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Building Reliable Data Lakes at Scale with Delta Lake
Most data practitioners grapple with data reliability issues—it’s the bane of their existence. Data engineers, in particular, strive to design, deploy, and serve reliable data in a performant manner so that their organizations can make the most of their valuable corporate data assets.
Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings ACID transactions to Apache Spark™ and big data workloads. Built on open standards, Delta Lake employs co-designed compute and storage and is compatible with Spark API’s. It powers high data reliability and query performance to support big data use cases, from batch and streaming ingests, fast interactive queries to machine learning. In this tutorial we will discuss the requirements of modern data engineering, the challenges data engineers face when it comes to data reliability and performance and how Delta Lake can help. Through presentation, code examples and notebooks, we will explain these challenges and the use of Delta Lake to address them. You will walk away with an understanding of how you can apply this innovation to your data architecture and the benefits you can gain.
This tutorial will be both instructor-led and hands-on interactive session. Instructions on how to get tutorial materials will be covered in class.
What you’ll learn:
Understand the key data reliability challenges
How Delta Lake brings reliability to data lakes at scale
Understand how Delta Lake fits within an Apache Spark™ environment
How to use Delta Lake to realize data reliability improvements
A fully-charged laptop (8-16GB memory) with Chrome or Firefox
Pre-register for Databricks Community Edition
1 .Building Reliable Delta Lakes at scale
2 .Steps to running this tutorial Instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta 1. Create an account + sign in to Databricks Community Edition https://databricks.com/try 2. Create a cluster with Databricks Runtime 6.1 3. Import the Python notebook and attach it to the cluster You can also use Scala notebook if you prefer
3 .The Promise of the Data Lake 1. Collect 2. Store it all in 3. Data Science & Everything the Data Lake Machine Learning 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 • Recommendation Engines • Risk, Fraud Detection • IoT & Predictive Maintenance • Genomics & DNA Sequencing Garbage In Garbage Stored Garbage Out Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
4 . What does a typical data lake project look like? Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
5 . Evolution of a Cutting-Edge Data Lake Events ? Streaming Analytics Data Lake AI & Reporting Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
6 . Evolution of a Cutting-Edge Data Lake Events Streaming Analytics Data Lake AI & Reporting Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
7 . Challenge #1: Historical Queries? λ-arch 1 λ-arch Events 1 1 λ-arch Streaming Analytics Data Lake AI & Reporting Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
8 . Challenge #2: Messy Data? λ-arch 1 λ-arch Events 1 2 Validation 1 λ-arch Streaming Analytics 2 Validation Data Lake AI & Reporting Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
9 . Challenge #3: Mistakes and Failures? λ-arch 1 λ-arch Events 1 2 Validation 1 λ-arch Streaming 3 Reprocessing Analytics 2 Validation Partitioned 3 Reprocessing Data Lake AI & Reporting Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
10 . Challenge #4: Updates? λ-arch 1 λ-arch Events 1 2 Validation 1 λ-arch Streaming 3 Reprocessing Analytics 4 Updates 2 Validation Partitioned 3 4 Scheduled to Avoid Modifications Reprocessing Data Lake 4 DELETE, UPDATE AI & Reporting & MERGE Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
11 .Wasting Time & Money Solving Systems Problems Instead of Extracting Value From Data Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
12 .Data Lake Distractions No atomicity means failed production jobs ✗ leave data in corrupt state requiring tedious recovery No quality enforcement creates inconsistent and unusable data No consistency / isolation makes it almost impossible to mix appends and reads, batch and streaming Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
13 .Let’s try it instead with Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
14 . Challenges of the Data Lake λ-arch 1 λ-arch 1 2 Validation Events 1 λ-arch Streaming 3 Reprocessing Analytics 4 Updates 2 Validation Partitioned 3 4 Scheduled to Avoid Modifications Reprocessing Data Lake 4 UPDATE & AI & Reporting MERGE Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
15 . The Architecture *Data Quality Levels * Bronze Silver Gold Kinesis Streaming Analytics CSV, Raw Business-level JSON, TXT… Data Lake Filtered, Cleaned Ingestion Augmented Aggregates AI & Reporting Quality Delta Lake allows you to incrementally improve the quality of your data until it is ready for consumption. Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
16 . The Architecture *Data Quality Levels * Bronze Silver Gold Kinesis Streaming Analytics CSV, Raw Business-level JSON, TXT… Data Lake Filtered, Cleaned Ingestion Augmented Aggregates AI & Reporting Full ACID Transactions Focus on your data flow, instead of worrying about failures. Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
17 . The Architecture *Data Quality Levels * Bronze Silver Gold Kinesis Streaming Analytics CSV, Raw Business-level JSON, TXT… Data Lake Filtered, Cleaned Ingestion Augmented Aggregates AI & Reporting Open Standards, Open Source Store petabytes of data without worries of lock-in. Growing community including Spark, Presto, Hive and more. Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
18 . The Bronze Silver Gold Kinesis Streaming Analytics CSV, Raw Business-level JSON, TXT… Data Lake Filtered, Cleaned Ingestion Augmented Aggregates AI & Reporting Powered by Unifies Streaming / Batch. Convert existing jobs with minimal modifications. Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
19 . The OVERWRITE MERGE INSERT DELETE Bronze Silver Gold Kinesis Streaming Analytics CSV, Raw Business-level JSON, TXT… Data Lake Filtered, Cleaned Ingestion Augmented Aggregates UPDATE AI & Reporting Support for DMLs Use Delete/Update/Merge operations for data corrections, GDPR, Change Data Capture, etc. Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
20 .Open source and open formats Delete, Update, Merge Unified Batch and Streaming Audit History sources Versioning and Time Travel ACID Transactions Scalable metadata management Schema Enforcement and Support from Spark, Presto, Hive Evolution Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
21 .Used by 1000s of organizations world wide > 2 exabyte processed last month alone Tutorial instructions - https://dbricks.co/saiseu19-delta
22 .Let’s begin the tutorial!
23 .Build your own Delta Lake at https://delta.io