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Extending Flink metrics: Real-time BI atop existing Flink stream
1 .Extending Flink Metrics: real-time BI atop existing streaming pipelines Andrew Torson, Walmart Labs
2 .Smart Pricing @ Walmart Labs • Algorithmic: competitive analysis, economic modeling, cost/profit margin/sales/inventory data • Rich ingestion: Walmart Stores, Walmart.com, Merchants, Competition, 3rd party data • Large catalog size: ~ 5M 1st party catalog; ~100M 3rd party/marketplace catalog • Multi-strategy: competitive leadership/revenue management/liquidation/trending/bidding • Real-time: essential inputs ingestion (competition/trends/availability) • Real-time: any 1P item price is refreshed within 5 minutes on all important input triggers • Quasi real-time: push-rate-controlled 3P catalog price valuation • Throughput control: probabilistic filtering/caching/micro-batching/streaming API/backpressure • Regular batch jobs for quasi-static data: sales forecast/demand elasticity/marketplace statistics Item data Competition data Walmart data Smart pricing Pricing algo run Price push data •Merchant app • Matching • Walmart Stores • Forecasts • ML • Portal push •Catalog • Crawling • Walmart.com • Elasticity • Optimization • Cache refresh •3P sources • 3P sources • SCM/WMS • Profit margin • Rule-based • Merchant push Tech Stack: Flink, Kafka, Cassandra, Redis, gRPC, Hive, ElasticSearch, Druid, PySpark, Scikit, Azkaban 2 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...
3 .Monitoring & BI • Health-check: metrics/Graphite/Prometheus/Grafana/New Relic • Reporting: Hive/Tableau • Auditing: Hive/Presto • BI: Druid Going beyond Druid: real-time BI • Multi-dimensional KPI monitoring & alerting: meet/beat score, stop-loss category P&L • Categorized Top-K counters: merchant ‘hot-item’ search ranking, trending items • Anomaly detection: stateful outlier input detectors, categorized tail statistics • Price strategy selection: item-level descriptive/prescriptive time-window snapshot If all the data is already flowing through Flink pipelines – why not enrich them to compute real-time BI metrics as well? • Pros: existing Flink pipelines scalability; data locality; incremental code decoration with metric aspects; powerful Flink function APIs • Cons: metrics dimensionality curse/abuse; Flink performance side-effects; 3 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...
4 .Quick tour of Flink-metrics • Dropwizard-like metrics: counters/gauges/histograms/meters • Metric key scoping: system-level(TM/task/operator) + custom user-level (Metric Group feature) • Flink Runtime Context: allows to register operator-level metric groups via Flink RichFunction API • Flink Metric Reporter: is notified of metric registry changes and micro-batches the metrics push • Built-in metrics and reporters: scheduled Dropwizard reporter; Kafka metrics; IO/latency metrics • Flink web-GUI: basic metric navigation & charting (no aggregates) ü Good fit for health-checking ü Simple and extensible x How to define metrics logic? x How to decorate/attach metrics to existing Flink operators? x How to make adding more/new metrics a quick/simple exercise? x How to handle dynamic/BI-like metric dimensions? x How to handle metrics aggregation? Million-dollar question: KSQL vs Flink for real-time BI? 4 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...
5 .Extending Flink metrics: • Define metric logic: add a hierarchy of stateful Flink Metric Calculators; offer built-in calculator bundles • Attach to existing Flink operators: add a hierarchy of rich Flink Metered Operator Provider decorators; overload calls to StreamingExecutionEnvironment.addOperator() to implicitly decorate pipelines with metrics; • Rapid metric development: offer metric calculator base classes, extensible with FP lambda arguments • Ease of new metric set-up: programmatic and/or annotation and/or configuration • Dynamic metric key dimension extraction: FP lambda to extract key; state per key; register per key MeteredFunction<T> extends RichFunction, ResultTypeQueryable<T>, Supplier<MetricCalculatorsRegistry> MetricCalcul ator<> public interface MetricCalculator<T> extends MeteredOp Consumer<MetricsInvokationContext<T,?>>, eratorProvid Supplier<Map<List<String>, Metric>>, Serializable { er<> void bootstrap(RuntimeContext ctx); StatefulMetric } MeteredOper MeteredOper Calculator<> ator1Provide ator2Provider abstract class MeteredOperatorProvider<OPER extends Function> implements Supplier<OPER> { r<> <> VectorMetri protected OPER innerFunction; SourceOper ScalarMetric protected MetricCalculatorsRegistry metricsCalculators; SinkOperatorP MapOperato cCalculator atorProvider Calculator<> protected List<String> userMetricGroupScope; rovider<> rProvider<> <> <> 5 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...
