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Maps and Meaning- Graph-based Entity Resolution in Apache Spark
Data integration and the automation of tedious data extraction tasks are the fundamental building blocks of a data-driven organizations and are overlooked or underestimated at times. Aside from data extraction, scraping and ETL tasks, entity resolution is a crucial step in successfully combining datasets. The combination of data sources is usually what provides richness in features and variance. Building an expertise in entity resolution is important for data engineerings to successfully combine data sources. Graph-based entity resolution algorithms have emerged as a highly effective approach.
This talk will present the implementation of a graph-bases entity resolution technique in GraphX and in GraphFrames respectively. Working from concept, through how to implement the algorithm in Spark, the technique will also be illustrated by walking through a practical example. The technique will exhibit an example where efficacy can be achieved based on simple heuristics, and at the same time map a path to a machine-learning assisted entity resolution engine with a powerful knowledge graph at its center.
The role of ML can be found upstream in building the graph, for example by using classification algorithms in determining the link strength between nodes based on data, or downstream where dimensionality reduction can play a role in clustering and reduce the computational load in the resolution stage. The audience will leave with a clear picture of a scalable data pipeline performing entity resolution effectively and a thorough understanding of the internal mechanism, ready to apply it to their use cases.
1 .WIFI SSID:Spark+AISummit | Password: UnifiedDataAnalytics
2 .Maps and Meaning Graph-based Entity Resolution Hendrik Frentrup, systemati.co #UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
3 .Maps and Meaning Graph based Entity Resolution Data is the new oil #UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit Source: Jordi Guzmán (creative commons)3
4 .Building Value Streams Data Warehousing Data Refining Data Extraction Source: Malcolm Manners (creative commons)
5 .Data Pipeline Machine Learning Source 1 Data Modelling Visualisation Presentation Dashboards … Source 3 Source N Statistical Analysis Inference Predictions Data Extraction Transformation Integration
6 . Upstream integrations First Order Transformation: • Deduplication -> df.dictinct() Source 1 • Transformations -> df.withColumn(col, expr(col)) • Mapping -> df.withColumnRenamed(old, new) Second Order Transformation: • Denormalisation -> lhs.join(rhs, key) … Source 3 Nth Order Transformation: Source N • Merge N Sources -> Entity Resolution
7 .Outline • Motivation • Entity Resolution Example • Graph-based Entity Resolution Algorithm • Data Pipeline Architecture • Implementation – In GraphFrames (Python API) – In GraphX (Scala API) • The Role of Machine Learning in Entity Resolution
8 . Example: Find Duplicates • Merge records in your Address Book ID First Name Last Name Email Mobile Number Phone Number 1 Harry Mulisch harry@mulisch.nl +31 101 1001 2 HKV Mulisch Harry.Mulish@gmail.com +31 666 7777 3 author@heaven.nl +31 101 1001 4 Harry Mulisch +31 123 4567 +31 666 7777 ID First Name Last Name Email Mobile Number Phone Number 1 Harry/HKV Mulisch harry@mulisch.nl, +31 101 1001, +31 666 7777 Harry.Mulish@gmail.com, +31 123 4567 author@heaven.nl
9 .…such as Google Contacts
10 . Example: Resolving records ID First Name Last Name Email Mobile Number Phone Number Source 1 Harry Mulisch harry@mulisch.nl +31 101 1001 Phone 2 S Nadolny +49 899 9898 Phone 3 Harry Mulisch +31 123 4567 +31 666 7777 Phone 4 author@heaven.nl +31 101 1001 Gmail 5 Sten Nadolny sten@slow.de +49 899 9898 Gmail 6 Max Frisch max@andorra.ch Outlook 7 HKV Harry.Mulish@gmail.com +31 666 7777 Outlook
11 .Graph Algorithm Walkthrough
12 .1 4 Harry Mulisch author@heaven.nl harry@mulisch.nl +31 101 1001 • Each record is a node +31 101 1001 5 Sten Nadolny sten@slow.de • Create edges based on +49 899 9898 similarities 2 S Nadolny +49 899 9898 • Collect connected nodes 6 Max Frisch max@andorra.ch • Consolidate 3 7 Harry Mulisch HKV +31 123 4567 Harry.Mulish@gmail.com information in records +31 666 7777 +31 666 7777
