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42_Lisp for Lego Robot.
1 .XS: Lisp on Lego™ Mindstorms Taiichi Yuasa Kyoto University © Copyright 2003 by Taiichi Yuasa
2 . Hardware organization of Mindstorms IR tower serial or USB IR (( (( (( (( PC 16 MHz Hitachi H8 MPU with 16-bit addressing space 32 KB ROM and 32 KB RAM LCD display & 4 buttons 3 effector ports & 3 sensor ports powered by 6 AA batteries RCX 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 attached with Lego devices and bricks
3 .Features of XS Interactive program development read-eval-print loop interactive definition and re-definition of functions appropriate error message with backtrace trace and untrace functions Autonomous evaluator in RCX dynamic object allocation and garbage collection truly tail-recursive interpreter robust against program errors and stack / buffer overflow terminal interrupts Sufficient functionality to control robots Scheme-like language with no first-class continuations interface to Lego devices such as motors, sensors, lamps, sounds, ... event / timer waiting and asynchronous event watchers
4 . System overview of XS Linux or Windows IR tower serial or USB IR RCX (( (( (( (( reader preprocessor evaluator S expr printer LegOS LNP
5 .Data types booleans: #f, #t integers: 14-bit signed empty list: () conses functions built-in functions lambda closures (user-defined functions) symbols built-in symbols (names of built-in functions) user-defined symbols
6 .Pseudo data types & reader constants Converted by the Reader string ⇒ list of character code ex. “abc” ⇒ (97 98 99) character ⇒ ASCII code ex. #¥a ⇒ 97 reader constants ⇒ integer :most-positive-integer, :most-negative-integer :a, :b, :c, :off, :forward, :back, :brake, :max-speed, :white, :black, :A0, :Am0, ..., Gm8, A8, La0, :La#0, ..., :So#8, :La8, :pause
7 .Common functions top-level (define sym expr) (define (sym sym* [ . sym ] ) expr*) (load string) ; load from the named file (trace sym) (untrace sym) (bye) ; sayonara basic (quote object) (set! sym expr) (lambda (sym* [ . sym ] ) expr*)
8 .Common functions (cont.) control (begin expr*) (if expr expr [expr]) (apply function object* list) (catch expr expr*) (throw object object) condition (and expr*) (or expr*) (not object) binding (let [sym] (( sym expr )* ) expr*) (let* (( sym expr )* ) expr*) (letrec (( sym expr )* ) expr*)
9 .Common functions (cont.) type predicates arithmetic (boolean? object) (+ int*) (integer? object) (- int int*) (null? object) (* int*) (pair? object) (/ int int) (symbol? object) (remainder int int) (function? object) (logand int int) comparison (logior int int) (eq? object object) (< int+) (logxor int int) (> int+) (logshl int int) (= int+) (logshr int int) (>= int+) (random int) (<= int+)
10 .Common functions (cont.) list processing I/O from/to front-end PC (car pair) (read) (cdr pair) (read-char) (cons object object) (read-line) (set-car! pair object) (write object) (set-cdr! pair object) (write-char char) (list object*) (write-string string) (list* object* object) (list-ref list int) garbage collection (append [ list* object ] ) (gc) ; returns # of free cells (assoc object a-list) (member object list) (length list) (reverse list)
11 .Lego-specific functions top-level (last-value) ; say that again? (ping) ; are you alive? control (sleep int) ; in 1/10 seconds (wait-until cond) (with-watcher ((cond . handler)*) . body) ; asynchronous event watchers system clock (time) ; in 1/10 seconds (overflows in 13 min) (reset-time)
12 .Lego-specific functions (cont.) light sensors (light-on {1|2|3} ) (light-off {1|2|3} ) (light {1|2|3} ) rotation sensors (rotation-on {1|2|3} ) (rotation-off {1|2|3} ) (rotation {1|2|3} ) temperature sensors (temperature {1|2|3} ) touch sensors (touched? {1|2|3} )
13 .Lego-specific functions (cont.) motors (motor {:a|:b|:c} {:off|:forward|:back|:brake} ) (speed {:a|:b|:c} int ) sounds (play ((pitch . length)* )) (playing?) Prgm button (pressed?) LCD display (puts string) (putc char int) (cls) battery level (battery)
14 .The Evaluator written entirely in C compiled by GNU cross compiler sizes LegOS: 14 KB binary: 11 KB (including all built-in functions) I/O buffer: 256 bytes C stack: 512 words (= 1 KB) variable stack: 256 words (= 0.5 KB) heap: 768 cells (= 3 KB)
15 .Object representation cons 1 00 heap misc (#t, #f, ()) car cdr 0 not used id 00 lambda closure 1 01 built-in function env arg-info body 0 id arg-info 0 1 user-defined symbol 1 10 built-in symbol oblink value 0 id arg-info 1 0 integer 14-bit signed int 11
16 .Heap management every cell occupies two words (= 4 bytes) no need for compaction free cells are linked together to form a free-list mark & sweep, stop-the-world garbage collection heap free-list
17 .Current status of XS project Linux version for RCX 1.0 & 1.5 (serial) completed Windows version and support for RCX 2.0 (USB) almost finished by Franz Inc. (many thanks to John Foderaro) draft reference manual ready will soon start Web distribution as an open source will be linked from http://www.yuasa.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~yuasa and maybe from http://www.franz.com/ ((( ))) ※ The project of XS is sponsored by the Information-technology Agency (IPA) of Japan as an Exploratory Software Project
18 .show time
19 .Using XS: Preparation Install GNU cross compiler for Hitachi H8 CPU, available at: http://legos.sourceforge.net/files/linux/ Download legOS version 0.2.4 from: http://legOS.sourceforge.net/files/common/ and “make” it. Connect the IR tower to your PC and turn on your RCX. Download legOS: % util/firmdl3 boot/legOS.srec Download the XS evaluator: % util/dll xs/eval.lx You may now turn off the RCX, since both legOS and the XS evaluator are kept in the RAM as long as the batteries are alive.
