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深入了解 Kubernetes 上的 Windows 容器
1 . Kubernetes Windows Pengfei Ni Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Maintainer
2 .1. Windows
3 .= = Container Container Container VM VM VM Applications Application App App App OS OS OS OS Kernel OS Hardware Hyper-V Hardware
4 .
5 .# FROM # IIS RUN powershell -Command Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server # CMD [ "ping", "localhost", "-t" ]
6 .Windows nanoserver windowsservercore Windows windowsservercore-insider nanoserver-insider windows-insider 1 0 3 / / . / / .
7 .
8 .
9 .- - Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Other Processes and Services OS Kernel Kernel Kernel Kernel Hyper-V Hardware Hardware
10 .Window Server Optimized container images for Optimized Server Core image Optimized Server Core image Nano Server and Server Core App compat improvements App compat improvements Native command line tools – Enhanced Group Managed Service Platform level support for Linux curl.exe, tar.exe and SSH Account support containers Enhancements to the Windows Platform functionality for Subsystem for Linux Kubernetes and Microsoft Service Windows Subsystem for Linux Networking enhancements for Fabric greater density and quicker Performance and density endpoint creation improvements Networking enhancements for overlays and SDN Improved network security with Platform and open source work on Calico Open source storage plugins CNI networking plugins such as for Kubernetes Calico and Flannel Platform functionality required for Enhancements to the Windows Kubernetes conformance Subsystem for Linux … you will have to wait
11 . 9 4 698 98 1684 4 698 06839 4 4 06839 4 4 06839 4 4 06839 4 4 673 673 673 673 06839 4 4 9 :4 183 :4 971 698 :4 971 698 :4 971 698 - 924 9 1 698 987 987 987 06839 4 4 9 :4 183 :4 971 698 :4 971 698 9 ::9 43 - 924 9 1 698 987 987 06839 4 4 9 :4 183 :4 971 698 9 ::9 43 9 ::9 43 - 924 9 1 698 987 06839 4 4 9 :4 183 9 ::9 43 9 ::9 43 9 ::9 43 - 924 9 1 698
12 .2. Windows Server Kubernetes
13 .
14 .Kubernetes , - -- -
15 .Kubernetes 101 Internet Master node Worker node etcd API Server Kubelet Kube-proxy Controller-manager scheduler Docker Pod Pod Pod Containers Containers Containers replication, namespace, serviceaccounts, etc.
16 .Kubernetes+Windows
17 .Alpha: v1.5 Virtual Filtering Beta: v1.9 Pod Platform (VFP) GA: ETA v1.14 CRI kubeadm Hyper-V CNI Windows Server
18 . Master nodes (Linux) etcd API Server controller-manager scheduler replication, namespace, serviceaccounts, etc. Linux Nodes Windows Nodes Kubelet Kube-proxy Kube-proxy Kubelet Docker Pod Pod Pod Docker Pod Pod Pod Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers Containers
19 . wincni ) ( - 2 ) (
20 .wincni Pod Pod Pod Pod Containers Containers Containers Containers Hyper-V Virtual Switch Hyper-V Virtual Switch Node1 Node2 NIC NIC Prefix Next Hop Internet
21 ., , , , , ,
22 .Pod
23 .• Windows Server 1709 Pod • Windows Host • DNS resolv • • Weave Net Calico • Local traffic policy
24 .3.
25 . v1.14 GA • Windows Server 2019 • Flex : SMB, iSCSI • Hyper-V Pod • Containerd • conformance tests node e2e tests
26 .• Windows Server Linux • Containerd • : flexvolume, CSI • DaemonSet
27 .• https://docs.microsoft.com/en- us/virtualization/windowscontainers/kubernetes/getting- started-kubernetes-windows • https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/windows/ • https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/networking/2018/09/19/ws 2019-kubernetes/ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2B7cLdTXMw • https://github.com/Microsoft/SDN/tree/master/Kubernetes • https://trello.com/b/rjTqrwjl/windows-k8s-roadmap
28 .Thanks & QA