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12-Parallel Data Structures - II
1 .CSC2/458 Parallel and Distributed Systems Parallel Data Structures - II Sreepathi Pai February 27, 2018 URCS
2 .Outline Parallelizing a Counter Some Non-Blocking Data Structures
3 .Outline Parallelizing a Counter Some Non-Blocking Data Structures
4 .A Counter class SerialCounter: int counter_value def add(n): counter_value += n def get_count(): return counter_value
5 .A Parallel Counter with Locks class ParallelCounterLocks: int counter_value lock cv def add(n): cv.lock() counter_value += n cv.unlock() def get_count(): cv.lock() return counter_value cv.unlock()
6 .A Parallel Counter without Locks class ParallelCounterNoLocks: int counter_value def add(n): atomic_add(&counter_value, n) write_to_all_fence() def get_count(): return counter_value
7 .A Faster Parallel Counter without Locks class ParallelCounterNoLocks: int counter_value int thread_local_adds[nthreads] = {0} def add(n): thread_local_adds[current_thread_id] += n def get_count(): old = atomic_add(&counter_value, thread_local_adds[self]) v = old + thread_local_adds[self] thread_local_adds[self] = 0 return v
8 .The semantics of ParallelCounterNoLocks • Operations in a thread happen in order for a counter • Operations from a different thread are not visible to other threads until that thread calls get count
9 .What are the semantics of ParallelCounterNoLocks? • Is this equivalent to a sequential counter semantics? • Why is it not sequentially consistent?
10 .Semantics of Concurrent Objects Ideally, • Concurrent objects should exhibit “behavioral” equivalence to their sequential counterparts • It should always be possible to find an ordering of operations on a single concurrent data object • It should always be possible to compose these individual orders into a total order of operations across all concurrent objects • These orderings should be “intuitive”
11 .Why should we follow these semantic requirements? Fulfilling would allow reasoning about the parallel program as if it were a sequential program: • Construct the total order of operations in the parallel program • Compare the results of the parallel program with the sequential semantics of the program
12 .Review: Sequential Consistency for Concurrent Objects • If operations on a concurrent object • Appear to happen in some serial, interleaved order across program threads • While respecting program order within a thread • Then that object is sequentially consistent
13 .Review: Two sequentially consistent queues TO: T1: a: q1.enq(x) x: q2.enq(y) b: q2.enq(x) y: q1.enq(y) c: q1.deq() => y z: q2.deq() => x Ordering rules: • y → a (implied by c) • b → x (implied by z) • a → b (thread order) • x → y (thread order)
14 .Why did this happen? Sequential consistency allows operations on different concurrent objects to execute out-of-order within the same thread. One example is highlighted by dashed lines.
15 .Adding some requirements The effects of an operation must appear to take place: • instantaneously at a point ... • ... between its call and return
16 .Timeline with additional requirements Note, the requirements now imply the following ordering: • q1.enq(x) happens before q2.enq(x) • q2.enq(y) happens before q1.enq(y) • Any interleaving that respects this ordering will not allow q1.deq() => y and q2.deq() => x • But may allow other orders (hence I’ve left the return values in the figure empty)
17 .Linearizability • By adding a ”real-time” ordering requirement to sequential consistency, we can build ”linearizable” objects • Linearizability is composable • See Herlihy and Wing (TOPLAS ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 12, 3 (July 1990), 463-492) for details • Key practical questions: • How to achieve “instantaneous” execution? • How to determine total order for reasoning?
18 .Outline Parallelizing a Counter Some Non-Blocking Data Structures
19 .A Parallel Counter with Locks class ParallelCounterLocks: int counter_value lock cv def add(n): cv.lock() counter_value += n cv.unlock() def get_count(): cv.lock() return counter_value cv.unlock() • Will a thread ever wait for another thread? • Yes. In fact, if a thread that is in the critical section is pre-empted, other threads will wait without progressing. • This is a blocking counter.
20 .A Parallel Counter with Atomic Add class ParallelCounterNoLocks: int counter_value def add(n): atomic_add(&counter_value, n) write_to_all_fence() def get_count(): return counter_value • Will a thread ever wait for another thread? • No. • This is a non-blocking, wait-free counter.
21 .A Parallel Counter with CAS class ParallelCounterNoLocks: int counter_value def add(n): do { old = counter_value new = old + n while(atomic_CAS(&counter_value, old, new) != old); write_to_all_fence() def get_count(): return counter_value • Will a thread ever wait for another thread? • No, but a thread may starve (it may never succeed in the atomic CAS) • But some thread will make progress • This is a non-blocking, lock-free counter.
22 .Progress Guarantees • Blocking data structures • These use locks • Progress: operations complete in a finite number of steps • Non-blocking data structures • Wait-free: The system makes progress • Lock-free: Some thread makes progress • Obstruction-free: A thread will make progress if not obstructed
23 .A Non-blocking Stack with the ABA problem node* pop(node** top): node* old, new repeat old := *top if old = null return null new := old->next until CAS(top, old, new) return old
24 .The Treiber Stack with Counted Pointers node* stack.pop() repeat <o, c> := top if o = null return null n := o->next until CAS(&top, <o, c> , <n, c+1>)
25 .The M&S Queue Handout: Pg 126 of MLS