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2 .2.90% GO 10.20% C++ Java Python 9.15% 8.08% 3.99% TOP15 GO 10.20% C++ 9.15% Java 8.08% Python 3.99% 3.54% Linux % 2.90% Linux 2.83% hyperledger 2.30% Javascript 1.83% Node.js 3.99% 1.74% 1.48% 1.33% 1.30% 1.28% 1.28% GO BOSS
3 . Image Place Holder GitHub in blockchain Go Go IBM fabric Go
4 .Go
5 .Go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 . Go •A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Image •2008 11 1 Satoshi Nakamoto •2009 1 3 The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks •C++ • :Bitcoin,Litecoin,Darkcoin,
7 . Geth ETH 2014 61% 26% 2014 go-ethereum Geth 9018 Parity 26% c/c++,cpp-ethereum 61%
8 .Go btcd(bitcoin) Gocoin Go-ipfs SaiCoin hyperledger fabric Product Name 6
9 .Go
10 .Go
11 .... C++
12 .... Namespace JS runtime
13 .Go 2 8 1 3 4 6 7 10 G C 5 9
14 .Go
15 . 25 Go keyword GC package
16 . Interface Go type embedding interface
17 .
18 .Go
19 .Go
20 .Go
21 .Go
22 .Go
23 .Go Monte Biz Company
24 .Go
25 .Go • • • • •
26 .Go
27 .Go
28 .• RPC • Web Service • P2P • Mempool • UTXO • Message(protocol) • Algorithm • Util • Model • Crypto • Storage
29 .