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Introduction to Pytorch
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20 .Because writing ML code from scratch sucks (part 1)
21 .Dual spaces
22 .PyTorch Based on Torch, a scientific computing library for Lua Developed by FAIR Main features are the built-in computational graph and built-in GPU acceleration
23 .torch.Tensor
24 .Contrast with PyTorch
25 .Example 3: logarithms
26 .Example 3: logarithms
27 .Course Announcements HW 0 has been released. Please direct any questions about the course to Piazza. Office hours have been posted on the course website.
28 .Course Announcements HW 0 has been released. Please direct any questions about the course to Piazza. Office hours have been posted on the course website.
29 .The CORDIC algorithm in all its glory