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1 .Adventures in Conformance Aaron Crickenberger, Google @spiffxp
2 .Note When I say “We” I mean “We the Kubernetes Community”
3 . Cross the Chasm Primordial soup of container orchestration implementations Achieve ubiquity to become a de-facto standard Prioritize moving fast, intentionally take on technical debt - One giant repo, development practices that aren’t friendly to newcomers - Tie directly to implementations, eg: etcd, docker - Avoid clean interfaces, eg: cloud provider code
4 . Make it Boring Define extension points, extract functionality - The “core”/”in-tree” functionality should use the same interfaces as everyone else - We now have CNI, CRI, CSI - We are extracting cloud provider functionality out Focus on stability and reliability Focus on portability of workloads
5 . Keep it Boring Cluster Operators: Is my cluster a Certified Kubernetes cluster? Application Developers: Will my workload actually be portable? Kubernetes Developers: Is this feature ready to be considered GA? CNCF Kubernetes Certification Program Source: https://github.com/cncf/k8s-conformance
6 .Keep it Boring Source: CNCF
7 .What is Kubernetes Source: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/icons
8 .What is Kubernetes Source: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/icons
9 . What is Kubernetes It turns out we don’t have a spec or written standard We care about behaviors visible to the end user That work on any given conformant Kubernetes cluster
10 .What is Kubernetes Source: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/architectural-roadmap.md
11 .What is Kubernetes Source: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/architectural-roadmap.md
12 . Improving Conformance “OK, we use it, but it barely covers any functionality” - What does that mean? Is that true? Let’s add tests to exercise more functionality - Focus on “Pod” functionality - Ensure the definition of conformance is upstream Let’s measure proxies for “functionality” coverage - What API endpoints are covered when the tests are run? - What code is covered when the tests are run?
13 . Add Tests Write an e2e test Document the e2e test Demonstrate that it meets these requirements* - Tests only GA, non-optional features or APIs - Works for all providers - Is non-privileged - Works without public internet access - Binaries used are required for Linux kernel or kubelet to run - Images used support all architectures for which Kubernetes releases are built - Passes against versions of Kubernetes consistent with version skew policy - Provides consistent results without flakes Propose to SIG Architecture that the e2e test be promoted to Conformance
14 .Add Tests Source: github.com/spiffxp/adventures-in-k8s-conformance
15 . Add Tests - 1.9 to 1.10 [sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete RS created by deployment when not orphaning [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete pods created by rc when not orphaning [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should keep the rc around until all its pods are deleted if the deleteOptions says so [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not be blocked by dependency circle [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not delete dependents that have both valid owner and owner that's waiting for dependents to be deleted [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan RS created by deployment when deleteOptions.PropagationPolicy is Orphan [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan pods created by rc if delete options say so [Conformance] [sig-apps] Daemon set [Serial] should retry creating failed daemon pods [Conformance] [sig-apps] Daemon set [Serial] should rollback without unnecessary restarts [Conformance] [sig-apps] Daemon set [Serial] should run and stop complex daemon [Conformance] [sig-apps] Daemon set [Serial] should run and stop simple daemon [Conformance] [sig-apps] Daemon set [Serial] should update pod when spec was updated and update strategy is RollingUpdate [Conformance] [sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Burst scaling should run to completion even with unhealthy pods [Conformance] [sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Scaling should happen in predictable order and halt if any stateful pod is unhealthy [Conformance] [sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance] [sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform canary updates and phased rolling updates of template modifications [Conformance] [sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform rolling updates and roll backs of template modifications [Conformance]
16 . Add Tests - 1.10 to 1.11 [sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to restart watching from the last resource version observed by the previous watch [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to start watching from a specific resource version [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe add, update, and delete watch notifications on configmaps [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe an object deletion if it stops meeting the requirements of the selector [Conformance]
17 . Add Tests - 1.11 to 1.12 [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers and fail the pod if init containers fail on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers if init containers fail on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Namespaces [Serial] should ensure that all pods are removed when a namespace is deleted [Conformance] [sig-api-machinery] Namespaces [Serial] should ensure that all services are removed when a namespace is deleted [Conformance] [sig-apps] Deployment RecreateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [sig-apps] Deployment RollingUpdateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [sig-apps] Deployment deployment should delete old replica sets [Conformance] [sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support proportional scaling [Conformance] [sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support rollover [Conformance] [sig-storage] ConfigMap binary data should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-storage] Secrets should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod [Conformance] [sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod with mountPath of existing file [Conformance] [sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with downward pod [Conformance] [sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with projected pod [Conformance] [sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with secret pod [Conformance]
