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基于深度开放的软件为核心的 电池及电控测试解决方案
- NI 新能源汽车测试解决方案总览
- 整车电池包测试的挑战与解决方案
- 电控(MCU/BMS等) 硬件在环解决方案
1 . 基于深度开放的软件为核心的 电池及电控测试解决方案 厉炜 NI 新能源汽车业务拓展经理 18911620932(同微信) ni.com
2 . ni.com 1. NI 新能源汽车测试解决方案总览 2. 整车电池包测试的挑战与解决方案 3. 电控(MCU/BMS等) 硬件在环解决方案
3 . ni.com NI 新能源解决方案一览
4 . BATTERY DATA ANALYTICS “NI is helping us reduce risk, perform our engineering work more efficiently, and give us a faster time to insights and decisions” Steve Tarnowsky DIRECTOR, GLOBAL BATTERY CELL ENGINEERING GENERAL MOTORS ni.com
5 . BTS(Battery Test System软件)对GM的价值 • 灵活可扩展的解决方案,适配来自多个测试系统的不同测试数据 • 端到端测试数据流连接和工作流自动化 BTS+SystemLink 应用 配置管理 资产和设备管理 测试状态监控 工程数据自动化处 理 状态感知 应用程序运行状 用户KPI在线看 自定义自动化报告 客户定制工具箱 态 板 系统关联 数据网关 设备资产 远程执行控 监控/报警标 数据归一化 测试结果 状态监控 制 签 报告 实验室 其他电池 非NI 主机/服务器 AVL NI 电池测试系统 测试机台 其它工业总线, 测试系统 NI PXI 系统 测试系统 如OPC UA ni.com
6 . ni.com 电池测试的挑战 1. 贴近整车使用的复杂工况模拟 2. 复杂的测试工步和电池充放电策略 3.多设备的资产管理和数据管理 Image Source: https://www.thedrive.com
7 . ni.com 解决方案方法论与分享
8 . 首先使用正确的测试方法论 自己DIY 深度开放的平台化系统 买现成的黑盒测试系统 “Customer Does Everything” “Customer Knows Best” “Vendor Knows Best” Costly (Time, Upkeep) Customizable Solution Fixed Functionality No Ecosystem Open, Valuable Ecosystem Closed Ecosystem Customer Maintains Customer Designs Customer Pays ni.com
9 . 测试实验台架经验分享⎸技术快速迭代的整体成本 Develop and Deploy Initial System Evolve, Scale, and Replicate Possible larger cost for initial Technology open platform development Insertion Point because of cost of change TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP 1st System Learning System Replication Evolves Requirements and Deployment Open Closed Platform-Based (Black-Box) Approach Approach TIME COMPARABLE INITIAL COST ADVANTAGE FROM TCO OPTIMIZATION COST WITH FASTER DELIVERY FASTER DELIVERY AND SCALE OVER LIFETIME ni.com
10 . ni.com 结合整车仿真工况的电池包+BMS性能验证 Windows NI LinuxRT 控制仿真柜 NI 充放电设备 车辆动力学/驾驶员模型/热 道路场景 力学/空调/DC-DC • 爬坡场景 Target Torque Load Torque Target Current • 高SOC加减速 • 中SOC加减速 充放电控制 环境箱 • 低SOC加减速 • 冬季空调 温度控制 Battery Target Temperature 辅助测量 • 带冰路面 Pack 机柜 • 雪天路况 冷却控制 电压电流 • 其他用户自定义路况 &BMS 温度 Flow Speed PXIe 同步和数据共享 Chiller (热管理) CAN/RS232/Ethernet Hardware I/O
11 . ni.com Power HIL的功能: OEM 和 Tier1 研发 • 传统充放电测试 • BMS HIL测试 • 部分实车测试 NI平台:Power Level Battery System Validation —— OEM + Tier1 电池包&BMS 实现目标与优势:: 在实验室透过仿真平台,更加真实的反应Battery Pack的状态 ◼ 电池系统的闭环测试:包括真实电池包+BMS(算法)系统 ◼ 真实的工况模拟:温度,服务冬标和夏标测试 ◼ 测试条件参数化:车辆模型定制、路谱数据导入,适配各种车型和各种道路 ◼ 极限工况测试:配合虚拟负载,量化其对电池包的冲击风险 实现价值: 节省成本+加速车辆上市周期
12 . ni.com BTS整体软件实现功能 Battery Test System Software Control and Test BTS Server Simulation (Linux RT) Automation SystemLink 动力学/空调 等模型 本地用户界面 监控UI 数据采集和控制l 序列管理控制 实时数据记录 测试结果管理 测试资源管理 安全相关控制 电池测试台架 Thermal Chamber Measurement/ Rugged Measurements Control Rack 开放式应用软件 Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensors I/O Analog Input w Ch/Ch Battery Module or Battery Module or Battery Module or Battery Module or Isolation Pack (DUT) Pack (DUT) Pack (DUT) Pack (DUT) DAQ and Temperature BMS BMS BMS BMS Measurements Digital I/O + - + - + - + - BMS Communication Chiller/ Chiller/ Chiller/ Chiller/ (CAN or Auto Ethernet) Heater Heater Heater Heater Ethernet, CAN, or Serial Battery Cycler Battery Cycler Pow er Supplies
13 . ni.com BATTERY TEST SYSTEM 第三方设备集成 Instrument Addons 第三方充放电设备、环境箱、水冷等通 Instrument Addons provide a standardized way to talk to any instrument that has a 过驱动层开发,以软件插件形式嵌入 supported communication protocol: CAN or LIN through the NI-XNET interface, or Serial, GPIB, & UDP (SCPI or custom) through the NI-VISA interface. • Quickly (re)configure a test station • Reuse test scripts across different test stations • Effectively manage a mix of equipments IO Channel Aliases IO Channel Aliases provide a way to reuse tests even when equipment and test station configurations change.
