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A Study of LSM Tree
1 .A Study of LSM-Tree 林金河
2 .Applications of LSM-Tree ❏ NoSQL ❏ Bigtable ❏ HBase ❏ Cassandra ❏ Scylla ❏ MongoDB ❏ Storage Engine ❏ LevelDB ❏ RocksDB ❏ MyRocks ❏ NewSQL ❏ TiDB(TiKV) ❏ CockroachDB
3 .Beginning of LSM-Tree ❏ 1996: The Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM-Tree) ❏ Memory is small ❏ Disk is slow for random access(r/w) ❏ Originally designed for fast-growing History table ❏ Data and indexes ❏ Write heavy ❏ Read sparse
4 .Beginning of LSM-Tree ❏ Out-of-place update ❏ Optimized for write ❏ Sacrifice read ❏ Not optimized for space ❏ Require data reorganization (merge/compaction)
5 .Modern Structure of LSM-Tree ❏ Read ❏ Point Query ❏ Range Query ❏ Write(Insert/Delete/Update) ❏ Compaction ❏ Leveled ❏ Tired
6 .Point Query ❏ Returns immediately when something found ❏ Read amplification, worst-case I/O: 2 * (N - 1 + files num of level-0) ❏ Optimization ❏ Page cache/Block cache ❏ Bloom filter
7 .Bloom Filter ❏ Simple ❏ Space-efficient ❏ False positive is possible, buf false negative is impossible ❏ Range query is not supported
8 .Range Query SELECT * FROM t WHERE key >= 23 AND key < 40; for (itr->Seek(23); itr->Valid(); itr->Next()) { if (itr->key() < 40) { ... } else ... } ❏ Must seek every sorted run ❏ Bloom filter not support range query ❏ Optimization ❏ Parallel Seeks ❏ Prefix bloom filter(RocksDB) ❏ SuRF (SIGMOD 2018)
9 .SuRF: Succinct Range Filter ❏ SuRF: Practical Range Query Filtering with Fast Succinct Tries ❏ Fast Succinct Tries ❏ Level-Ordered Unary Degree Sequence ❏ LOUDS-Dense ❏ The upper levels using a fast bitmap-based encoding scheme. ❏ Choosing performance over space. ❏ LOUDS-Sparse ❏ The lower levels using the space-efficient encoding scheme. ❏ Choosing space over performance. ❏ LOUDS-DS
10 .SuRF: Succinct Range Filter ❏ Trie => SuRF-Base => SuRF-Hash/SuRF-Real ❏ Example: (“SIGAI”, “SIGMOD”, “SIGOPS”)
11 .SuRF: Succinct Range Filter
12 .Read Operation Summary ❏ Read amplification ⇒ Use filters to reduce unnecessary I/O ❏ Space-efficient ❏ Lookup performance ❏ Low false positive, no false negative ❏ Bloom filter/Prefix bloom filter ❏ SuRF ❏ Others: Cuckoo Filter...
13 .Compaction - Tiered vs Leveled ❏ Each level has N sorted runs (overlapped). ❏ Compaction merges all sorted runs in one level to create a new sorted run in the next level. ❏ Minimizes write amplification at the cost of read and space amplification. ❏ Each level is one sorted run. ❏ Compaction into Ln merges data from Ln-1 into Ln. ❏ Compaction into Ln rewrites data that was previously merged into Ln. ❏ Minimizes space amplification and read amplification at the cost of write amplification.
14 .Tiered + Leveled ❏ Less write amplification than leveled and less space amplification than tiered. ❏ More read amplification than leveled and more write amplification than tired. ❏ It is flexible about the level at which the LSM tree switches from tiered to leveled.
15 .Tiered + Leveled + Partition ❏ Default compaction of LevelDB and RocksDB.
16 .Problems of compaction ❏ Write amplification ❏ System jitter(CPU、I/O) ❏ SSD wear out ❏ Invalid block cache/page cache ❏ Compaction rate is a problem ❏ Too fast - write amplification ❏ Too slow - read amplification and space amplification.
17 .Multi-Thread Compaction
18 .Pipelined Compaction ❏ Pipelined Compaction for the LSM-tree ❏ The compaction procedure: ❏ Step 1: Read data blocks. ❏ Step2: Checksum. ❏ Step3: Decompress. ❏ Step4: Merge sort. ❏ Step5: Compress. ❏ Step6: Re-checksum. ❏ Step7: Write to the disk. ❏ Read -> Compute -> Write ❏ It is difficult to devide the stages evenly. ❏ If data blocks must flows through multiple processors, it will result in low CPU cache performance. Let S2~S6 as on stage will be more CPU cache friendly.
19 .Compaction Buffer ❏ Re-enabling high-speed caching for LSM-trees ❏ LSbM-tree: Re-enabling Buffer Caching in Data Management for Mixed Reads and Writes
20 .Coprocessor ❏ Co-KV: A Collaborative Key-Value Store Using Near-Data Processing to Improve Compaction for the LSM-tree ❏ 当数据库遇见FPGA:X-DB异构计算如何实现百万级TPS?
21 .PebblesDB ❏ PebblesDB: Building Key-Value Stores using Fragmented Log-Structured Merge Trees ❏ Guards divide the key space (for that level) into disjoint units ❏ Less write amplification, more read amplification and space amplification.
22 .PebblesDB Compaction ❏ Similar to Tired + Partition
23 .WiscKey ❏ WiscKey: Separating Keys from Values in SSD-conscious Storage ❏ Compaction = sorting + garbage collection ❏ Only keys are required to be sorted ❏ Keys are usually smaller than values ❏ Key-Value separation ⇒ Decouple sorting and garbage collection
24 .WiscKey ❏ Key-Value separation’s challenges and optimizations ❏ An additional I/O may be required for each query ❏ WiscKey’s LSM-Tree is small and can be easily cached in memory ❏ Range queries require random I/O ❏ Prefetch: leverages the parallel I/O characteristic of SSD ❏ Garbage Collection ❏ Invalid keys are reclaimed by compaction ❏ Value log needs a special garbage collector ❏ Crash Consistency ❏ Atomicity of inserted key-value pairs is complicated ❏ Combine value log and WAL
25 .Summary ❏ Designing Access Methods: The RUM Conjecture ❏ Read, Update, Memory – Optimize Two at the Expense of the Third ❏ Read Amplification vs Write Amplification vs Space Amplification
26 .Q&A