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单幅图像深度重建:基于单眼线索的深度重建Shape From Shading
1 .第九章 单幅图像深度重建 Depthmap Reconstruction Based on Monocular cues
2 .深度图
3 . 章节安排 基于单眼线索的深度重建 Shape From Shading Shape From Vanishing Point Shape From Defocus Shape From Texture
4 .Shape From Shading
5 . What is Shading? Well… not shadow… We can’t reconstruct shape from one shadow…
6 . What is Shading? Variable levels of darkness Gives a cue for the actual 3D shape There is a relation between intensity and shape
7 . Shading Examples These circles differ only in grayscale intensity Intensities give a strong “feeling” of scene structure
8 .What determines scene radiance? n
9 .
10 . Surface Normal Convenient notation for surface orientation A smooth surface has a tangent plane at every point We can model the surface using the normal at every point
11 . The Shape From Shading Problem Given a grayscale image And albedo And light source direction Reconstruct scene geometry Can be modeled by surface normals
12 . Lambertian Surface Appears equally bright from all viewing directions Reflects all light without absorbing Matte surface, no “shiny” spots Brightness of the surface as seen from camera is linearly correlated to the amount of light falling on the surface Here we will discuss only n Lambertian surfaces under point-source illumination
13 . Some Notations: Surface Orientation
14 . Some Notations: Surface Orientation
15 .Reflectance Map
16 . Reflectance Map • Lambertian case I cos i n s pps qqs 1 R p, q 2 2 2 2 p q 1 p q 1 S S Reflectance Map Iso-brightness contour (Lambertian) cone of constant i
17 . Reflectance Map • Lambertian case iso-brightness contour q 0.8 0.9 1.0 R p, q 0.7 pS , q S p i 90 ppS qqS 1 0 0.3 0.0 Note: R p, q is maximum when p, q pS , qS
18 . Reflectance Map Example • Brightness as a function of surface orientation Lambertian iso-brightness contour q surface 0 .8 0.9 1.0 R p, q 0.7 pS , qS p i 90 ppS qqS 1 0 0.3 0.0
19 . Reflectance Map of a Glossy Surface Brightness as a function of surface orientation Surface with diffuse and glossy components
20 . Reflectance Map Examples Brightness as a function of surface orientation
21 .Graphics with a 3D Feel
22 .Shape From Shading? q p
23 . Shape From Shading! Use more images Photometric stereo Shape from shading Introduce constraints Solve locally Linearize problem
24 . Photometric Stereo Take several pictures of same object under same viewpoint with different lighting q p 1 S , q1S p
25 . Photometric Stereo Take several pictures of same object under same viewpoint with different lighting q p 1 S , q1S p p 2 S 2 , qS
26 . Photometric Stereo Take several pictures of same object under same viewpoint with different lighting q p 1 S , q1S p p 2 S 2 , qS p 3 S , q 3S
27 . Photometric Stereo Lambertian case: kc I kc cos i n s 1 n Image irradiance: s2 s3 I1 n s1 s1 v I 2 n s 2 I 3 n s 3 • We can write this in matrix form: I 1 s T I s T n 1 2 2 I 2 T s 3
28 .改变光源所获得的同一个球的五幅图像
29 .g x, y