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008-a search algorithm for propositional satisfiability
1 .GRASP: A Search Algorithm for Propositional Satisfiability
2 . Sat in a Nutshell • Given a Boolean formula, find a variable assignment such that the formula evaluates to 1, or prove that no such assignment exists. • For n variable,s there are 2n possible truth assignments to be checked. • NP-Complete problem.
3 . Problem Representation • Conjunctive Normal Form – F = (a+b)(a’+b’+c) – Simple representation (more efficient data structures) • Logic circuit representation – Circuits have structural and direction information • Circuit –-> CNF conversion is straightforward
4 . DLL Algorithm
5 . DLL Algorithm • Davis, Logemann and Loveland – M. Davis, G. Logemann and D. Loveland, “A Machine Program for Theorem-Proving”, Communications of ACM, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 394-397, 1962 • Basic framework for many modern SAT solvers • Also known as DPLL for historical reasons • DFS – depth first search
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28 .Implications and Boolean Constraint Propagation
29 . Implications and Boolean Constraint Propagation • Implication – A variable is forced to be assigned to be True or False based on previous assignments. • Unit clause rule (rule for elimination of one literal clauses) – An unsatisfied clause is a unit clause if it has exactly one unassigned literal. – The unassigned literal is implied because of the unit clause. • Boolean Constraint Propagation (BCP) – Iteratively apply the unit clause rule until there is no unit clause available • Workhorse of DLL based algorithms.