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MongoDB Best Practice
1 .Alibaba Cloud MongoDB looks inside 2018.12.01
2 .Agenda u What’s the pain in MongoDB & best practice u MongoDB improvement at AliCloud u Valuable Services at AliCloud
3 . About Me { "name": " ", "company": "Alibaba Aliyun", "title": "NoSQL database developer", "work": "MongoDB kernel develop and services", "interests": ["MongoDB", "MySQL", "Rocksdb", ”TiDB"], "team": { "responsibility": "support public & internal NoSQL database", "contributes": "over 15 pull requests and issue in 2016" }, "find_me": "https://www.facebook.com/michaelliuxin" }
4 .MongoDB Architecture
5 .MongoDB * ReplicaSet * Mongos * Shard cluster * Config server
6 .MongoDB Internal
7 .Painful u Short connection u hard to optimize & Too much Parameters: directoryPerDB cacheSizeGB journal.enabled, oplogSize u Read(Write)Preference / Read(Write)Majority
8 .Improvements u Rewrite AUTH logical code. abandon /dev/urandom usages u DON’T use local & admin & config u cacheSize uses fixed size u journal is always true u WriteMajority for significant data. ReadMajority for non-rollback data
9 .Painful – how to deploy (long-term) u Why to using ReplicaSet ? Why Sharding ? u Evaluation: capacity, IO, CPUs u Correct MongoDB connection string u Use WiredTiger as default engine or else Feature wiredtiger mmapv1 Lock granularity Document level Collection level Write performance Excellent Good Read performance Excellent Excellent Compression Yes (snappy, zlib…) No support
10 .Improvements & Suggestion u Use Shard cluster only if you need u Secondary / Hidden / Arbiter best usages u WiredTiger can support 95% workload. Forget MMap please u Make specification upgrade easier than easy u connection string use vip to avoid updating configuration u oplog adaptive size (conform to replication)
11 .Painful – how to scale u Efficient Hash or Range sharding u How to choose a proper ShardKey u Add secondary
12 .Improvements & Suggestion u Think seriously about Hash or Range. (Hot Server) u ShardKey => cardinality & frequency. (avoid balancing) u Adding new Secondary via recovery. from backup u Rebuild a exist Secondary via recovery. from backup
13 .Painful – Understand your Query u Explain() u update, delete, find u which indexes were used u covered index (for projection) u slow Query stats u Optimizer u IDHack, Fetcher, IXScan, CollScan
14 .Improvements & Suggestion u No more fields should be fetched than exactly you need u Collects slow queries and monitoring u Indexing analyze. Remove non-used indexes for IO/Optimizer
15 .Painful – Profiling your DB u Monitor u hardware u conn, driver, read queue u replication u storage (cache, session) u Audit u CRUD, DDL, Authentic u Statement & latency & Time
16 .Suggestion u Inspect everything you should care about u Prometheus or Grafana integration u Indexing analyze. only DON’T create useless index (write sensitive)
17 .Painful – Backup your data u Tools : restore, dump u Full-Backup & Incremental-Backup u Physical and Logical Backup u Hot & Cold
18 .Improvements & Suggestion u fine grained backup policy u mongodump “—oplog” is always set. u mongorestore can be resume for large dataset. u Hot-Physical backup’s performance is 3x~100x faster: u 1). WiredTiger checkpoint. physical files copy. u 2). Improve official checkpoint performance.
19 .MongoDB Cloud Services
20 .Ecosystem Services
21 .Services – Index Recommend https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/98239.html u Collects slow quires as sample u Rules based indexing analyze u Generate detail reports and the clear recommends u Without build indexes automatically
22 .Services – Index Recommend
23 .Services - Monitoring u 1s granularity. can be shrink to 2s, 5s, 15s, 1m as well u Metrics : mongo, wiredTiger, cpu, memory … u Metrics aggregate & Integrate with alarm policy
24 .Services - Monitoring
25 .Services – Disaster Recovery
26 . MongoShake u Support multi data-center. everyone has complete data u Apps can write anywhere(non-conflict). Routing is decided via application u A portion of servers crash or lost entire data-center. Apps just route the requests to other data-center. u Performance : replicated 30w/s, latency ~1s
27 .MongoShake open-source : https://github.com/aliyun/mongo-shake
28 .