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利用 MicroK8s 和 Kubeflow 达成的 Kubernetes CICD (持续集成 / 持续交付) 小技巧
1 .CICD Hacks Cloud Native - Ubuntu, Multipass, Microk8s
2 .Agenda 1. Canonical Introduction 2. The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes 3. CICD in Cloud Native 4. Questions and Answer
3 .Introduction - Ubuntu
4 .Canonical is a company behind Ubuntu
5 .Canonical introduction
6 .2004 FOUNDED 600+ EMPLOYEES 34+ COUNTRIES London Tokyo Boston Beijing Shanghai Taipei
7 .Canonical’s distribution of Kubernetes
8 .Why Canonical Kubernetes? Pure upstream, latest & greatest versions Operates on AWS, Azure, GCE, OpenStack, VMWare, bare metal Bare metal operations with MAAS 100% compatible with Google’s Kubernetes Secured. TLS, Kernel Live patching, confinement Upgradable between each Kubernetes Release Cost effective at scale
9 .extensible by design NFS
10 .any CPU architecture x86 s390x
11 .
12 .CICD in Cloud Native What are the basics? What are the problem areas?
13 .CICD : A Basic Setup - Logical 1. Source Code (Repo) 2. Continuous Integration (CI) 3. Continuous Delivery (Cd) 4. Continuous Deployment (CD) 5. Runtime Environment Developer Continuous Continuous Continuous Laptop Code Repo Runtime Integration Delivery Deployment
14 .CICD : A Basic Setup - Example Resources OCI GitLab GitHub Werker Harbor JenkinsX registry Spinnaker Argo LXD K8s UBUNTU git Jenkins CircleCI DockerHub GCR Juju Snap Open MAAS Stack Developer Continuous Continuous Continuous Laptop Code Repo Runtime Integration Delivery Deployment
15 .CICD : A Basic Setup - Specific Thread OCI GitLab JenkinsX registry Spinnaker K8s UBUNTU git Jenkins Developer Continuous Continuous Continuous Laptop Code Repo Runtime Integration Delivery Deployment
16 . CICD : A Basic Setup - Problem? OCI GitLab JenkinsX registry Spinnaker K8s UBUNTU git Jenkins The Problem? The Benefit? - Eliminate Internet Access - Fast Builds - Large Images Slows - Fast Deploys build-deploy-test loop - Fast build-deploy-test loop - Empower “Airplane Mode”
17 .CICD : A Basic Setup - All-in-One Goals: 1. Build Self Sufficient VM 2. Allow VM to be Ephemeral CICD 3. Restart VM and keep State All-in-One Key Tools: VM: Guest OS - Ubuntu 1. Multipass - launch vms 2. Microk8s - launch kubernetes multipass Native Hypervisor Host Operating System Laptop / Desktop / Workstation / Server
18 .CICD : A Basic Setup - All-in-One CICD All-in-One Optional GitLab Jenkins git OCI Spinnaker registry Cloud JenkinsX Native jx Microk8s (kubernetes)
19 .CICD : A Basic Setup - Storage .. CICD All-in-One Optional GitLab Jenkins 1. MOUNT git OCI Spinnaker registry Cloud JenkinsX Volume on Native Host jx Microk8s (kubernetes) 2. PV / PVC VM: Guest OS - Ubuntu
20 .CICD : A Basic Setup - Demo ➔ https://github.com/canonical-labs/cicd-microk8s-basic CICD All-in-One Optional GitLab Jenkins OCI Spinnaker registry Cloud JenkinsX Native Microk8s (kubernetes)
21 .CICD : A Basic Setup - Distributed “CI” DEV STAGING GitLab JenkinsX Jenkins Microk8s Microk8s Microk8s PRODUCTION CD registry Spinnaker git jx Microk8s Microk8s
22 . More info: Thank you! https://microk8s.io https://www.ubuntu.com/ai https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/multipass https://www.ubuntu.com/kubernetes https://github.com/canonical-labs/cicd-microk8s-basic