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Updates from Project Hydrogen - Unifying State-of-the-Art AI and Big Data in Apache Spark
Updates from Project Hydrogen: Unifying State-of-the-Art AI and Big Data in Apache Spark Project Hydrogen is a major Apache Spark initiative to bring state-of-the-art AI and Big Data solutions together.
It contains three major projects:
1) barrier execution mode
2) optimized data exchange and
3) accelerator-aware scheduling.
A basic implementation of barrier execution mode was merged into Apache Spark 2.4.0, and the community is working on the latter two. In this talk, we will present progress updates to Project Hydrogen and discuss the next steps.
First, we will review the barrier execution mode implementation from Spark 2.4.0. It enables developers to embed distributed training jobs properly on a Spark cluster. We will demonstrate distributed AI integrations built on top it, e.g., Horovod and Distributed TensorFlow. We will also discuss the technical challenges to implement those integrations and future work.
Second, we will give updates on accelerator-aware scheduling and how it shall help accelerate your Spark training jobs. We will also outline on-going work for optimized data exchange.
1 .WIFI SSID:Spark+AISummit | Password: UnifiedDataAnalytics
2 .Updates from Project Hydrogen: Unifying State-of-the-Art AI and Big Data in Apache Spark Xingbo Jiang, Databricks #UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit
3 .About Me • Software Engineer at • Committer of Apache Spark Xingbo Jiang (Github: jiangxb1987)
4 .About Project Hydrogen Announced last June, Project Hydrogen is a major Spark initiative to unify state-of-the-art AI and big data workloads. Barrier Optimized Accelerator Execution Data Aware Mode Exchange Scheduling 4
5 .Why Spark + AI? 5
6 . Apache Spark: The First Unified Analytics Engine Runtime Delta Spark Core Engine Big Data Processing Machine Learning ETL + SQL +Streaming MLlib + SparkR 6
7 .AI is re-shaping the world Huge disruptive innovations are affecting most enterprises on the planet Healthcare and Genomics Fraud Prevention Digital Personalization Internet of Things and many more... 7
8 .Better AI needs more data 8
9 .The cross... ?? Continuous Horovod Processing Distributed Pandas UDF TensorFlow Structured Streaming tf.data tf.transform Keras TF XLA AI/ML Project Tungsten TensorFlow TensorFrames ML Pipelines API Caffe/PyTorch/MXNet TensorFlowOnSpark GraphLab 50+ Data Sources xgboost CaffeOnSpark scikit-learn DataFrame-based APIs LIBLINEAR glmnet Python/Java/R interfaces Map/Reduce RDD pandas/numpy/scipy R 9
10 .Why Project Hydrogen? 10
11 .Two simple stories load fit model data warehouse data load predict model stream 11
12 .Distributed training load fit model data warehouse Required: Be able to read from Required: distributed GPU cluster Delta Lake, Parquet, for fast training MySQL, Hive, etc. Answer: Horovod, Distributed Answer: Apache Spark Tensorflow, etc 12
13 .Two separate data and AI clusters? load using a Spark fit on a GPU model cluster save data cluster required: glue code 13
14 .Streaming model inference load predict model Kafka required: ● save to stream sink ● GPU for fast inference 14
15 .A hybrid Spark and AI cluster? fit a model load using a Spark distributedly model cluster w/ GPUs on the same cluster load using a Spark predict w/ GPUs as model cluster w/ GPUs a Spark task 15
16 .Unfortunately, it doesn’t work out of the box. See a previous demo.
17 .Project Hydrogen to fill the major gaps Barrier Optimized Accelerator Execution Data Aware Mode Exchange Scheduling 17
18 .Updates from Project Hydrogen ● Available features ● Future Improvement ● How to utilize 18
19 . Story #1: Distributed training fit a model load using a Spark distributedly model cluster w/ GPUs on the same cluster 19
20 .Project Hydrogen: barrier execution mode Barrier Optimized Accelerator Execution Data Aware Mode Exchange Scheduling 20
21 .Different execution models Task 1 Spark (MapReduce) Task 2 Tasks are independent of each other Task 3 Embarrassingly parallel & massively scalable Task 1 Distributed training Complete coordination among tasks Optimized for communication Task 2 Task 3 21
22 .Barrier execution mode • All tasks start together • Sufficient info to run a hybrid distributed job • Cancel and restart all tasks on failure JIRA: SPARK-24374 (Spark 2.4) 22
23 .API: RDD.barrier() RDD.barrier() tells Spark to launch the tasks together. rdd.barrier().mapPartitions { iter => val context = BarrierTaskContext.get() ... } 23
24 .API: context.barrier() context.barrier() places a global barrier and waits until all tasks in this stage hit this barrier. val context = BarrierTaskContext.get() … // preparation context.barrier() 24
25 .API: context.getTaskInfos() context.getTaskInfos() returns info about all tasks in this stage. if (context.partitionId == 0) { val addrs = context.getTaskInfos().map(_.address) ... // start a hybrid training job, e.g., via MPI } context.barrier() // wait until training finishes 25
26 .Barrier mode integration 26
27 .Horovod (an LF AI hosted project) ● Little modification to single-node code ● High-performance I/O via MPI and NCCL ● Same convergence theory ● Limitations 27
28 .Hydrogen integration with Horovod ● HorovodRunner with Databricks Runtime 5.0 ML has released ● Runs Horovod under barrier execution mode ● Hides details from users def train_hvd(): hvd.init() … # train using Horovod HorovodRunner(np=2).run(train_hvd) 28
29 .Implementation of HorovodRunner Integrating Horovod with barrier mode is straightforward: ● Pickle and broadcast the train function. ○ Inspect code and warn users about potential issues. ● Launch a Spark job in barrier execution mode. ● In the first executor, use worker addresses to launch the Horovod MPI job. ● Terminate Horovod if the Spark job got cancelled. ○ Hint: PR_SET_PDEATHSIG Limitation: ● Tailored for Databricks Runtime ML ○ Horovod built with TensorFlow/PyTorch, SSH, OpenMPI, NCCL, etc. ○ Spark 2.4, GPU cluster configuration, etc. 29