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Introduction to Spark
1 .Introduction to Spark Shannon Quinn (with thanks to Paco Nathan and Databricks )
2 .Quick Demo
3 .Quick Demo
4 .API Hooks Scala / Java All Java libraries *.jar http://www.scala-lang.org Python Anaconda: https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda /
5 .Introduction
6 .Spark Structure Start Spark on a cluster Submit code to be run on it
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16 .Another Perspective
17 .Step by step
18 .Step by step
19 .Step by step
20 .Example: WordCount
21 .Example: WordCount
22 .Limitations of MapReduce Performance bottlenecks—not all jobs can be cast as batch processes Graphs? Programming in Hadoop is hard Boilerplate boilerplate everywhere
23 .Initial Workaround: Specialization
24 .Along Came Spark Spark’s goal was to generalize MapReduce to support new applications within the same engine Two additions: Fast data sharing General DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) Best of both worlds: easy to program & more efficient engine in general
25 .Codebase Size
26 .More on Spark More general Supports map/reduce paradigm Supports vertex-based paradigm General compute engine (DAG) More API hooks Scala , Java, and Python More interfaces Batch ( Hadoop ), real-time (Storm), and interactive (???)
27 .Interactive Shells Spark creates a SparkContext object (cluster information) For either shell: sc External programs use a static constructor to instantiate the context
28 .Interactive Shells spark-shell -- master
29 .Interactive Shells Master connects to the cluster manager, which allocates resources across applications Acquires executors on cluster nodes: worker processes to run computations and store data Sends app code to executors Sends tasks for executors to run