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使用Analytics Zoo和Intel SGX实现可扩展的隐私保护机器学习系统 Part II
本次讲座主要介绍如何通过Analytics Zoo和Graphene-SGX,在Intel SGX上实现可扩展的隐私保护机器学习系统。其中包括安全可信的Cluster Serving、隐私保护的共享学习以及联邦学习。
Key points:
- Analytics-Zoo
- Intel SGX & Graphene-SGX
- Secured Cluster Serving
- Shared Machine Learning & Federated Learning
Part II PPML & Federated Learning (42’40”)
- Intel SGX
- Graphene-SGX
- Analytics Zoo
- Analytics Zoo Secured Cluster Serving on Graphene-SGX
1 .Analytics Zoo and PPML Dongjie Shi
2 . Agenda • TEE • Intel SGX • Graphene-SGX • Analytics Zoo • Analytics Zoo Secured Cluster Serving on Graphene-SGX *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
3 . Comparison of PPML Technologies Measures Good ---> bad Security HE MPC TEE Clear Text Latency Clear Text TEE MPC HE I/O cost Clear Text TEE MPC HE PPML Technologies TEE MPC HE Clear Text Implementation CPU HW dominated by Current CPU dominate, CPU/GPU instruction sets + GPU but with GPU SW SDK acceleration optimization Computation 10%~10X slower 10~100X slower ~10000x slower 1x (Baseline) Speed *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
4 . TEE: Trusted Execution Environment • TEE is a tamper resistant processing environment that runs on a separation kernel. • Goals of TEE • Isolated Execution • TEE/Normal OS may be malicious • Secure Storage • Integrity, Confidentiality, Freshness • Remote Attestation • determine the level of trust in the integrity of attestator • Secure Provisioning • remotely manage and update its data in a secure way • Trusted I/O Path • protects authenticity, and optionally confidentiality, of communication between TEE and peripherals *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 4
5 . Intel® SGX (Intel® Software Guard Extensions) • SGX protects selected code and data from disclosure or modification. • Enhances confidentiality and integrity • Low learning curve • Remotely attest and provision • Help Significantly reduce attack surface • The primary SGX abstraction is an enclave: an isolated execution environment within the virtual address space of a process. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 5
6 . Graphene-SGX: A Practical Library OS for Unmodified Applications on SGX Case Studies Big Data AI Big Data + AI Properties Refactoring Challenges • Mature, widely deployed code • Takes time and effort • Complex with millions of lines of code • May introduce bugs in mature code • Written in C, Python, Java • Need a separate SDK for every language • Use OS services • Developer expertise to know how to refactor • No access to source code of 3rd party apps *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 6
7 . Graphene-SGX: Objectives & Solution • Objectives • Develop a tool to secure an application that: • Provides isolation without any code modification • Supports policy-based security enforcement (Manifest, trusted, allowed) • Does not compromise performance • Provides transparent support for attestation and secure OS services • Solution • Graphene: A Library OS for running unmodified Linux applications inside SGX enclaves *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 7
8 . Library OS Background • Approach was championed by several OS designs in early 90’s with a focus on performance • Runs a part of OS functionality as a library in application • Communication to the host OS with a small fixed set of abstractions • Offers a secure alternative to large traditional OS system call interface App App App App App App Bin/Lib Bin/Lib Bin/Lib Bin/Lib Bin/Lib Bin/Lib Lib OS Lib OS Lib OS Large System call Small System call Interface 300+ Interface 40+ Host OS OS functions Host OS OS functions *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 8
9 . Graphene-SGX Architecture *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 9
10 . AI on Big Data *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 10
11 . Integrated Big Data Analytics and AI Seamless Scaling from Laptop to Distributed Big Data Prototype on laptop Experiment on clusters Production deployment w/ using sample data with history data distributed data pipeline Production Data pipeline • Easily prototype end-to-end pipelines that apply AI models to big data • “Zero” code change from laptop to distributed cluster • Seamlessly deployed on production Hadoop/K8s clusters • Automate the process of applying machine learning to big data *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 11
