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用户介面:利用 Kubernetes Dashboard 并决定其未来——Dan Romlein,Google & Spencer Sugarman
1 .State of the UI: Leveraging Kubernetes Dashboard and Shaping its Future Spencer Sugarman Dan Romlein UX Researcher, Google UX Designer, Google
2 . 1. What Dashboard is and why you should be using it Talk Goals 2. Research findings and the future of Dashboard 3. Where to learn more and how to get involved
3 .About Kubernetes Dashboard
4 .
5 .Dashboard 1.0 launched in 2016
6 .github.com/kubernetes/dashboard
7 .SIG-UI Team Piotr Bryk, Google Peng Xiao, Alauda Sebastian Florek (co-lead), Loodse Jeffrey Sica, University of Michigan Jim Angel, General Motors Marcin Maciaszczyk, Loodse
8 .Why a UI?
9 .60% of survey takers use a UI to monitor or manage their resources in Kubernetes https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/issues /3256#issuecomment-437199403 https://unsplash.com/
10 .UIs help you understand what’s going on with your cluster, fast.
11 .
12 .
13 .Dashboard UI & kubectl Dashboard Strengths: Kubectl Strengths: ● Providing an overview ● In-Terminal workflows ● Monitoring & troubleshooting ● Frequently-repeated tasks ● Sharing with non-technical ● Scripting & automation stakeholders ● Sharing workflows / ● Infrequent tasks reproducibility ● Onboarding new K8s users / ● Customization learning
14 .Onboarding new K8s users https://unsplash.com/
15 .
16 . How useful is the Kubernetes Dashboard for learning Kubernetes? 您认为Kubernetes Dashboard对学习Kubernetes有多大用处? Over 50% of survey takers said that Dashboard is very useful or extremely useful for learning Kubernetes https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/issues /3256#issuecomment-437199403
17 .“At the start it was great to be able to visually see the resources and understand how they are grouped. This helped someone like me with a hands-on but visual learning style.” → Survey response → Developer, running Kubernetes in AWS, Azure, and on-prem
18 .Dashboard as a K8s learning tool
19 .Create, read, update, delete resources.
20 . Recent and upcoming features https://unsplash.com/
21 .Features since 2016 KubeCon update github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/releases ● Exec into pod ● Global search ● Login mechanism ● Settings page ● Support for Cron Jobs ● Redesigned resource creation ● ...and much much more.
22 .In-progress work ● Migrating from ng1 to ng2 (#3152) ● Migrating metrics from Heapster to Kubernetes Metrics API (#2986) ● Apps list page (#2980)
23 .
24 .
25 .Demo
26 .Future of Dashboard
27 . How do people use Dashboard today, and want to use it tomorrow? https://unsplash.com/
28 .About the survey How would you rate your knowledge of Kubernetes? 您如何评价您对于Kubernetes的了解程度? 163 Responses https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/issues /3256#issuecomment-437199403
29 .Top requested changes 1. Third-party plugins or integrations 集成第三方插件 2. Feature parity with kubectl 功能与kubectl保持一致 3. Multi-cluster management 多集群管理 4. Improved security 提高安全性