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Power Your Delta Lake with Streaming Transactional Changes
Organizations are adopting data digitization and data-driven decision making is at the heart of this transformation. Cloud Data Lakes and Datawarehouses provide great flexibility to proto-type and roll out applications continuously at much lower costs.
Transactional databases are optimized for processing huge volumes of transactions in real-time, whereas the cloud data lake needs to be optimized for analyzing huge volumes of data quickly. This brings about a challenge in creating a streamlined data flow process from capturing realtime transactions into a cloud datawarehouse to drive realtime insights in a scalable and cost effective manner.
In this session, we’ll show how organizations can easily overcome that challenge by adopting a robust platform with StreamSets and Delta Lake. StreamSets provides a no-code framework to automate ingestion of transactional data and data processing on Spark, while Delta Lake provides ACID transactions, scalable metadata handling, and unifies streaming and batch data processing.
1 .WIFI SSID:Spark+AISummit | Password: UnifiedDataAnalytics
2 .Power your Delta Lake with streaming transactional changes Rupal Shah Director, Cloud Services StreamSets
3 .NEW DATA CONTINUOUSLY GENERATED User Behavior Data Reporting Click Streams Dashboards Sensor data (IoT) DATA LAKE Alerting Video/Speech Usage/Billing data Machine Telemetry Commerce Data …
4 . Performance Data Integrity Reporting Dashboards NEW DATA DATA LAKE Alerting Cost Infrastructure
5 . Delta Lake 2. Query Performance 1. Data Reliability Fast at Scale (10-100x Faster) Cheaper to Operate Indexing & Caching ACID Compliant Transactions Schema Enforcement & Evolution LOTS OF NEW DATA Reporting User Behavior Data Click Streams Dashboards Sensor data (IoT) Alerting Video/Speech Machine Learning Usage/Billing data Machine Telemetry 3. Simplified Architecture Commerce Data Unify batch & streaming … Early data availability for analytics
6 .StreamSets DataOps platform powers continuous data by operationalizing the full data flow lifecycle Monitoring Design Deploy Operate Smart Data Pipelines Automation • Single tool for all data, all use • Performance and security • Continuous delivery cases SLAs across lifecycle • Built-in drift handling • End-to-end views • Supports all data platforms to avoid lock-in
7 . End to End Data Integration Data Stores • Bulk Data Consumers • Micro-Batch • CDC Integrate Prep Analyze Raw Curated Consumer Internal & External Message Request Databases Queues Ready Ingest APIs ELT Distribute Sources Events ETL ML • Streaming Sensors Machines Logs • Edge Data Shipping • Micro-batch Collaborative Development, Continuous Design Data Platforms Deployment Flexibility: Choose, Change On-premise, private cloud or public cloud
9 .Change Data Capture
10 . Slowly Changing Dimension
11 .Take Aways • No code • Powers Delta Lake with Fast Data • Handles complex data integration logic (CDC, SCD, …) with ease • Become a DataOps champion!
12 .Next Steps… • Visit booth #88 for further information • Get started with StreamSets for powering your Delta Lakes: https://streamsets.com/download/ • Get slack’ing with StreamSets ninjas https://streamsetters-slack.herokuapp.com/