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Botless:无服务器 Chatbot 框架
1 . Scott Nichols n3wscott Software Engineer Google Botless: Building a Serverless Chatbot Framework
2 .We are going to build the botless framework together, right now. We will optimize for price, and flexibility of extensions. 2
3 .Collect Requirements 3
4 ./uptime 128 Days! 4
5 ./define crd CRD stands for Custom Resource Definition. 5
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8 .8
9 . No servers Elastic Portable Serverless Service-based Event-driven Pay only for usage 9
10 .10
11 . ------------- ---------- ------------ Standardize </> </> </> </> ------ -------- --------- 11
12 .12
13 .Knative Building blocks for serverless workloads on Kubernetes [kay-native] 13
14 .Knative project ● Set of primitives (build, events, serving...) ● Solves for modern development patterns ● Implements learnings from Google, partners ● Ingredient or platform for Serverless github.com/knative 14
15 .Knative collaboration 15
16 .Knative enabled Serverless Containers on GCF GKE Serverless Add-on SAP Kyma Products Pivotal Function Service IBM Cloud Functions Red Hat Cloud Functions Pivotal riff OpenFaaS T-mobile Jazz Primitives Build Serving Eventing ... Platform Kubernetes 16
17 .General Architecture 17
18 .Chat Adapter Bot Action Botless Knative Kubernetes 18
19 . Receive Chat Server Parser Registry Adapter Command X Command Y 19
20 . Receive Chat Server Adapter Chat Server Protocol. Outputs chat messages in to Chat Message Cloud Event. 20
21 .CloudEvents a specification for describing event data in a common way. 21
22 . { "cloudEventsVersion" : "0.1", "eventType" : "com.example.someevent", CloudEvents "source" : "http://example.com/mycontext", "eventID" : "A234-1234-1234", "eventTime" : "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z", "contentType" : "text/xml", "data" : "<much wow=\"xml\"/>" } 22
23 . Receive Chat Server Chat Source Adapter 23
24 . apiVersion: sources.botless.dev/v1alpha1 kind: ChatSource metadata: name: example-chat-source spec: Chat Receive server: Server Adapter host: http://chatserver.example.com auth: username: botless password: ref: name: botless-chatserver key: botlessCredentials Chat Source sink: apiVersion: eventing.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Channel name: msg 24
25 .Chat Server Chat Source Parser Registry Command X Command Y 25
26 .Chat Source Parser Registry Command X Command Y 26
27 . Knative, principled eventing objects Eventing constructs : ● sources (producer) sources ● Channel (delivery) ● Subscription (linkage) Channel ● callable (custom functions) Subscription callable Channel 27
28 .Knative, channels apiVersion: eventing.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Channel metadata: name: k8ssource Channel spec: provisioner: name: default 28
29 .Knative, subscriptions apiVersion: eventing.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Subscription metadata: name: sub-example namespace: default spec: channel: apiVersion: eventing.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Channel Channel name: upstream-channel subscriber: ref: apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Service Subscription callable name: caller-example reply: channel: apiVersion: eventing.knative.dev/v1alpha1 Channel kind: Channel name: downstream-channel 29