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Kubernetes 应用软件的网络服务质量——Jun Du,华为技术
1 .Network QoS Support for Kubernetes Applications Jun Du Huawei Cloud
2 .Kubernetes Networking Overview Kubernetes Master Pod • One IP for each Pod Kubelet • CRI create network namespace • CNI initialize network device CRI network driver dockershim containerd kubenet CNI 初始化pause容器 p2p bridge flannel calico 网络namespace 初始化pause容器网络设备 解决容器跨机通信 加入pause容器网 络namespace Container A Pause A eth0 eth0 Pause B Container B
3 .CNI: Container Network Interface • Standard of linux container network • Configure container interfaces using JSON • Two kinds of interfaces: - configure network – invoked when create container AddNetwork(net NetworkConfig, rt RuntimeConf) (types.Result, error) - clean up network – invoked when delete container DelNetwork(net NetworkConfig, rt RuntimeConf) error
4 .Why Need Network QoS Support • For Users: - Applications should have the ~SAME performance in Cloud - Do NOT want to live with the noisy neighborhood • For Cloud Providers: - Need a way to isolate different tenants or applications - Need a way to handle network flood - Charge with different QoS level • For Kubernetes: - Better support for voice/video streams, IoT scenarios etc. - Handle well even if scheduling result is not pretty good - Part of multi-tenancy - Deprecate Kubenet
5 .Basic Network QoS Implementations • QoS policy, management, and accounting functions to control and administer end-to-end traffic across a network • QoS identification and marking techniques for coordinating QoS from end to end between network elements • QoS within a single network element (for example, queuing, scheduling, and traffic-shaping tools)
6 .QoS within a Network Element • Congestion control • Queue management • Link efficiency • Traffic shaping and policing
7 .QoS in Linux with TC and Filters Glossary: SFQ: Stochastic Fairness Queueing HTB: Hierarchical Token Bucket
8 . Linux TC Sample Commands export POD_IP= export DLD_CLASS=1 tc qdisc add dev cni0 root handle 1: htb default 30 tc class add dev cni0 parent 1: classid 1:${DLD_CLASS} htb rate 10Mbit tc filter add dev cni0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst ${POD_IP}/32 flowid 1:${DLD_CLASS} cni0 1: 1:1 # 10Mb/s 1:30默认
9 . CNI Bandwidth Plugin • Configure Linux's Traffic control (tc) subsystem • Configures a token bucket filter (tbf) queuing discipline (qdisc) on both ingress and egress traffic • Creates an Intermediate Functional Block device (ifb) to redirect packets from the host interface eth0 ifb veth123 • Applies traffic shaping to interfaces created by previously applied plugins
10 .Sample Config of Bandwidth Plugin { "cniVersion": "0.3.1", "name": "mynet", "plugins": [ { "type": “bridge", // can be ptp as well "ipam": { "type": "host-local", "subnet": "" }, }, { "name": "slowdown", "type": "bandwidth", "ingressRate": 123, "ingressBurst": 456, "egressRate": 123, "egressBurst": 456 } ] }
11 .Integrating With Kubernetes • Kubelet runs with any network driver: cni or kubenet • Configure Pod’s annotations to limit ingress/egress bandwidth rate • For CNI: - Make sure bandwidth plugin binary exists in CNI plugins directory (/opt/cni/bin) - Configure enabling traffic shaping in network plugin config file (/etc/cni/net.d/10-caclico.confilist) apiVersion: v1 { kind: Pod "name": "k8s-pod-network", metadata: "cniVersion": "0.3.0", "plugins": [ name: iperf { annotations: "type": "calico", kubernetes.io/ingress-bandwidth: 1M "datastore_type": "kubernetes", kubernetes.io/egress-bandwidth: 1M ...... spec: }, containers: { - name: iperf "type": "bandwidth", image: moutten/iperf "capabilities": {"bandwidth": true} } ] }
12 .Workflow of Limit Pod’s Bandwidth Pod.yaml annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress-bandwidth: 1M kubernetes.io/egress-bandwidth: 1M Kubernetes API Server Call CNI API: CNI plugin: Linux AddNetowrk() bandwidth tc CNI network driver Network plugin configlist tc qdisc Kubelet { tc class "type": "bandwidth", tc filter "capabilities":{"bandwidth":true} ... }
13 .K8S Support Traffic Shaping in v1.12 Huawei team will keep contributing…
14 .Demo https://asciinema.org/a/L60lAcHknt9BhdsMDNAr9oJ2q
15 .Future Work • Burst rate support in Kubernetes API - Given the burst rate support in CNI bandwidth plugin side • Support traffic shaping in CNI third party plugins(calico, weave…) - weave already got a plan • Explore a way to re-configure when a Pod is running • If ALL network plugins supports traffic shaping, should we move it out of annotations? • More Flexible policies instead of static configuration • Windows Container traffic shaping?
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