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1 .What's New in TiDB 3.0
2 . Data Diagnosis DM Master Migration Lightning Backup & Recovery TiDB Vision Monitoring Upstream DM Worker DM Worker KV Importer KV Dumper TiDB Insight Database Schrodinger TiKV TiKV Spark Driver TiDB MySQL Protocol Application via DistSQL API TiKV TiKV Worker TiDB DistSQL API Spark SQL KV API TiFlash TiFlash Worker ... TiDB ... Worker PD PD PD ... TiDB Binlog PD Cluster Spark Cluster Pump Pump Pump Downstream Database Drainer ... TiDB Operator TiDB Ansible PingCAP.com
3 .Part I - Storage Engine
4 .多线程 Raft 状态机(1/3)
5 .多线程 Raft 状态机(2/3)
6 .多线程 Raft 状态机(3/3)
7 .Batch Message (1/3) ● gRPC ○ Google 出品 ○ 功能丰富 ○ 性能尚可 PingCAP.com
8 .Batch Message (2/3) PingCAP.com
9 .Batch Message (3/3) PingCAP.com
10 .Titan ● 解决 RocksDB 写放大问题 ● 大 Value 移出 LSM Tree PingCAP.com
11 .Titan (1/3)
12 .Titan (2/3)
13 .Titan (3/3)
14 .Hibernate region ● Inactive regions can still consume a lot of CPU usages ○ tick, log gc routine ○ 220k regions PingCAP.com
15 .Part II - SQL Layer
16 .Parallel Operators
17 .Query Execution Tracing
18 .Query Plan Management
19 .Others ● Roles Based Access Control (RBAC) ● Plugin Framework ● Table Partition:Range/Hash ○ Whitelist ○ Audit Log ● Restore Dropped Table ● Fast Analyze ● Slow Query ○ 300 million rows:7min 54s VS 6s ○ Log format ● Incremental Analyze ○ INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SLOW_QUERY ● Memory Tracking
20 .Part III - Benchmarks
21 .Sysbench: Point Query
22 .Sysbench:Update Index
23 .TPC-C
24 .Part IV - TiFlash
25 .TiFlash Architecture 0.5 Spark Cluster TiSpark TiSpark TiDB TiDB Worker Worker TiFlash Node 2 TiFlash Node 1 TiKV Node 1 TiKV Node 2 TiKV Node 3 Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Region 1 Region 4 Region 2 Region 2 Region 3 Region 3 Region 3 Region 2 Region 4 Region 4 Region 1 Region 1 TiFlash Extension Cluster TiKV Cluster
26 .TiFlash Architecture 1.0 SELECT AVG(s.price) FROM prod p, sales s TiDB WHERE p.pid = s.pid / AND p.batch_id = ‘B1328’; TiSpark Index Scan(batch_id = B1328) TableScan(price,pid) TiFlash Node 2 TiFlash Node 1 TiKV Node 1 TiKV Node 2 TiKV Node 3 Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Region 1 Region 4 Region 2 Region 2 Region 3 Region 3 Region 3 Region 2 Region 4 Region 4 Region 1 Region 1 TiFlash Extension Cluster TiKV Cluster
27 .Thank You! Any Questions ? 关注 PingCAP 官方微信 了解更多技术干货