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1 .containerd intro Kubecon Shanghai 2018 Derek McGowan (Docker) Mike Brown (IBM)
2 .History of containerd containerd to CNCF containerd 0.2 - Goal of being a stable runtime - Integrated in Docker 1.11 with OCI image support - Simple runtime manager - CRI implementation started on top of runc - Plugin architecture built Early 2016 Early 2017 Late 2016 Container Runtime Interface (CRI) - Containerd scope increased to match needs of Kubernetes runtime
3 .History of containerd containerd 1.0 containerd 1.2 - Released in December - Released in October - API stabilized - Runtime shim API stabilized - CRI implementation goes - Focus on stability and alpha in November extensibility Late 2017 Late 2018 Early 2018 Containerd 1.1 - Released in April - CRI implementation goes BETA - CRI added to containerd as built-in plugin
4 .Why containerd? ● Docker ○ Scope has increased over time ○ Resource footprint not optimal for certain use cases where 3rd parties wish to replace/replicate certain higher level features that Docker provides ● Common runtime for multiple platforms ○ Kubernetes’ CRI interface ○ Pouch ○ Garden ● Cloud provider integration ○ Less opinionated, more extensible for specialized cloud environments ● Owned by CNCF ● Support for OCI runtime and image specifications
5 .Design Goals ● Loosely coupled components ○ Use any component on its own or all together ● Stable GRPC interface ● Extensibility ○ Use any runtime ○ Support any custom requirements ● Unopinionated ○ All defaults can be overwritten ○ Plugins define their configuration ● Smart client ○ Bring together decoupled components into usable toolset
6 .Architecture Overview
7 . Smart Client Design Smart client - Higher level interface provided by client library - Responsible for push and pull - Direct access to low level resources (e.g. snapshots) - Creates container OCI configuration
8 .GRPC API GRPC API - Low level access to components - Mirrors internal component interfaces - Snapshots, Content, Containers, Task, Events, etc
9 . Metrics Metric API - Metrics exposed through Prometheus API - Exposes metrics for containerd process AND container level metrics - Enabled in containerd config `/etc/containerd/config.toml` [metrics] address = "localhost:9090"
10 .Kubernetes Support Kubernetes Runtime Support - CRI GRPC API exposed from containerd - Kubelet can be configured to use containerd as runtime
11 .Plugins
12 .Plugins (CRI) CRI Plugin - Built-in by default - GRPC service plugin
13 .Plugins (Snapshotter) Snapshotter Plugin - Built-in (overlay, btrfs, aufs) - Supports custom plugins over GRPC in 1.2
14 .Plugins (Runtime) Runtime plugin - Support for custom shims in 1.2 - Binary which implements runtime API - Useful for VM runtimes - Support for OCI runtimes - Install through `ctr install`
15 . More Extensibility - Smart client model (Golang) - Resolver interface allows custom pull flow - Direct access to containerd interfaces - Server plugin architecture - All services are self registered - Custom GRPC services - CRI is a GRPC plugin - Direct access to internal services
16 .Architecture - Intro to containerd CRI daemon shims Kubelet CRI API CRI Plugin runc containerd client containerd Services Pod Container runtime Container images Container Container network
17 .CRI plugin - (Networking) All Networking is handled by CNI - Support for all CNI plugins - CRI plugin creates a network namespace for the pod via CNI - CNI config(s) configure the CNI plugins which are used to apply the desired networking features for the pod... Pod Container network Container Container Container
18 . Container Runtime Interface - CRI ● PodSandbox ○ Run, Stop, Remove, List, PortForward (via stream), and Status ● Containers ○ Create, Start, Stop, Remove, List, Status, Update (config), and Stats ○ ExecSync - run a command in a container, return response ○ Exec - run a command in a container asynchronously and stream the io ○ Attach - to a container - returns a stream to io of a running container ● Images ○ List, Status, Pull, Remove, FsInfo (file system information, bytes used... ) ● Runtime ○ Version, Config, Status… of the Container Runtime More: https://godoc.org/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/cri/runtime/v1alpha2 INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.913423245-05:00] starting containerd revision= version= INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.914989294-05:00] serving... address="/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
19 . Tools ● ctr ○ Development tool ships with containerd, unstable (commands may change) ○ Lower level commands (directly managing snapshots, images, containers) ● crictl ○ CLI for any CRI runtime, more stable (commands less likely to change) ○ Higher level operations (pull, run, pod management) INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.913423245-05:00] starting containerd revision= version= INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.914989294-05:00] serving... address="/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
20 . Getting Started Installing kubeadm: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/install-kubeadm/ To configure Kubernetes with containerd: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/cri/#containerd https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.913423245-05:00] starting containerd revision= version= INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.914989294-05:00] serving... address="/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
21 . Demo ● Bring up kubernetes cluster on containred with kubeadm ● Contrast kubectl with crictl - just a bit ● Use crictl to inspect the parts of a default cluster ● Show stats with crictl ● Do a kube 101 nginx example ● Run a browser.. ● Find the IP of your nginx server with crictl inspectp ● Load the page.. ● Use crictl to show the nginx container log ● Bring the cluster down ● Maybe show the pods are gone but containerd is still up via crictl pods INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.913423245-05:00] starting containerd revision= version= INFO[2018-10-03T20:03:38.914989294-05:00] serving... address="/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
22 . containerd in the Cloud(s) ● Kelsey Hightower’s “Kubernetes the Hard Way” deploys containerd as the kubelet runtime ● GKE beta: containerd-based K8s clusters ● IBM Cloud: containerd-based clusters for 1.11+ ● Azure: OSS acs-engine includes containerd; AKS moving to containerd ● Amazon: still reviewing runtime options for EKS ● CloudFoundry: moving to containerd from runc
23 .Build on a solid foundation Build on containerd