6 .Basic Code Examples: Metric calculator : public class MetricUtils { public static <T> MetricsCalculator<T> basicMetricsPackage() { return new CompositeMetricsCalculator<T>() .withCalculator(new ResettingEventCounterCalculator<T>().withScope("EventCounter")) .withCalculator(new SimpleRateMeterCalculator<T>().withScope("RateMeter")) .withCalculator(new SimpleTrafficHistogramCalculator<T>().withScope("TrafficHistogram"));}} Programmatic pipeline decoration: stream.map(MeteredMapProvider.<ItemPushRequest,Tuple2<String,String>>of(jsonMarshallerOperator, MetricUtils.basicMetricsPackage(),"SuccessfulPricing-Map”, null).get()); Configuration pipeline decoration: YAML: { metrics : { packages: [ core : { class: ‘com.walmartlabs.smartpricing.streaming.metrics.MetricUtils’ , staticmethods = [ basicMetricsPackage ] } ], pipelines: [ OptimizationPricing : { operators: [ SuccessfulPricing-Map: { inputcalculators : [ { core : basicMetricsPackage } ] } ] } ] } } …. Java: stream.uid(“SuccessfulPricing”).map(jsonMarshallerOperator); Annotation pipeline decoration: @MetricsCalculator(package=“basicMetricsPackage”, scope=“SuccessfulPricing-Map”) private MapFunction<ItemPushRequest,Tuple2<String,String>> jsonMarshaller; … stream.map(jsonMarshallerOperator); 6 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...
7 .BI metrics: in-process In-process: fits small BI dimension cardinality & domain cases • just a regular operator metric extending VectorMetricsCalculator, with custom key extractor FP lambda • metric keys will be extracted on the fly from data and new Metrics will be registered & reported dynamically • keyed metric state will be kept per each metric key • keyed metric state will be updated in-process within each operator invocation (only for the extracted key) • each task operator will keep a partition of metric keys that it has observed • no aggregation in Flink: BI metrics are kept & reported without aggregation as regular Metric Groups • abuse of dimensionality: may bloat the TM memory and/or operator state in Flink and/or Flink metrics reporter public static MetricsCalculator<ItemPushRequest> priceChangePackage(){ return new ResettingVectorCounterCalculator<ItemPushRequest>().withSimpleEvaluator( (data, s) -> Arrays.asList("PriceChangeDescTotalCounter", data.getItemPricePushData().getPriceChangeDesc()) , (k, s) -> !k.get().isEmpty()? 1L: null); } 7 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...
8 .BI metrics: side output Side output: fits large BI dimension cardinality & domain cases • just a regular operator metric extending VectorMetricsCalculator, with custom key extractor FP lambda • metric keys will be extracted on the fly from data • no new Metrics will be registered & reported dynamically • Flink ProcessFunction Operator Provider will be used • keyed metric state will be updated as async side effect of each operator invocation (only for the extracted key) • aggregation in Flink: BI metric side-stream must be explicitly handled in Flink, with aggregation & metric push done by another downstream Flink stage (scheduled independently, typically involves a data shuffle) • abuse of dimensionality: either use a proper aggregation or a firehose sink in the downstream Flink metrics stage https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/dev/stream/side_output.html 8 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...
9 . A final bit of advice: Make a proper choice of the metrics DB/aggregation tech Pay attention to the limits of metric dashboarding tools 9 150406 CHICategory Prioritization ...