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Automate App Operation
1 .Automate App Operation Hongchao Deng hongchao.deng@coreos.com
2 .App = ?
3 .App = Code + Config
4 .故事开始于…
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8 .Development Deployment DNS 想法 程序 LoadBalancer 打包 实现 发布 docker build docker push
9 .Demo
10 .Demo
11 .Deploy App Container • Docker/OCI • Standard app packaging format • Kubernetes/Swarm • Resource scheduling, cluster management
12 .It is easy to deploy stateless apps. But how to deploy stateful apps?
13 .How to Deploy • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, TiDB • Coordination service: etcd, ZooKeeper • Streaming: Kafka, Heron • Big data: Spark, Hadoop • Storage: Ceph, GlusterFS • Logging: ElasticSearch • Monitoring: Prometheus
14 . Deploying those are much harder than stateless web apps
15 .Prometheus
16 . Complex dependencies Alert Manager Service Service Monitor Prometheu Alerting Rule
17 .etcd
18 . Membership Configuration etcd --name=example-etcd-cluster-0002 ... --initial-cluster= example-etcd-cluster-0001=http://example-etcd-cluster-0001.example-etcd- cluster.default.svc.cluster.local:2380, example-etcd-cluster-0000=http://example-etcd-cluster-0000.example-etcd- cluster.default.svc.cluster.local:2380, example-etcd-cluster-0002=http://example-etcd-cluster-0002.example-etcd- cluster.default.svc.cluster.local:2380
19 .Self-updating Kubernetes
20 . Update Strategy Target Version APIServer: v1.6.0 etcd: v3.1.4
21 . Update Strategy Target Version APIServer: v1.6.0 -Backup before upgrade - Rolling upgrade etcd: v3.1.4 - Check upgrade path - Rollback within a minor
22 .What makes them difficult to deploy and manage?
23 .Complex operation logic
24 .Introduce Operator
25 . Current state of a cluster Observe • cluster size is 3 • cluster version is v1.2.3 Differences from desired config Analyze • cluster size should be 5 • cluster version should be v1.3.0 How to get there Act • configure and add members to 5 • upgrade member to v1.3.0 safely one-by-one
26 . etcd Operator Common Tasks Advanced • Resize • Restore • Upgrade • TLS • Backup • Monitoring/Alerting • Failover
27 .Declarative API
28 . Create a cluster
29 .kubectl create - f