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1 .EXPERIENCES EVALUATING DCTCP Lawrence Brakmo, Boris Burkov, Greg Leclercq and Murat Mugan Facebook
2 . INTRODUCTION • Standard TCP congestion control, which only reacts to packet losses has many problems • Can result in standing queues (queues that do not dissipate) • Increases tail latencies due to loss recovery times • Penalizes smaller RPC flows • Congestion avoidance, which reacts to increasing queues, have been proposed as a solution. Of these, DCTCP is one of the most commonly used in Data Centers.
3 . ECN • ECN (Early congestion notification) marks packets that arrive when a queue size threshold has been exceeded • Original response to an ECN marking was to react as if the packet had been dropped: reduce cwnd by 50% (Reno) • In many network topologies this response is too aggressive and can result in link under-utilization • One problem is that it was not differentiating between transient and standing congestion
4 . DCTCP • DCTCP also uses ECN markings to detect queue build-up • However, instead of always reacting in the same way (50% reduction of cwnd) DCTCP reacts to the level of congestion. • Uses the percent of packets marked per RTT to determine response • If all packets marked, reduce cwnd by 50% • To deal with transient congestion, the response is based on a moving average
5 . OVERVIEW • We describe our experiences evaluating DCTCP • Initial tests were within a rack using Netesto* to create traffic and capture metrics • This uncovered various issues • 6 rack test using DC services • Using an artificial load to fully saturate network • Corroborated higher CPU utilization seen in rack tests * Network Testing Toolkit
6 . ISSUES • Issues seen in rack testing • Unfairness between senders regardless of TCP congestion control • Unfairness between flows (even with only one sender) when using ECN • High tail latencies when using DCTCP • Issues seen in 6-rack tests • Higher CPU utilization with DCTCP
7 . ISSUE: UNFAIRNESS BETWEEN SERVERS • Noticed unfairness in experiment where 3 servers send to a 4th one • 2 servers would get 25% of bandwidth each • 1 server would get 50% of bandwidth • Turned out to be due to the switch design • Switch uses 2 buffers for each output port • Input ports are assigned to one of the output buffers • 2 servers came on input ports assigned to buffer A • 1 server came to input port assigned to buffer B • Switch round-robins between buffers
8 . SWITCH ARCHITECTURE Server 1 Buffer Server 2 A Server 4 Server 3 Buffer B • 2 Servers use Buffer A • 1 Server uses Buffer B • Output port round-robins between output buffers
9 . ISSUE: UNFAIRNESS BETWEEN FLOWS WITH ECN • With only 2 flows, one flow would get much higher link utilization (23Gbps vs. 0.5 Gbps) • Wrote a tool to analyze pcaps. For each flow it could show • Per RTT metrics • Per packet details • Discovered that one flow’s RTTs were bimodal: either 60us or 1.3ms (cwnd was small < 20)
10 . BIMODAL RTT DISTRIBUITION Cause: NIC firmware using large coalescing values and 1ms timer
11 . ISSUE: HIGH TAIL LATENCIES WITH DCTCP • 1MB and 10KB RPCs had high (as compared to Cubic) tail latencies Cubic Latencies DCTCP Latencies DCTCP (fixed) Latencies 99% 99.9% 99% 99.9% 99% 99.9% 1-MB RPCs 2.6ms 5.5ms 43ms 208ms 5.8ms 6.9ms 10-KB RPCs 1.1ms 1.3ms 53ms 212ms 146us 203us
12 . ISSUE: HIGH TAIL LATENCIES WITH DCTCP (2) • There were 2 issues increasing tail latencies • RTOs caused by the receiver sending a dup ACK and not ACKing the last (and only) packet sent • Delaying ACKs when the sender has a cwnd of 1, so everything pauses for the duration of the delayed ACK • Triggered by kernel patches in 2015 • Fixes are now upstream (patches by Yuchung Cheng, Neal Cardwell and Lawrence Brakmo).
13 . 6-RACK TESTS • 3 racks are store servers • 1-3 racks (workers) read data from store servers • Cross traffic between workers 4x100Gbps 4x100Gbps FSW FSW Worker Racks Storage Racks FSW FSW
14 . 3 WORKER RACKS (LESS CONGESTION) Cubic DCTCP FSW to Worker Max Link Util % 69.9 69.8 FSW Discards (bits) 89M 236K (0.3%) Worker rack discards (bits) 417M 0 Storage Retransmits 0.020 0.000 Worker Retransmits 0.173 0.078 Storage CPU (%) X X Worker CPU (%) Y Y + 1% Storage ECN CE Marked (%) 6.5 Worker ECN CE Marked (%) 12.8
15 . 2 WORKER RACKS (MORE CONGESTION) Cubic DCTCP FSW to Worker Max Link Util % 99.1 98.7 FSW Discards (bits) 160B 157M (0.1%) Worker rack discards (bits) 2.2B 0 Storage Retransmits 0.590 0.001 Worker Retransmits 0.376 0.035 Storage CPU (%) X X + 14% Worker CPU (%) Y Y + 4% Storage ECN CE Marked (%) 5.5 Worker ECN CE Marked (%) 63.7
16 . 1 WORKER RACKS (VERY CONGESTED) Cubic DCTCP FSW to Worker Max Link Util % 99.9 98.1 FSW Discards (bits) 235B 19B (8.1%) Worker rack discards (bits) 1.1B 0 Storage Retransmits 1.020 0.125 Worker Retransmits 0.620 0.125 Storage CPU (%) X X + 10% Worker CPU (%) Y Y + 3% Storage ECN CE Marked (%) 18 Worker ECN CE Marked (%) 73
17 . RESULT SUMMARY • Fewer switch discards for DCTCP • 10x to 1000x fewer depending on load • Higher CPU utilization for DCTCP at high link utilization • At 70% link utilization, CPU use is similar • At 99% link utilization, DCTCP uses up to 14% more CPU • Depends on the percent of ECN congestion markings • Not clear whether this is an issue on production traffic
18 . ISSUE: HIGH CPU UTILIZATION • CPU Utilization increases as link utilization increased • But then decreases as load increased further • Seems to be caused by smaller packet coalescence • LRO/GRO cannot coalesce packets with different ECN values • => more packets handled by receiver • => more ACK packets handled by sender • Worst case scenario is every other packet (50%) has ECN congestion marking • Not sure how much of an issue on production workloads
19 . FUTURE WORK • Explore techniques for reducing CPU overhead when using DCTCP • Run cluster wide experiments with production workloads
20 . SUMMARY • Need better network testing for the kernel • I.e. DCTCP bug triggered by patch in 2015 • DCTCP reduces packet drops and retransmissions significantly (up to 1000x) • DCTCP increases fairness between RPC sizes • DCTCP increases CPU utilization due to reduced packet coalescing