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Preparing for disaster recovery on MySQL and PostgreSQL
Preparing for disaster recovery on MySQL and PostgreSQL
Carlos Tutte
Carlos Tutte is a Support Engineer with Percona
1 .Preparing for disaster recovery on MySQL and PostgreSQL Carlos Tutte, Support Engineer April 23, 2019
2 . Agenda ● Introduction ● Backups ● HA ● Load balancing ● Monitoring ● How to recover? ● Conclusions ● Questions www.percona.com
3 .INTRODUCTION www.percona.com
4 . Introduction ● What is the Recovery Time Objective (RTO)? ● What is the Recovery Point Objective (RPO)? ● What Risks should be mitigated? www.percona.com
5 .BACKUPS www.percona.com
6 . Backup types ● Logical ● Physical ○ Cold backup (offline) ○ Hot backup (online) ○ Warm backup ● Snapshot based ● (Delayed) Replicas www.percona.com
7 . Why to take backups? ● For system recovery ● For auditing purposes ● Migrations to new versions/hw ● Testing/QA performance ● Create/restore other environments www.percona.com
8 . Backups in MySQL:logical ● Mysqldump mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases --master-data --single-transaction --routines --events --triggers --hex-blob > /path/to/backup.sql ● Mydumper mydumper -uroot -p -t 4 --trx-consistency-only --triggers --events --routines -o /path/to/dump/ -L /path/to/log/mydumper.log -v 3 ● Mysqlpump mysqlpump -u root -p --all-databases --default-parallelism=8 --single-transaction --routines --events --triggers --hex-blob > /path/to/backup.sql ● select….into outfile www.percona.com
9 . Backups in MySQL: physical ● Percona Xtrabackup (PXB) xtrabackup --user=root --password=pass--backup --target-dir=/data/backups/ ● MySQL enterprise backup mysqlbackup -uroot -ppass --backup_dir=/backup-dir/ ● Rsync o cp www.percona.com
10 . Backups in PostgreSQL:logical ● Pg_dump pg_dump -U root -W -F t database_name > /path/backup_file.tar ● Pg_dumpall pg_dumpall -U root > /path/backup.sql Since 9.3, pg_dump is multi threaded www.percona.com
11 . Backups in PostgreSQL:physical ● Pg_basebackup pg_basebackup -h mydbserver -D /path/to/backupdir/ ● pgBackRest sudo -u postgres pgbackrest --stanza=demo --type=incr --log-level-console=info backup ● Barman barman backup server-name barman receive-wal --create-slot server-name ● Rsync o cp www.percona.com
12 . DB Agnostic: Binary logs Binary logs (WAL = write ahead logs for Psql) are not a backups, but do contain executed statements and are needed for PITR (point in time recovery). ● This can be done with barman or pgbackrest in Psql ● In MySQL you need to use mysqlbinlog utility with --read-from-remote-server flag www.percona.com
13 . Backup tips ● Save backup on a remote location! ● Keep latest backup copy on server for faster recovery ● Have logical+binary forms ● Test your backups! ● Logical backup of physical backup ● Queries for referential integrity verification ● Queries for index scanning ● Have enough binary logs www.percona.com
14 . Backup tips cont ● Use incremental backups ● Have incremental backups ready ● Take backups from a replica ● Have multiple backup copies in case data was altered and change was not noticed www.percona.com
15 .High availability is a quality of a system or component that assures a high level of operational performance for a given period of time. HIGH AVAILABILITY www.percona.com
16 . High Availability Availability Max Downtime per year 90% 36.53 days 99% 3.65 days 99.9% 8.77 hours 99.99% 4.38 minutes 99.999% 26.30 seconds www.percona.com
17 . Reasons for HA Business won’t earn money if their servers are not working. Common causes for unavailability: ● Maintenance ● Bugs/OS/HW problems ● Human errors ● Natural disasters ● Electrical disruptions ● Intentional damage www.percona.com
18 . HA in MySQL Only consider ROW binlog format ● Async slave ● Delayed slave ● Semi sync slave ● Virtually synchronous ○ Group Replication ○ Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) ● DRBD replication Hot-standby vs cold-standby www.percona.com
19 . HA in PostreSQL ● Streaming replication ● Delayed replication ● DRBD replication Hot-standby vs cold-standby For Psql there is no native clustering Solution. It’s based on 3rd party software (Stolon, pgpool-II, pgBouncer) which monitores and load balances between many nodes www.percona.com
20 .Load balancing have many uses but in the context of this talk, we use them as a way to redirect load to different servers in the cluster in case of failure LOAD BALANCING www.percona.com
21 . Load balancing products ● DB Agnostic HAProxy, F5 load balancer ● MySQL: ProxySQL, MaxScale (MariaDB), MySQL Router ● Psql: Stolon, pgpool-II, pgBouncer www.percona.com
22 .MONITORING www.percona.com
23 . Monitoring ● Backup server disk space ● Last backup state ● Last backup verification test run ● Binlog availability www.percona.com
24 .HOW TO RECOVER? www.percona.com
25 . How to recover? ● Load balancing to other nodes ● Master-slave topologies: promote slave ● Shared disk failover ● Failover: ○ MySQL: MHA, Orchestrator ○ Psql: Patroni, repmgr (replication manager), PAF (Psql automatic failover) + pacemaker, pglookout www.percona.com
26 . How to recover? cont ● Apply logs in delayed slave ○ START SLAVE UNTIL ● Restore backups + PITR ○ Apply binlogs from fake master www.percona.com
27 .CONCLUSIONS www.percona.com
28 . Conclusions ● For every server or system: ○ Specify RTO and RPO ○ Identify failure points (FP) ○ Design recovery plan for every FP ○ Implement HA and restore strategy ○ Test and monitor everything! ○ Automatize! www.percona.com
29 . References ● MySQL reference manual https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/ ● PostgreSQL reference manual https://www.postgresql.org/docs/ ● Percona blog https://www.percona.com/blog/ ● PMM demo https://pmmdemo.percona.com www.percona.com