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有道是:不识PWA的Web程序员,便称英雄也枉然!渐进式网页应用(Progressive Web Application)技术的诞生让网页程序提供比拟原生应用的用户体验和功能,随着“瞬时应用安装”,“离线工作模式”,“本地文件访问”,“高性能WebAssembly”等新能力逐步引入,PWA正在在技术演进的路上狂飙。
1 . 中国PWA开发者日 Web 开发的现状与未来 1
2 . The Web development environment has experienced a fundamental change Near native performance Multiple programming language Modern hardware capabilities achieved supported exposed 2
3 . Accessing hardware capabilities from Web AI inference is accelerated Web rendering performance Efficient access to media Wasm SIMD & Threading boosted with WebGPU codec through Web Codecs 3
4 . Progressive Web App combines the best of Web and Native 4