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Modern ETL Pipelines with Change Data Capture
In this talk we’ll present how at GetYourGuide we’ve built from scratch a completely new ETL pipeline using Debezium, Kafka, Spark and Airflow, which can automatically handle schema changes. Our starting point was an error prone legacy system that ran daily, and was vulnerable to breaking schema changes, which caused many sleepless on-call nights. As most companies, we also have traditional SQL databases that we need to connect to in order to extract relevant data.
This is done usually through either full or partial copies of the data with tools such as sqoop. However another approach that has become quite popular lately is to use Debezium as the Change Data Capture layer which reads databases binlogs, and stream these changes directly to Kafka. As having data once a day is not enough anymore for our bussiness, and we wanted our pipelines to be resilent to upstream schema changes, we’ve decided to rebuild our ETL using Debezium.
We’ll walk the audience through the steps we followed to architect and develop such solution using Databricks to reduce operation time. By building this new pipeline we are now able to refresh our data lake multiple times a day, giving our users fresh data, and protecting our nights of sleep.
1 .WIFI SSID:Spark+AISummit | Password: UnifiedDataAnalytics
2 .Modern ETL Pipelines with Change Data Capture Thiago Rigo and David Mariassy, GetYourGuide #UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
3 .Who are we? Software engineer for the past 7 5 years of experience in years, last 3 focused on data Business Intelligence and Data engineering. Engineering roles from the Berlin e-commerce scene. Senior Data Engineer, Data Platform. Data Engineer, Data Platform.
4 .Agenda 1 Intro to GetYourGuide 2 GYG’s Legacy ETL Pipeline 3 Rivulus ETL Pipeline 4 Conclusion 5 Questions
5 .Intro to GetYourGuide
6 .We make it simple to book and enjoy incredible experiences
7 .Europe’s largest marketplace for travel experiences 50k+ 25M+ Products in 150+ Tickets sold countries 150+ 600+ $650M+ Traveler nationalities Strong global team In VC funding
8 .GYG’s Legacy ETL Pipeline
9 . Where we started Breaking Requires Long schema Difficult to special recovery Bad SLAs changes test knowledge times upstream
10 . What we wanted Automatic Breaking Requires Familiar Long handling schemaof Maximum Difficult Built forto tooling special (Scala, recovery Better Bad SLAs SLAs changes schema parallelism testability test knowledge SQL) times upstream changes
11 .Rivulus ETL Pipeline
12 .Overview
13 .Extraction Layer
14 .The pipeline
15 .Debezium ● Open source distributed platform for change data capture ● Can read several databases ○ MySQL, Postgres, Cassandra, Oracle, SQL Server, and Mongo DB ● It works as a connector part of Kafka Connect ● It streams the database's event log into Kafka ● Streams those changes to Kafka
16 .Schema Service ● Scala library ● Keeps track of all schema changes applied to the tables ● Holds PK, timestamp and partition columns ● Prevents breaking changes from being introduced ○ Type changes ● Upcast types ● Schema Service works on column level Automatic handling of schema changes
17 .Avro Converter ● Regular Scala application ● Runs as part of Airflow DAG ● Reads raw Avro files from S3 ● Communicates with Schema Service to handle schema changes automatically ● Writes out Parquet files Automatic handling of schema changes
18 .Upsert ● Spark application ● Runs as part of Airflow DAG ● Reads in new Parquet files ● Communicates with Schema Service to get PK, timestamp and partition columns ● Compacts the data based on table’s PK ● Creates Hive table which contains a replica of source DB
19 .Transformation Layer
20 .The performance penalty of managing transformation dependencies inefficiently
21 .The gradual forsaking of performance on the altar of dependency management Humble beginnings ● Small set of transformations. ● Small team / single engineer. ● Simple one-to-one type dependencies. ● Defining an optimal dependency model by hand is possible.
22 .The gradual forsaking of performance on the altar of dependency management Humble Complexity on beginnings the horizon ● Growing set of transformations. ● Growing team. ● One-to-many / many-to-many type dependencies. ● Defining a dependency model by hand becomes cumbersome and error-prone
23 .The gradual forsaking of performance on the altar of dependency management The hard choice Humble Complexity on between beginnings the horizon performance and correctness ● As optimal dependency models become ever more difficult to maintain and expand manually without making errors, teams decide to optimise for correctness over performance. ● This results in crude dependency models with a lot of sequential execution in places where parallelization would be possible.
24 .The gradual forsaking of performance on the altar of dependency management The hard choice The Humble Complexity on between performance beginnings the horizon performance bottleneck and strikes back correctness ● Sequential execution results in long execution and long recovery times. In other words Poor SLAs. ● 💣🔥
25 .Rivulus SQL for automated dependency inference Maximum parallelism
26 .Main components ● SQL transformations ○ A collection of Rivulus SQL files that make use of a set of custom template variables. ● Executor app ○ Spark app that executes a single transformation at a time. ● DGB (Dependency Graph Builder) ○ Parses all files in the SQL library and builds a dependency graph of the transformations by interpolating Rivulus SQL template vars. ● Airflow ○ Executes the transformations on Databricks in the order specified by the DGB.
27 .Rivulus SQL syntax ● {% reference:target ‘dim_tour’ %} ○ Declares a dependency between this transformation and the dim_tour transformation that must be defined in the same SQL library ● {% reference:source ‘gyg__customer’ %} ○ Declares a dependency between this transformation and a raw data source (gyg.customer) that is loaded to Hive by an extraction job ● {% load ‘file.sql’ %} ○ Loads a reusable subquery defined in file.sql into this transformation. Familiar tooling (Scala, SQL)
28 . SELECT Example nps_feedback_id , nps_feedback_stage_id , booking_id , score Rivulus SQL { , feedback "fact_nps_feedback": { , update_timestamp "source_dependencies": [ , source "gyg__nps_feedback" FROM {% reference:source 'gyg__nps_feedback' %} AS nf ], Build time LEFT JOIN {% reference:target 'dim_nps_feedback_stage' %} nfs "transformation_dependencies": [ "dim_nps_feedback_stage" ON nfs.nps_feedback_stage_name = nf.stage ] } } DGB Executor Build time Airflow app invocations Runtime on DB
29 . A word on testing ● Maximum parallelism enhances testability Built for testability ● Separation of config from code ○ Configurable input and output paths