14 . ni.com BATTERY TEST SYSTEM Battery Test 软件仿真能力 System Software Test Script Development Commissioning and Debugging and Operation Software Models Real Hardware Configuration 通过设备模型来提前验证测试工步 • Device under test • Device under test • Validate test scripts without • Cycler • Cycler • Chamber • Chamber equipment present • Chiller • Chiller • De-risk system deployments • Decouple software dev from hardware availability Simple example models for a battery, BMS, Cycler, Power Supply, and Thermal Chamber ship with the BTS Software. These models can be modified and augmented or replaced as desired.
15 . ni.com NI 电池充放电设备一览 10KW 100KW 500KW 1.0MW 1.5MW 2.0MW 2.5MW NHR-9200 3CH @ 12KW 40V, 120V, 600V 1CH @ 36KW 40A to 600A PARALLEL UP TO 252kW (21 ch) NHR-9300 600V/1200V 1CH @ 100KW 167A to 333A PARALLEL UP TO 2.4MW HPS-17000 750/1500V 1CH @ 150KW 240A to 480A PARALLEL UP TO 900kW ERS-BIC 2CH @ 300KW 600/1200V 1CH @ 600KW 600A to 1200A PARALLEL UP TO 2.4MW Collaboration with: EA PSB Series 8CH @ 30KW 60/2000V 1CH @ 240KW 40A to 1000A PARALLEL UP TO 1.92MW
16 . 德国Heinzinger ERS-BIC 系列 高压产品覆盖电池包应用 High Voltage, Regenerative Bidirectional DC Source for Automated Characterization, Battery Cycling & Battery Emulation • Dual voltage range – 600 V & 1200 V • One or two output channels and three operation modes (single, parallel and series) • Modular from 80kW to 600 kW per channel, scalable up to 2.4MW • Overload capability: Up To 180% of Power for 30 sec. (500kW system: 900kW overload) • Regenerative discharge (load) • High efficiency > 93% • Battery emulation mode • Water cooled for minimized heat dissipation and noise 600V, +/- 600A, 250kW 600V, +/- 1200A , 500k W DUT DUT DUT 500 kW 500 kW 500 kW 1200V, +/ - 600A , 500k W 600V, +/- 600A, 250kW DUT SINGLE MODE PARALLEL MODE SERIES MODE ni.com 2x 600V, 600A, 250kW 1x 600V, 1200A, 500kW 1x 1200V, 600A, 500kW
17 . Battery Validation and Manufacturing Systems NI BTS 现代化实验室布局 NI’s Open, Time-Synced Network-of-Things connecting engineers, operators, managers, UUTs, instrumentation and data. BTS test engineering and execution SystemLink Enterprise powered BTS Analytics TSN - time sync + secure, timestamped command and data streaming over network cycler cycler cycler simulators measurement High Accuracy Current/Voltage Sensing (<0.05%) measurement High Accuracy Current/Voltage Sensing (<0.05%) switch switch Grid Monitoring ni.com meas
18 . HIL SUCCESS STORY Subaru Reduces Test Time by 95% “By adopting FPGA-based simulation using the NI hardware and software platforms, we achieved the simulation speed and model fidelity required for verification of an electric motor ECU. We reduced test time to 1/20 of the estimated time for equivalent testing on a dynamometer.” MR. TOMOHIRO MORITA SUBARU ni.com
19 . 为什么要做三电或整车级 多域的HIL测试? 工程师需确保EV真实控制器整合在一辆 整车后,它们可以按预期协同工作 • 验证三电控制器相互协同工作,模拟 实车、环境与电气故障环境下达到项 目功能预期; • 在样车出来之后,复现问题、提高测 VCU 试场景用例覆盖率和效率; BMS MCU 驾驶员模型 • 问题整改之后,可在台架上进行复测; • 控制器切换或增加供应商,可快速在 逆变和电机 车辆动力学及 台架上验证其在整车电子电器中的功 电池模型 能。 ni.com 模型 主减速器模型 Images taken from autoconnectedcar
20 . ni.com 三电及整车级 HIL仿真测试的挑战 1. 软件深度开放定制的能力 2. 硬件灵活拓展和同步能力 3. 统一的系统级维护能力
21 . ni.com Inverter (MCU)-电机控制器 信号列表 1. 电流 (相电流、过流信号) 2. 电压 (母线电压、过压信号) 3. 旋变 4. 温度 5. 驱动信号(PWM, SPI) 6. 电机高压互锁 7. 电源管理 8. CAN 网络 Simulated
