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1 . Lecture 12: Clustering and Segmenta5on Professor Fei-‐Fei Li Stanford Vision Lab Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 1 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
2 . What we will learn today • Introduc5on to segmenta5on and clustering • Gestalt theory for perceptual grouping • Agglomera5ve clustering Reading: [FP] Chapters: 14.2, 14.4 Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 2 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
3 .Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 3 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
4 . Image Segmenta5on • Goal: iden5fy groups of pixels that go together Slide credit: Steve Seitz, Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 4 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
5 . The Goals of Segmenta5on • Separate image into coherent “objects” Image Human segmenta5on Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 5 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
6 . The Goals of Segmenta5on • Separate image into coherent “objects” • Group together similar-‐looking pixels for efficiency of further processing Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik “superpixels” X. Ren and J. Malik. Learning a classifica5on model for segmenta5on. ICCV 2003. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 6 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
7 . Segmenta5on for feature support 50x50 Patch 50x50 Patch Slide: Derek Hoiem Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 7 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
8 . Segmenta5on for efficiency [Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher 2004] [Hoiem et al. 2005, Mori 2005] [Shi and Malik 2001] Slide: Derek Hoiem Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 8 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
9 . Segmenta5on as a result Rother et al. 2004 Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 9 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
10 . Types of segmenta5ons Oversegmentation Undersegmentation Multiple Segmentations Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 10 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
11 . One way to think about “segmenta5on” is Clustering Clustering: group together similar points and represent them with a single token Key Challenges: 1) What makes two points/images/patches similar? 2) How do we compute an overall grouping from pairwise similari5es? Slide: Derek Hoiem Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 11 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
12 . Why do we cluster? • Summarizing data – Look at large amounts of data – Patch-‐based compression or denoising – Represent a large con5nuous vector with the cluster number • Coun2ng – Histograms of texture, color, SIFT vectors • Segmenta2on – Separate the image into different regions • Predic2on – Images in the same cluster may have the same labels Slide: Derek Hoiem Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 12 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
13 . How do we cluster? • Agglomera5ve clustering – Start with each point as its own cluster and itera5vely merge the closest clusters • K-‐means (next lecture) – Itera5vely re-‐assign points to the nearest cluster center • Mean-‐shig clustering (next lecture) – Es5mate modes of pdf • Spectral clustering (CS231a, winter quarter) – Split the nodes in a graph based on assigned links with similarity weights Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 13 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
14 . General ideas • Tokens – whatever we need to group (pixels, points, surface elements, etc., etc.) • Bokom up clustering – tokens belong together because they are locally coherent • Top down clustering – tokens belong together because they lie on the same visual en5ty (object, scene…) > These two are not mutually exclusive Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 14 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
15 . Examples of Grouping in Vision Grouping video frames into shots Determining image regions What things should Figure-‐ground be grouped? What cues indicate groups? Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Object-‐level grouping Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 15 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
16 . Similarity Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 16 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
17 . Symmetry Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 17 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
18 . Common Fate Image credit: Arthus-‐Bertrand (via F. Durand) Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 18 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
19 . Proximity Slide credit: Kristen Grauman Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 19 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
20 . Muller-‐Lyer Illusion • What makes the bokom line look longer than the top line? Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 20 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
21 . What we will learn today • Introduc5on to segmenta5on and clustering • Gestalt theory for perceptual grouping • Agglomera5ve clustering Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 21 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
22 . The Gestalt School • Grouping is key to visual percep5on • Elements in a collec5on can have proper5es that result from rela5onships – “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Illusory/subjec5ve Occlusion contours Slide credit: Svetlana Lazebnik Familiar configura5on hkp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestalt_psychology Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 22 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
23 . Gestalt Theory • Gestalt: whole or group – Whole is greater than sum of its parts – Rela5onships among parts can yield new proper5es/features • Psychologists iden5fied series of factors that predispose set of elements to be grouped (by human visual system) “I stand at the window and see a house, trees, sky. Theoretically I might say there were 327 brightnesses and nuances of colour. Do I have "327"? No. I have sky, house, and trees.” Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt, Psychologische Forschung, Vol. 4, pp. 301-350, 1923 http://psy.ed.asu.edu/~classics/Wertheimer/Forms/forms.htm Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 23 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
24 . Gestalt Factors Image source: Forsyth & Ponce • These factors make intui5ve sense, but are very difficult to translate into algorithms. Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 24 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
25 . Con5nuity through Occlusion Cues Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 25 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
26 . Con5nuity through Occlusion Cues Con5nuity, explana5on by occlusion Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 26 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
27 . Con5nuity through Occlusion Cues Image source: Forsyth & Ponce Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 27 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
28 . Con5nuity through Occlusion Cues Image source: Forsyth & Ponce Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 28 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14
29 . Figure-‐Ground Discrimina5on Fei-Fei Li! Lecture 12 - 29 ! 28-‐Oct-‐14