threashold to change Shuffle Join to Broadcast Join => Network overhead • Add prefix to the skewed keys => Require many manual efforts 5
6 .Join Reordering Challenge • CBO? • CBO relies on detailed statistics to optimize a query plan, to collect these statistics, users should run the new SQL commands. 6
7 .Agenda • Challenges in Spark SQL High Performance • Adaptive Execution • Spark Light 7
8 . Adaptive Execution Architecture DAG of RDDs Execution Plan FileScan Shuffled RDD Execute the Stages RDD RowRDD Stage RDD SortMerge Join FileScan Shuffled RDD RDD RowRDD Stage Stage Sort Sort QueryStage QueryStage Exchange Exchange Divide the plan into (a) Execute ChildStages DAG of RDDs multiple QueryStages SortMerge (b) Optimize the plan Broadcast Join (c) Determine Reducer num LocalShu Join ffledRDD RDD … … Stage Sort Sort QueryStage Broadcast Input Exchange Size=100GB Execute the Stage QueryStage QueryStage QueryStage Input Input Input ChildStage ChildStage Size=5MB 8
9 .Auto Setting the Number of Reducers • 5 initial reducer partitions with size [70 MB, 30 MB, 20 MB, 10 MB, 50 MB] • Set target size per reducer = 64 MB. At runtime, we use 3 actual reducers. • Also support setting target row count per reducer. Map Map Reduce Reduce Reduce Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Partition 0 Partition 0 Partition 1 (30MB) Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 0 Partition 2 Parition 4 Partition 2 Partition 2 (70MB) (20 MB) (50 MB) Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 4 Partition 4 (10 MB) 9
10 .Shuffle Join => Broadcast Join QueryStage • T1 and T3 < broadcast threshold SortMerge Join2 • T2 > broadcast threshold • In this case, both Join1 and Join2 QueryStage SortMerge are changed to broadcast join Join1 Input (child stage) T3 QueryStage QueryStage Input Input (child stage) (child stage) T1 T2 10
11 .Remote Shuffle Read => Local Shuffle Read task1 Task2 Task3 A0 B0 Task4 Task5 Reduce tasks on Node 1 Reduce tasks on Node 2 Map output on Node 1 Remote Shuffle Read A1 B1 task 1 task 2 Map output on Node 2 Reduce tasks on Node 1 Reduce tasks on Node 2 Local Shuffle Read 11
12 .Skewed Partition Detection at Runtime • After executing child stages, we calculate the data size and row count of each partition from MapStaus. • A partition is skewed if its data size or row count is N times larger than the median, and also larger than a pre-defined threshold. 12
13 .Handling Skewed Join Table A (Parition 0 is skewed) Table B Map 0 Map 0 A0-0 Shuffle Read Join B0 Map 1 Shuffle Read Map 1 A0-1 Join Map 2 Map 2 …… Use N tasks instead of 1 task to join the data in Partition 0. The join result = …… …… A0-N Union (A0-0 Join B0, A0-1 Join B0, … , A0-N Join B0) 13
14 .Auto Setting the Shuffle Partition Number • Less scheduler overhead and task startup time. • Less disk IO requests. • Less data are written to disk because more data are aggregatd. Partition Number 10976 (q30) Partition Number changed to 1084 and 1079 at runtime. (q30) 14
15 .SortMergeJoin -> BroadcastJoin at Runtime • Eliminate the data skew and straggler in SortMergeJoin • Remote shuffle read -> local shuffle read. • Random IO read -> Sequence IO read SortMergeJoin (q8): BroadcastJoin (q8 Adaptive Execution): 15
16 .Summary • Adaptively determine reducer number • Join strategy selection at runtime • Handle skewed Join at runtime • https://github.com/Intel-bigdata/spark-adaptive 16
17 .Agenda • Challenges in Spark SQL High Performance • Adaptive Execution • Spark Light 17
18 .Background • Handle shuffle parallelism on map(shuffle write) + reducer(shuffle read) side ? • Join Reorder? • SMJ => BHJ in planning phase? • Can we optimize the execution plan based on the historical runtime statistics ? 18
19 . History Statistics Collection Framework • Collects table level statistics Number of rows, size in bytes Table Type: Fact/Dimension … • Collects shuffle operation statistics Shuffle ID Inputs Outputs Cost time … 19
20 .BroadcastJoin vs. SortMergeJoin • Broadcast Criterion: whether one join side’s size is small than threshold. JOIN 0.01 million SCAN t1 FILTER 1 billion SCAN t2 10 billion Left Input Right Input SMJ ➔ BHJ 20
21 .Determine Shuffle Parallelism reduced I/O… Reduce shuffle write and read time Map Task 1 Map Task 2 Map Task 3 Partition 0 Partition 0 Partition 0 Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 4 Partition 4 Partition 4 Reduce Task 1 Reduce Task 2 Reduce Task 3 Reduce Task 4 Reduce Task 5 Partition 0 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 4 21
22 .Build Side Selection • For two-way hash joins, we need to choose one operand as build side and the other as probe side. • Choose lower-cost child as build side of hash join. JOIN Filter Table2 1 million records 100 million records 3 billion records Table2 22
23 . Join Reordering 500 million 500 million JOIN JOIN 2.5 billion 0.1 million 2.5 billion 500 million 10 million JOIN SCAN: date_dim 80% less data JOIN FILTER 12 million 10 million FILTER SCAN: customer 3 billion 12 million 3 billion 0.1 million SCAN: store_sales SCAN: customer SCAN: store_sales SCAN: date_dim 23
24 .Data Distribution Rows Rows Rows Time Time Time Ratio Distribution Fixed Distribution Unknow Distribution 24
25 .Thank YOU
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