22 . ni.com 软硬件深度定制--MCU HIL系统 系统特色 • 电机、逆变器仿真步长 <400ns (曾在某项目优化到220ns) • 支持LdLq、FEA 电机仿真模型-JMGA/Ansys • PMSM/BLDC/DFIG/SRM 电机类型支持 • 全域(磁、温度、机械)全域的仿真支持 • 支持电机MAP测试、测功机模式 • 支持逆变器、绕组等电气故障,开路、短路等 • 支持初始角错误, 相序错误, 旋变电流或相位错误 系统特色的原因 • NI FPGA 开放性—硬件SDK+Opal软件SDK • HIL 软件Veristand 支持插件开发
23 . ni.com Embedded controller with Intel Xeon technology PXIe-8881 实时PC主控 • Workstation Xeon 8 Core CPU, 3.9GHz • 4 Core-4.1GHz and 18 Core-3GHz options • DDR4-2666, 32GB Standard, Up to 64GB Max • Linux Real Time Openness
24 . ITS Architecture & Advantages ITS系统架构及优势 NI MCU HIL解决方案 ni.com
25 . ni.com ITS Architecture & Advantages • Customer defined • Flexible and scalable • High performance • Open for 3rd party integration SystemLink – data and system management TestStand – test executive Software VeriStand – real-time test and model integration Opal-RT add-on – FPGA based PE modeling LabVIEW – programming and customization Measurements and I/O PXI Communications Power Electronics Models in FPGA Switch, Load, Signal Conditioning for fault SLSC insertion and routing signal paths. Ease of connection and wiring. Cabling references for flexible Connectivity connections to DUTs Traction inverter ‘control board’ DUT aka ‘MCU/VCU’ aka ‘cracked inverter’ RMX Programmable loads and DUT power ATE Core Configurations Complete Test Systems Delivered
26 . ni.com 基于FPGA的电机及电力电子的实时仿真 在Veristand内仿真: NI PXIe Chassis o 电力电子 OPAL-RT Power Electronic Add-on 支持电机模型: o 电机 o 传感器 PMSM: o PMSM Constant Ld\Lq o PMSM Variable Ld\Lq o PMSM Spatial Harmonics (SH), FEA motor. JMAG/Ansys o 6-phases PMSM eHS电力 电子硬件 电机 解算器 模型库 Squirrel-Cage Induction Machine (IM) o Quad IM SM, which can simulate a Squirrel-Cage Induction Machine (SCIM) Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) o Dual PMSM BLDC, which can simulate a BLDC with Constant Ls motor type Bitfile
27 . ni.com ITS 系统对于客户的价值 Model Integration (支持各种模型工具 Simscape,Ansys, JMAG,Carsim, AMESim 等) Advanced Compute (>4.0G CPU主频, 高性能FPGA 200M clock-4电机) I/O Breadth (从高精度DC-高带宽射频, 支持各种汽车工 业总线) Customizability (提供SDK供客户深度定制软件插件和硬件 接口) Integration (NI专业的联盟商网络和NI技术服务团队)
28 . 为什么考虑PHIL—对比传统电机台架 • 性能 • Simulate power fault injection (e.g., phase issue, diff ripples, EMC noise) • Covers extreme test scenarios (Human safety) • Simulate vehicle driving cycle • Provide motor internal info not available from real motor e.g. DCBusCurrent, IaleDqz1.d, IaleDqz1.q, Fds, Fqs, ModIndex • 灵活 • Change motor parameters, motor type via software • Use in development stage when real motors not available • Test with or without real battery pack • Moveable – position multiple units around environmental chamber • 投入 • Local power recirculation - 60kW of facility power to operate 250kW system • Small footprint / casters for mobility • Lab safe – no special safety room for mechanical containment ni.com
29 . 系统框架图 E-MOTOR EMULATOR DC DC EMULATOR Real-Time Test Automation Software 实时测试自动化软件 Power Recirculation TRACTION INVERTER Power Quality Measurements Motor Phases 功率分析仪 DC Rotor Position Climate Chamber 环境仓 Motor Temperature AC side Fault Injection Unit (Power & Sensor) Voltage 故障注入单元(功率&传感器) Machine Voltage Additional DAQ Capability Currents reference 可以扩展DAQ能力 Automation & Control NI PXI ni.com