18 . Add Tests - 1.12 to 1.13 [k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when starting a container that exits should run with the expected status [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox Pod with hostAliases should write entries to /etc/hosts [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command in a pod should print the output to logs [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should be possible to delete [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should have an terminated reason [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a read only busybox container should not write to root filesystem [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Pods should support remote command execution over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [k8s.io] Pods should support retrieving logs from the container over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-apps] ReplicaSet should adopt matching pods on creation and release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [sig-apps] ReplicationController should adopt matching pods on creation [Conformance] [sig-apps] ReplicationController should release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Guestbook application should create and stop a working application [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl api-versions should check if v1 is in available api versions [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl cluster-info should check if Kubernetes master services is included in cluster-info [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl expose should create services for rc [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl label should update the label on a resource [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl logs should be able to retrieve and filter logs [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl patch should add annotations for pods in rc [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl replace should update a single-container pod's image [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl rolling-update should support rolling-update to same image [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run --rm job should create a job from an image, then delete the job [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run default should create an rc or deployment from an image [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run deployment should create a deployment from an image [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run job should create a job from an image when restart is OnFailure [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run pod should create a pod from an image when restart is Never [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl run rc should create an rc from an image [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Kubectl version should check is all data is printed [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Proxy server should support --unix-socket=/path [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Proxy server should support proxy with --port 0 [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Update Demo should create and stop a replication controller [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Update Demo should do a rolling update of a replication controller [Conformance] [sig-cli] Kubectl client [k8s.io] Update Demo should scale a replication controller [Conformance] [sig-storage] EmptyDir wrapper volumes should not cause race condition when used for configmaps [Serial] [Slow] [Conformance] [sig-storage] EmptyDir wrapper volumes should not conflict [Conformance]
19 .Add Tests Source: github.com/spiffxp/adventures-in-k8s-conformance
20 . Add Tests - Next Write more tests Focus on Pod functionality - Probes - Storage - Connectivity - Pod lifecycle - etc. Workload APIs exercise this indirectly, we need more direct
21 . Requirements - Next Identify whether existing tests fit these requirements - Tag functional requirements, e.g. [Privileged] - Tag behavioral problem, e.g. [Flaky] Identify further constraints or requirements - Multiple nodes - Mixed node clusters Develop Profiles - OS-specific functionality - Optional features such as cloud provider
22 .Getting Data Source: https://github.com/cncf/k8s-conformance/tree/master/v1.12/kube-up-gce
23 .Getting Data Source: https://testgrid.k8s.io/conformance-all
24 .Getting Data Source: https://testgrid.k8s.io/conformance-all#GCE,%20v1.13%20(dev)
25 .Getting Data Source: https://gubernator.k8s.io/build/kubernetes-jenkins/logs/ci-kubernetes-gce-conformance-latest-1-13/27
26 .Getting Data Source: http://gcsweb.k8s.io/gcs/kubernetes-jenkins/logs/ci-kubernetes-gce-conformance-latest-1-13/27/artifacts/
27 . API Coverage Use cncf/apisnoop - Parse Kubernetes’ OpenAPI spec to find possible endpoints - Endpoint = VERB path - e.g. POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods - Parse Kubernetes audit log to find endpoint hits Questions we can answer: - What are the total endpoints that can be hit? - What are the actual endpoints that were hit?
28 .API Coverage - by % Source: github.com/spiffxp/adventures-in-k8s-conformance
29 .API Coverage - by % Source: github.com/spiffxp/adventures-in-k8s-conformance