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1 .Applying AI/ML Anaytics Anywhere Jay Palaniappan | Cloud Summit X - 2019
2 .What is AI/ML AI AI – Artificial Intelligence ML ML – Machine Learning DL DL – Deep Learning NN NN – Neural Networks 2
3 .Natural Language Processing Content Extraction Machine Translation NLP Classification Speech to Text Q/A 3
4 .We Heart Our Digital Assistants >300K Amazon Echo, Google Home Installed Base Hits 65 Million Bots on Facebook Messenger 31% of business executives believe “virtual personal assistants” will have the largest impact on their business By 2020, 75% of workers whose daily tasks involve the use of enterprise applications will have access to intelligent personal assistants to augment their skills and expertise 4
5 .Bots Mean Business Too Help me make a Decision Fast Response Tailorable to Business Lingo Unify my Business Data Secure my Access Analytics Anywhere 5
6 . Enterprise Bots Discovery Bots Developer Bots Analytics Bots Chatlytics Botanalytics Meya Analytics Anywhere Buzzlogger Discovery Bots IM Integration Compose.ai Meekee Compose.ai Meya Natural Language Processing AI / ML Google Assistant FB Messenger Cortana Google Prediction Microsoft ML Studio Alexa Siri 6
7 .AI Chatbot Features Natural language and Tailorable gender / textual interface locale / accent Multi-language Fast sub-second and capable response times Access to data Rich dynamic visuals as a service (slice/dice on demand) Robust Security Adaptive experience – in-line with Enterprise Machine learning for standards personalization 7
8 .Demo
9 .Analytics Anywhere Reference Architecture Security 9
10 .Training / NLU 10
11 .Dynamic Charting 11
12 .Machine Learning 12
13 .AI Services Portfolio - Highlights AMAZON GOOGLE Alexa Google Assitant Lex Dialog Flow Comprehend Cloud Translation Polly Cloud Text to Speech Rekognition Cloud Vision & Video SageMaker Cloud ML EMR Big Query ML 13
14 .What’s Next? Executive Headlines / Natural language to Cognitive Learning summary of performance SQL (Natural (Supervised to KPIs based on usage Language Querying) Unsupervised Learning) history 14
15 .Questions?