12 . Analytics Zoo Unified Data Analytics and AI Platform Models & Recommendation Time Series Computer Vision NLP Algorithms Automated ML AutoML for Time Series Automatic Cluster Serving Workflow Integrated Distributed TensorFlow & PyTorch on Spark RayOnSpark Analytics & AI Pipelines Spark Dataframes & ML Pipelines for DL InferenceModel Laptop K8s Cluster Hadoop Cluster Spark Cluster Compute Environment DL Frameworks Distributed Analytics Python Libraries (TF/PyTorch/OpenVINO/…) (Spark/Flink/Ray/…) (Numpy/Pandas/sklearn/…) Powered by oneAPI https://github.com/intel-analytics/analytics-zoo *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 12
13 . Analytics Zoo Cluster Serving http request HTTP Server Model Network http response connection Input Queue for requests Docker container R5 R3 R1 R4 R2 P1 P3 P5 Hadoop*/YARN* (or K8S*) cluster P2 P4 Simple Python script Output Queue for prediction results *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 13
14 . 1. Install and prepare Cluster Serving environment on a local node 2. Launch the Cluster Serving service 3. Distributed, real-time (streaming) inference *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 14
15 . Secured Cluster Serving on Graphene-SGX Flink Cluster 3 Flink Task Manager TLS Enabled 4 TLS Redis PUT/GET Redis 5 TLS Data Plane 2 TLS Redis PUT/GET TLS HTTPS Flink Task Manager HTTP(S) Frontend TLS RPC/BLOB 1 Flink Job Manager 5 (Dispatcher, Resource HTTPS Manager) 6 1. Https protocol for customers to send requests Cluster serving jar 2.4. Put and Get data from Redis Flink Client 3. TLS enabled Redis 7 Graphene- 5. Flink internal communication with TLS enabled plain 6. Flink external communication with TLS enabled SGX Encrypted model files 7. Encrypted model loading *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 15
16 . Secured HTTP Frontend & Secured Redis • Secured HTTP Frontend • TLS HTTPS enabled REST requests • TLS enabled Jedis GET/PUT to Redis • TLS Enabled Redis • Rebuild Redis with BUILD_TLS=yes • HTTP Frontend TLS enabled Jedis GET/PUT to Redis • Flink Source/Sink TLS enabled Jedis GET/PUT to Redis *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 16
17 . Secured Flink Cluster • Flink SSL Setup and Internal and External Connectivity • Internal • nano flink-conf.yaml xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx • External *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 17
18 . Encrypted Model loading • Encrypted Model loading • trait EncryptSupportive • def encryptWithAES256(content: String, secret: String, salt: String): String • def decryptWithAES256(content: String, secret: String, salt: String): String • def encryptFileWithAES256(filePath: String, secret: String, salt: String, outputFile: String, encoding: String = "UTF-8") • def decryptFileWithAES256(filePath: String, secret: String, salt: String): String • def decryptFileWithAES256(filePath: String, secret: String, salt: String, outputFile: String) • InferenceModel • def doLoadEncryptedOpenVINO(modelPath: String, weightPath: String, secret: String, salt: String, batchSize: Int = 0) • ClusterServing • secret/salt = jedis.hget(Conventions.MODEL_SECURED_KEY, Conventions.MODEL_SECURED_SECRET/…) • model.doLoadEncryptedOpenVINO(defPath, weightPath, secret, salt, coreNum) *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 18
19 .Run Executable on Graphene-SGX executable executable trusted_children (loader.exec) executable trusted_children manifest manifest executable executable trusted_children Trusted Libs Trusted Libs Manifest Template manifest.sgx manifest.sgx Graphene executable trusted_children Trusted Files Trusted Files Makefile token token executable trusted_children executable trusted_children SGX_SIGNER_KEY manifest.sgx Manifest.sgx sig sig Enclave trusted_children Enclave Configure & measurement pal_loader 19
20 . Run Analytics Zoo Secured Cluster Serving on Graphene-SGX • Two Executables(loader.exec) • loader.exec = file:redis-server • loader.exec = file:/bin/bash • child enclaves: sgx.trusted_children.ls, sgx.trusted_children.cat, sgx.trusted_children.rm, …, sgx.trusted_children.java = file:/usr/bin/java • Trusted Files: sgx.trusted_files.keys_keystore_*** = file:/home/sgx/keys/*** • Allowed Files: sgx.allowed_files.jvm = file:/usr/lib/jvm • Enlarge enclave size: sgx.enclave_size = 32G • Enlarge thread num: sgx.thread_num = 1024 • Run the commands • SGX=1 ./pal_loader redis-server … • SGX=1 ./pal_loader bash.manifest -c “………..” *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. 20
21 .Thanks! 21