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019-Example of Knowledge Base
1 .Example of Knowledge Base
2 .Knowledge Base: example According to American Law, selling weapons to a hostile nation is a crime The state of Nono , is an enemy, it has some missiles All missiles were sold to Nono by colonel West, who is an American Proof that colonel West is a criminal
3 .Knowledge Base: . . . Selling weapons to a hostile nation by an American is a crime: American(x ) ^ Weapon (y) ^ Sells (x , y, z ) ^ Hostile (z ) Criminal(x) Nono . . . Has some missiles, i.e. Exists x Owns( Nono , x) ^Missile(x): Owns( Nono , M1 ) ^ Missile(M1) . . . All missiles were sold to Nono by colonel West ForAll x Missile(x) ^ Owns( Nono , x) Sells(West, x , Nono ) Missiles are weapons: Missile(x) Weapon(x) Enemy of America is Hostile : Enemy(x , America ) Hostile(x) West, is an American. . . American(West) State Nono , is an enemy of America.. . . Enemy( Nono , America )
4 .Forward Chaining: example
5 .Forward Chaining: example
6 .Forward Chaining: example
7 .Backward Chaining: example
8 .Backward Chaining: example
9 .Backward Chaining: example
10 .Backward Chaining: example
11 .Backward Chaining: example
12 .Backward Chaining: example
13 .Backward Chaining: example
14 .Resolution: example