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19InteractionTechnique--Physical Gadgets
1 .1 © 2014 - Brad Myers Brad Myers 05-899A/05-499A: Interaction Techniques Spring, 2014 Lecture 19: Physical Gadgets and their Interaction Techniques
2 .Definitions and Synonyms Ubiquitous computing ( UbiComp ) - computing everywhere and anywhere Pervasive computing – (no separate definition) Ambient intelligence (mostly used in Europe) – environment is instrumented so it is sensitive and responsive to people Information appliances – Smartphone or PDA Context-aware computing – mobile device that knows its surroundings, such as location, light, sound, etc. from Wikipedia Tangible user interfaces (TUIs) -- person interacts with digital information through the physical environment – mostly Hiroshi Ishii Formerly “graspable UIs ” Has its own conference series: TEI’14 : 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, Munich, Germany, February 16 - 19, 2014 © 2014 - Brad Myers 2
3 .Definitions, cont. Physical Gadgets Are to physical (tangible) user interfaces what interaction techniques are to graphical user interfaces Adapted from [Greenberg’01] An interaction technique embodied in a physical entity Must be reusable Many other TUIs are tabletop interactions with physical objects sensed on a table with a projector © 2014 - Brad Myers 3
4 .Scope There are lots of interesting, cute, even useful applications of tangible and ubiquitous user interfaces Most are not interaction techniques E.g., Ambient displays – no interaction Mankoff’s BusMobile E.g., Tangible applications – not a reusable widget Bottles that play sounds when opened © 2014 - Brad Myers 4
5 .Scope There are lots of interesting, cute, even useful applications of tangible and ubiquitous user interfaces Most are not interaction techniques E.g., Ambient displays – no interaction Mankoff’s BusMobile E.g., Tangible applications – not a reusable widget Bottles that play sounds when opened © 2014 - Brad Myers 4
6 .Arduino Controllers Started about 2005 http://arduino.cc/ Single-board microcontroller Open source electronics prototyping platform Now about $9 to $30 each Easy to program and attach devices to New alternatives (from Chris Harrison) http://www.raspberrypi.org/ http://beagleboard.org/ www.intel.com/galileo http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/ http://leaflabs.com/devices/maple/ If you want to breakout from a phone, there is the IOIO board for android: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/10748 © 2014 - Brad Myers 6
7 .Arduino Controllers Started about 2005 http://arduino.cc/ Single-board microcontroller Open source electronics prototyping platform Now about $9 to $30 each Easy to program and attach devices to New alternatives (from Chris Harrison) http://www.raspberrypi.org/ http://beagleboard.org/ www.intel.com/galileo http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/ http://leaflabs.com/devices/maple/ If you want to breakout from a phone, there is the IOIO board for android: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/10748 © 2014 - Brad Myers 6
8 .Ishii, cont. Hiroshi Ishii, Dávid Lakatos , Leonardo Bonanni , and Jean-Baptiste Labrune . 2012 . Radical atoms: beyond tangible bits, toward transformable materials. interactions 19, 1 (January 2012), 38-51. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2065327.2065337 Includes a survey of tangible Uis Lists lots of toolkits to create TUIs “ Tangible design seeks an amalgam of thoughtfully designed interfaces embodied in different materials and forms in the physical world—soft and hard, robust and fragile, wearable and architectural, transient and enduring.” Future: physical-digital “atoms” that can transform , conform and inform E.g., “clay” that changes its own shape based on rules, user commands, & constraints © 2014 - Brad Myers 8
9 .Ishii, cont. Hiroshi Ishii, Dávid Lakatos , Leonardo Bonanni , and Jean-Baptiste Labrune . 2012 . Radical atoms: beyond tangible bits, toward transformable materials. interactions 19, 1 (January 2012), 38-51. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2065327.2065337 Includes a survey of tangible Uis Lists lots of toolkits to create TUIs “ Tangible design seeks an amalgam of thoughtfully designed interfaces embodied in different materials and forms in the physical world—soft and hard, robust and fragile, wearable and architectural, transient and enduring.” Future: physical-digital “atoms” that can transform , conform and inform E.g., “clay” that changes its own shape based on rules, user commands, & constraints © 2014 - Brad Myers 8
10 .Scott Hudson’s class “Gadgets, Sensors and Activity Recognition in HCI” http://www.hcii.cmu.edu/courses/applied-gadgets-sensors-and-activity-recognition-hci Every spring This semester, in WeH 7500 – enormous © 2014 - Brad Myers 10