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ClickHouse at Messagebird - analysing billions of events in real-time
1 .Clickhouse at MessageBird Analysing billions of events in real-time* Aleksandar Aleksandrov & Félix Mattrat NOVEMBER 2018
2 . About us Data engineers & Team leads Aleksandar Félix Aleksandrov Mattrat 2
3 .ABOUT 225+ Agreements Introducing We have 225+ direct-to-carrier agreements with operators worldwide. MessageBird MessageBird is a cloud communications platform that 15,000+ Customers empowers consumers to communicate with your Customers in over 60+ countries, across a business in the same way they communicate with their great variety of industries. friends - seamlessly, on their own timeline and with the context of previous conversations. 180+ Employees More than 180 employees speaking over 20 languages based in the Americas, For additional information visit: www.messagebird.com Europe & Asia. 3
4 .What’s on the menu? 01. Data at MessageBird 02. The past - Age Of Darkness 03. Enlightenment - ClickHouse use case 04. What’s next? - Nirvana 4
5 .DATA AT MESSAGEBIRD Needs Mostly about statistics and reporting Internal needs External needs • State of the system • Customer dashboard • Routing SMS • Reporting API • Training algorithms • ML Models 5
6 .DATA AT MESSAGEBIRD The landscape • Multiple carriers is messy - no uniformity of the data • SMS messages go through many state changes up to months into the past • Pricing (both carrier and customer) changes retro-actively 6
7 .Age of Darkness 7
8 .AGE OF DARKNESS Hello CRON my old friend • MySQL based • Aggregates re-computed every X period of time • Served us well for +5 years 8
9 .AGE OF DARKNESS Scaling problems • The system had difficulty scaling and was often lagging • Loss of granularity with pre-aggregation • Performed poorly while doing analytical queries • Inaccuracies 9
10 .ENLIGHTENMENT - QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATIVE Re-thinking data collection • Able to keep up with continuously changing SMS message states • In real time* • Scalable to handle MessageBird’s global growth • More flexible to accommodate wider use of data 10
11 .ENLIGHTENMENT - QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATIVE Introducing event sourcing • Event sourcing, fairly common technique • An immutable stream of events from which all states can be derivate 11
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13 .ENLIGHTENMENT - QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATIVE Introducing event sourcing • Problem: now we have increased our data by an order of magnitude. • How can we query this efficiently? 13
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15 .ENLIGHTENMENT - QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATIVE What is our unicorn database? • Able to ingest large amount of data • Data available immediately after ingestion • No loss of granularity • Flexible querying capabilities • Sub-second response time • Horizontally scalable 15
16 .ENLIGHTENMENT - QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATIVE Vitess • Let’s shard the data • Now we have N shards of problems • Still has the limitations of MySQL • Poor analytical support (at the time) 16
17 .ENLIGHTENMENT - QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATIVE Kudu/Impala • Promising, very clean and well defined SQL interface • Compatible with HDFS & Parquets • Column oriented • But unable to reach sub-second querying time over billions of rows 17
18 .ENLIGHTENMENT - QUEST FOR AN ALTERNATIVE Google BigQuery • Scale well, millions or billions doesn’t matter • Fully managed: it’s someone else problem • Standard SQL support • Not open source • Not made for sub-second querying 18
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21 .ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE ClickHouse • Able to ingest a huge amount of data • Sub-second on large dataset of non-aggregated data • Flexible query capabilities: SQLish dialect • Column oriented • Scales very well vertically • Horizontally scalable • Open source 21
22 .ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE ClickHouse SELECT toStartOfQuarter(created_at) AS Quarter, 30 rows in set. mcc AS Country, Elapsed: 0.33sec. floor(sum(sign * rate)) AS Total, Processed 497.91 million rows, sum(sign) AS MessageCount 4.95 GB FROM messages (1.42 billions rows/s., 14.39 GB/s.) WHERE created_at >= '2018-01-01' AND customer = 666 GROUP BY Quarter, Country 22
23 .ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE ClickHouse what’s the trick? • Column oriented, you only pay for what you select • Each column can potentially be processed in parallel • Carefully crafted code makes use of vectorisation instructions • Different table engines fit for different needs • Horizontally scalable 23
24 .So, how to ingest ever changing data into ClickHouse 24
25 .ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE CollapsingMergeTree • You write twice the amount of data, but eventually end up with a single row per PK • Based on the idea of log compaction • Excels at analytical queries on a large amount of data 25
26 . Primary key style ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE Collapsing what? sign date id status price 1 2018-10-08 666 ACCEPTED 0.01 26
27 .ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE Collapsing what? sign date id status price 1 2018-10-08 666 ACCEPTED 0.01 -1 2018-10-08 666 ACCEPTED 0.01 27
28 .ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE Collapsing what? sign date id status price 1 2018-10-08 666 ACCEPTED 0.01 -1 2018-10-08 666 ACCEPTED 0.01 1 2018-10-08 666 DELIVERED 0.05 28
29 .ENLIGHTENMENT - CLICKHOUSE USE CASE Collapsing what? SELECT sum(sign * price) AS total FROM dataset sign date id status price 1 2018-10-08 666 ACCEPTED 0.01 -1 2018-10-08 666 ACCEPTED 0.01 1 2018-10-08 666 DELIVERED 0.05 29