13 .1 4 Harry Mulisch author@heaven.nl harry@mulisch.nl +31 101 1001 • Each record is a node +31 101 1001 5 Sten Nadolny sten@slow.de • Create edges based on +49 899 9898 similarities 2 S Nadolny +49 899 9898 • Collect connected nodes 6 Max Frisch max@andorra.ch • Consolidate 3 7 Harry Mulisch HKV +31 123 4567 Harry.Mulish@gmail.com information in records +31 666 7777 +31 666 7777 Copyright 2019 © systemati.co
14 .Harry Mulisch author@heaven.nl harry@mulisch.nl +31 101 1001 +31 101 1001 1 6 Max Frisch 4 max@andorra.ch • Each record is a node 3 7 • Create edges based on HKV Harry.Mulish@gmail.com +31 666 7777 similarities Harry Mulisch +31 123 4567 +31 666 7777 • Collect connected nodes 5 Sten Nadolny sten@slow.de +49 899 9898 • Consolidate 2 S Nadolny +49 899 9898 information in records
15 . Max Frisch max@andorra.ch 1 6 4 • Each record is a node 3 7 • Create edges based on similarities Harry Mulisch/HKV • Collect connected harry@mulisch.nl, nodes 5 author@heaven.nl, Harry.Mulish@gmail.com +31 123 4567 Sten/S Nadolny +31 666 7777 +31 101 1001 sten@slow.de • Consolidate 2 +49 899 9898 information in records
16 .Entity Resolution Pipeline Architecture Data Hub/Lake/Warehouse Source 1 Resolve Merge Entities Entities … … Source 3 … Source N Source Clean Appended Resolved Consolidated Copy Records records records Nodes Extract
17 .Technical Implementation
18 .Graphs in Apache Spark GraphX GraphFrames Python API 👍 Scala API 👍 👍
19 .With GraphFrames
20 . Create nodes • Add an id column to the dataframe of records from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id nodes = records.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id()) Identifiers Attributes +---+------------+-----------+-----------+---------+----------+--------------+ | id| ssn| email| phone| address| DoB| Name| +---+------------+-----------+-----------+---------+----------+--------------+ | 0| 714-12-4462| len@sma.ll| 6088881234| ...| 15/4/1937| Lennie Small | | 1| 481-33-1024| geo@mil.tn| 6077654980| ...| 15/4/1937| Goerge Milton|
21 .Edge creation match_cols = [”ssn", ”email"] mirrorColNames = [f"_{col}" for col in records.columns] mirror = records.toDF(*mirrorColNames) mcond = [col(c) == col(f'_{c}') for c in match_cols] cond = [(col("id") != col("_id")) & \ reduce(lambda x,y: x | y, mcond)] edges = records.join(mirror, cond) cond: [Column<b'((NOT (id = _id)) AND (((ssn = _ssn) OR (email = _email))
22 .Resolve entities and consolidation • Connected Components graph = gf.GraphFrame(nodes, edges) sc.setCheckpointDir("/tmp/checkpoints") cc = graph.connectedComponents() • Consolidate Components entities = cc.groupby(”components”).collect_set(”name”)
23 .With GraphX
24 .Strongly Typed Scala • Defining the schema of our data val record_schema = StructType( Seq( StructField(name = ”id", dataType = LongType, nullable = false), StructField(name = ”name", StringType, true), StructField(name = ”email", StringType, true), StructField(name = ”ssn", LongType, true), StructField(name = ”attr", StringType, true) )) 24
25 .Node creation • Add an ID column to records • Turn DataFrame into RDD val nodesRDD = records.map(r => (r.getAs[VertexId]("id"), 1)).rdd
26 . Edge creation val mirrorColNames = for (col <- records.columns) yield "_"+col.toString val mirror = records.toDF(mirrorColNames: _*) def conditions(matchCols: Seq[String]): Column = { col("id")=!=col("_id") && matchCols.map(c => col(c)===col("_"+c)).reduce(_ || _) } val edges = records.join(mirror, conditions(Seq(”ssn", ”email”))) val edgesRDD = edges .select("id","_id") .map(r => Edge(r.getAs[VertexId](0),r.getAs[VertexId](1),null)) .rdd
27 .Resolve entities and consolidation • Connected Components val graph = Graph(nodesRDD, edgesRDD) val cc = graph.connectedComponents() • Consolidate Components val entities = cc.vertices.toDF() val resolved_records = records.join(entities, $"id"===$"_1") val res_records = resolved_records .withColumnRenamed("_2", ”e_id") .groupBy(”e_id") .agg(collect_set($”name"))
28 .Resolve operation Columns to match: [“ssn”,”email”] Input: Output: DataFrame DataFrame
29 .Evaluation • Number of source records per entity • Business logic: Entities by Nr of Source – Conflicts (multiple SSNs) 300 250 • Distribution of matches 200 150 100 50 vs. 0 in one in two in three in four source sources sources sources