20 .Using XS: Starting up Turn on your RCX and press the Run button. Start the XS front end: % xs/xs Welcome to XS: Lisp on Lego Mindstorms > Following the prompt ‘>’, enter a top-level form: >(cons 1 2) (1 . 2) > To end the XS session, type (bye) or press Control-D: >(bye) sayonara % Turn off your RCX.
21 .Using XS: Error messages When an error is detected, you will see an error message, occasionally followed by a backtrace: >(define (ints n) (if (= n 0) nil (cons n (ints (- n 1))))) ints >(ints 3) Error: undefined variable -- nil Backtrace: ints > ints > ints > Even then, the system is still alive. You may fix the bug online. >(define nil ()) nil >(ints 3) (3 2 1) >
22 .Using XS: Trace and Untrace To see how some functions To cancel the tracing, use are invoked, use trace: untrace: >(trace ints) >(untrace ints) ints ints >(ints 3) >(ints 3) 0>(ints 3) (3 2 1) 1>(ints 2) 2>(ints 1) 3>(ints 0) 3<(ints ()) 2<(ints (1)) 1<(ints (2 1)) 0<(ints (3 2 1)) (3 2 1) >
23 .Using XS: Terminal interrupt If your program enters into an infinite loop, press Control-C to abort the current evaluation: >(let loop () (loop)) ---- you press Control-C here ---- Error: terminal interrupt Backtrace: let > #<function> > You may also press the View button of your RCX to abort the evaluation: >(let loop () (loop)) ---- you press the View button here ---- Error: terminal interrupt Backtrace: let > #<function> >
24 .Programming XS: Tail recursion Because of the small size of RCX memory, nested function calls sometimes cause stack overflow: >(define (ints n) (if (= n 0) () (cons n (ints (- n 1))))) ints >(ints 20) Error: RCX C stack overflow -- 2 Backtrace: ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints > ints Tail recursion is a programming technique, effective to avoid stack overflow: >(define (ints n x) (if (= n 0) x (ints (- n 1) (cons n x)))) ints >(ints 20 ()) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)
25 .Programming XS: Loops You may have noticed XS has no loop constructs such as while, for, do-while in C. This is because you can easily realize loop constructs by using tail recursion while loop: (let loop () (if condition (begin body (loop)))) do-while loop: (let loop () body (if condition (loop)))
26 .Programming XS: Event watchers a watcher is an asynchronous event-driven handler watchers are established by with-watcher (with-watcher ((event1 . handler1) ... (eventn . handlern)) . body) watcher1 ... watchern are activated in this order and remain active during execution of body new watcher is given a priority higher than any active watcher only the watcher with the highest priority whose event evaluates to true is triggered at a time when a handler is running, only watchers with higher priority may be triggered when a watcher is triggered, the currently running handler is suspended during execution of the handler of the triggered watcher no watcher is triggered while events are being evaluated
27 .Sample program: Land Rover video
28 . Sample program: Land Rover (begin (speed :a (speed :c (speed :b :max-speed))) (let loop () (motor :a (motor :c :forward)) (motor :b :off) (play '((:Re4 . 2) (:Do4 . 1) (:Re4 . 1) (:Fa4 . 1) (:Re4 . 1) (:Re4 . 2) (:Fa4 . 2) (:So4 . 1) (:Do5 . 1) (:La4 . 2) (:Re4 . 2))) (wait-until (or (touched? 2) (pressed?))) light b (if (pressed?) (motor :a (motor :c :off)) motor a motor c (begin (motor :a (motor :c (motor :b :back))) (sleep 5) (motor (if (= (random 2) 0) :a :c) :forward) (sleep 5) (loop)) light a light c ))) sensor 2
29 . Sample program: Land Rover II (define (forward) (motor :a (motor :c :forward)) (motor :b :off) (play '((:Re4 . 2) (:Do4 . 1) (:Re4 . 1) (:Fa4 . 1) (:Re4 . 1) (:Re4 . 2) (:Fa4 . 2) (:So4 . 1) (:Do5 . 1) (:La4 . 2) (:Re4 . 2)))) (begin (speed :a (speed :c (speed :b :max-speed))) light b (forward) (with-watcher (((touched? 2) motor a motor c (motor :a (motor :c (motor :b :back))) (sleep 5) (motor (if (= (random 2) 0) :a :c) :forward) (sleep 5) (forward))) (wait-until (pressed?)) light a light c (motor :a (motor :c :off)) )) sensor 2