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Automating MySQL Deployments on Kubernetes
该运营商基于Percona Server for MySQL进行操作改进,如“实用程序用户和备份锁”,并依靠Orchestrator进行自动故障切换。
1 .Automating MySQL Deployments on Kubernetes Calin Don & Flavius Mecea Presslabs
2 .Automating MySQL Deployments on Kubernetes Percona Live 2018
3 .00. Who are we? Calin Don Flavius Mecea Co-founder & CTO Project Lead @Presslabs @Presslabs
4 .01. Context 02. The Need 03. Solution 04. Use cases 05. Outcomes 06. Demo 07. Project status 08. Future plans
5 .01. Context
6 .01. Context 2007 2011 2013 2015 2018 WordPress Managed Record: 2,2 BN Top tier in Open-Source development WordPress pageviews in a Enterprise Stack agency hosting month hosting
7 .01. Context / Why Kubernetes? ● Ubiquitous technology ● Open-source ● The core of our Stack
8 .02. The Need
9 .02. The Need 1. Easy MySQL Cluster deployment in Kubernetes 2. Scalable MySQL Cluster* 3. High availability for MySQL 4. Automated backups & restore 5. Built-in monitoring
10 .03. The Need didn’t fit our scaling model didn’t provide enough automation
11 .03. Solution
12 .03. Solution Kubernetes Operator for managing MySQL Clusters with asynchronous or semi-synchronous replication. ● Self-healing clusters ● Highly available reads ● Virtually highly available writes ● Replication lag detection and mitigation ● Resource abuse control ● Automated backups and restores
13 .03. Solution How it’s made
14 .03. Solution Node internals
15 .03. Solution Percona is battle-tested in Enterprise environments. NOW UPCOMING ● Percona XtraBackup ● Percona Monitoring & Management ● Percona Toolkit ● Percona Server for MySQL
16 .04. Use Cases
17 .04. Use Cases ● Microservices ● Ephemeral databases for testing ● On-premise DBaaS
18 .05. Outcomes
19 .05. Outcomes / Evaluation setup ~ $50 ~ $50
20 .05. Outcomes / Evaluation setup Target performance vs required resources QPS
21 .05. Outcomes / Evaluation setup Target performance vs required resources QPS
22 .05. Outcomes / Evaluation setup Target performance vs required resources QPS
23 .05. Outcomes / Evaluation setup Target performance vs required resources QPS
24 .05. Outcomes / Evaluation setup Target performance vs required resources QPS
25 .05. Outcomes / Costs ~ $50 ~ $250
26 .Calin Don
27 .06. Demo time!
28 .Demo - install MySQL Operator $ helm repo add presslabs https://presslabs.github.io/charts $ helm install presslabs/mysql-operator --name mysql-operator
29 .Demo - install MySQL Operator $ helm repo add presslabs https://presslabs.github.io/charts $ helm install presslabs/mysql-operator --name mysql-operator NAME: mysql-operator LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Nov 2 12:09:24 2018 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: DEPLOYED ...