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1 .Kubernetes: Use it, Contribute to it, and Enjoy it! Xiangpeng Zhao, Software Engineer, ZTE Corporation Github: @xiangpengzhao
2 .Agenda 1. The community 2. How to contribute 3. Versioning 4. The easy way to use it 5. Demo 6. Q&A
3 .The community Orgs/Repos SIGs/WGs Ecosystem Communication Resources
4 .Orgs/Repos Kubernetes Kubernetes Incubator Kubernetes Orgs kubernetes- Clients csi Kubernetes kubernetes- SIGs retired
5 .Orgs/Repos
6 .Orgs/Repos
7 .Orgs/Repos
8 .SIGs/WGs Special Interest Group Working Group https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/sig-list.md
9 .SIGs/WGs
10 .Communication Mailing list Zoom Github Discussion board Slack YouTube Kubecons channel /meetups
11 .Communication related links Github https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues Slack http://slack.k8s.io/ YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/KubernetesCommunity/live Mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/kubernetes-dev Zoom https://zoom.us/my/kubernetescommunity Discussion board https://discuss.kubernetes.io Kubecons/meetups We are already here !
12 .Roles https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/community-membership.md https://github.com/kubernetes/org/issues
13 .Resources Docs/blog Course Video Learning Playground platform
14 .Resources related links Docs/blog https://kubernetes.io Course https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-kubernetes Video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ2bu0qutTOM0tHYa_jkIwg Playground https://labs.play-with-k8s.com Learning platform https://www.katacoda.com/courses/kubernetes More: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/online-training/overview/
15 .Agenda 1. The community 2. How to contribute 3. Versioning 4. The easy way to use it 5. Demo 6. Q&A
16 . Where to docs code all repos bug code report review
17 .PR workflow
18 .git workflow
19 .CI
20 .bot/commands /approve /retest /cc /kind bug /lgtm /hold /assign /lint https://prow.k8s.io/command-help
21 .joke/shrug
22 .cats vs dogs
23 .A short demo
24 .Agenda 1. The community 2. How to contribute 3. Versioning 4. The easy way to use it 5. Demo 6. Q&A
25 .Types of Releases • Alpha releases (vX.Y.0-alpha.W): cut directly from master. • Beta releases (vX.Y.Z-beta.W): cut from their respective release branch, release-X.Y. • Official releases (vX.Y.Z): cut from their respective release branch, release-X.Y. • Emergency releases (vX.Y.Z): cut from a new release-X.Y.Z branch based on a tag
26 .Release Schedule
27 .Release1.13
28 .Branch
29 .Supported releases 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.10